The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1897 Sacrifice (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

At this time, a young man walked in. He was wearing a black robe with stars painted on it. He was a young priest.

"Sacrificing grandpa! It's so late that you should rest early!" The young man looked at the old man and asked with a concerned smile.

The old man showed a gentle smile, "Wait, I'll write it right away, this is my usual insight, it can help you young priests, and after I die, the great star gods will need you to spread their beliefs. ."

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help showing a sad expression, because the old man really didn't have much time to live.

The strength of the old man is not strong, so the increased life span is limited. Not only that, the old man has also contracted a disease, so he wants to use the last time of his life to do something useful to others and gods.

Because of this, he was respected by various priests.

"Sacrificing grandfather to the gods is so powerful, they can perform miracles to cure your illness, you will be fine." The young man said seriously.

The old man showed a faint smile, "There is no need to trouble the great Star God, I have lived for so long now, and I have been content in my life."

The young man looked a little uncomfortable, with tears in his eyes.

The old man smiled and said, "Okay! I'll rest later, it's getting late, you rest first."

The young man shook his head, "I'll still accompany the sacrificial grandfather. When the sacrificial grandpa is asleep, I'm going to rest."

Seeing this, the old man had nothing to do. He smiled and let the young man sit on the chair next to him and continued to write.

At this time, Zhao Fu had already come outside the room. Looking at the guards guarding the door, he said to the people behind him, "Kill them!"

Now the few people behind Zhao Fu looked cold, and they were already controlled by Zhao Fu. Without any hesitation, they rushed towards the guards quickly.

The guard's expression changed, and he immediately shouted, "There is an enemy!" Then, armed with a weapon, he charged towards several people.

But a few divine guards were obviously not the opponents of Zhao Fu's people, they were directly beheaded, and the screams resounded through the night sky.

Hearing the screams outside the house, the old priest's expression changed.

The boy next to him had a terrified expression on his face, and his body trembled with fear, because he had no strength at all. If the enemy rushed in, he would definitely be dead.

The old priest understood that those people were coming for him, he quickly made a decision, smiled kindly, and said to the young man, "Don't be afraid! You hide under the bed first, and remember not to come out no matter what happens."

The young man said worriedly, "What about you to sacrifice grandpa?"

The old priest said with a smile, "I don't have to worry about you, you should hurry up and hide under the bed, otherwise it will be too late."

Hearing this, the boy could only hide under the bed in fear.


The door was kicked open, and several masked people broke into it, looking at the old priest with murderous expressions.

The old priest sat on the chair with a calm expression, without any fear, and looked at those people with a pair of eyes calmly, "Who are you?"

But those people didn't say anything, one of them swung a knife, and a huge knife light flew out, directly cutting off the head of the old priest on the chair, blood spurted out, and the body of the old priest lay on the table .

Then a man stepped forward and grabbed the head that rolled to the ground.

The teenager hid under the bed and watched this scene with his own eyes. Tears of pain welled up in his eyes. At the same time, he covered his mouth in fear and did not dare to make any sound.

Now my body is also shaking, afraid of being discovered by those people, afraid of being killed by those people.

At this time, Zhao Fu controlled those few people, and actually found the young man, but when he wanted to leave a witness, he did not kill the young man, and controlled those people to take the head and leave.

At this time, countless soldiers rushed here, deliberately controlling a few people to slow down, letting those soldiers catch up, and deliberately holding the head of the old priest in their hands, deliberately showing them to many soldiers.

The soldiers looked at the heads of the old priests who were usually respected, and rushed towards those few people with an angry expression. Zhao Fu controlled those people and killed a lot of soldiers, but there were also soldiers who rushed over and joined the battle.

In the end, Zhao Fu controlled those few people to be a little lost, and died in the hands of the many soldiers. A young warrior walked over, walked to the bodies of those few people with an angry expression, and took off the cloth on their faces.

The young man was somewhat familiar with these people, the people on the Vulcan side.

At this time, the boy with tears on his face was also brought up, and he pointed at those people angrily, "It's them who killed the sacrificial grandfather!"

The matter was quickly reported to the higher-ups of the Star God forces.

"This group of bastards, since they are attacking an old man who has no power, are simply beasts. If you have the ability, they will come to me!"

"Alas! The last time I took revenge this time, I was more opposed to assassination at the beginning. Now the assassination has failed, and my own people have been assassinated."

"Humph! We actually had a better target to start with, but because we were too young, we changed a target. At that time, we couldn't be softer. Now they don't have any hold of it."

"That old priest is deeply respected and loved by the people in our forces, and now that he has been killed, all the generals of the people want to avenge the old priest."

"Let's go to war! This war will break out sooner or later, it is better to start as soon as possible."


The Vulcan forces also learned the news.

"Hahaha, who sent someone to do this? It should be rewarded heavily, and I finally let out a bad breath. I have wanted to do this for a long time."

"It's a little strange, why haven't I heard any news, who advocated such a big thing without authorization?"

"It doesn't matter who did it, now I have received the news that the Star God forces have mobilized their forces on a large scale and plan to start a full-scale war against us, so we must start preparing to face the attack of the Star God forces."

"Alas! I don't know how many people will die in this battle."

"What are you afraid of? I've been waiting for such a day, the Vulcan forces and the Star God forces will either die or we will die."

"Don't say more nonsense, the Star God forces have already attacked, let's start the battle!"


The Star God forces brought countless soldiers to attack the Vulcan forces with ferocious and terrifying momentum. The Vulcan forces also mobilized countless troops to guard the city wall, exuding a powerful aura.


The two huge momentum collided together, and the two sides fought fiercely, blood splashed, screams continued, and people were dying constantly, and the momentum alarmed the Quartet.

Zhao Fu, who was hidden in the void, couldn't help showing a smile, disappeared in place, and returned to the Pantheon.

Two days later, some news that surprised Zhao Fu came.


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