The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1898 Vulcan

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The first piece of news was that the battle between the mountain god forces and the bear god forces was not that intense. Halfway through the war, a third party intervened. It seemed that the two forces were going to be hit hard, forcing the two forces to stop and at the same time. Resist the attack of third-party forces.

Although the battle between the Mountain God forces and the Bear Mountain forces was not fierce, this did not disappoint Zhao Fu, but was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Now it is a three-way war, with a larger scale, more people, and the greatest losses, and it is impossible for them to put their minds on the Pantheon now.

The second piece of information is that the Sun God force, successfully destroyed that force, swallowed that large territory and countless population, and now the strength has become very terrifying, and the population has reached more than 900 million.

They still did not increase the number of gods. The gods of the original force, three died, three escaped, and that force was removed from the name.

At this time, the power of the Sun God was the most terrifying, and it also aroused the vigilance of the surrounding forces, so they turned their attention to the power of the Sun God and no longer placed it on the Pantheon.

Because it is obvious that the power of the sun god is more threatening now, and all parties have also convened to discuss how to deal with the terrible power of the sun god.

The third piece of news was the war between the Vulcan and the Star God. The Star God belonged to the attacking side, and the situation was somewhat unfavorable. After paying some casualties, he could only temporarily stop the attack and think of another way to attack.

At this time, someone suggested that they should join forces with other forces to attack Vulcan, and they sent several messengers to the nearby powers.

The closest to them is a powerful force, and the Pantheon is their best choice, so they sent someone to the Pantheon as soon as possible and wanted to ask the Pantheon to help.

Zhao Fu was the most surprised by this matter. He didn't expect to provoke the relationship between the two sides. Some people on both sides wanted to join him together.

Now Zhao Fu has two choices. The first is to refuse and continue to maintain the peaceful and friendly appearance of the Pantheon. The second is to agree and take the opportunity to attack the Vulcan forces to gain some benefits.

Of the two options, the second is obviously better, because benefits can be obtained, and they are invited, not actively involved.

Zhao Fu immediately made a decision, but he did not agree directly. He still had to pretend to be peaceful and kind, and first met the messenger sent by the Star God.

In the hall, Zhao Fu was sitting at the top, and a beautiful woman was standing below. She had a beautiful face, long silver hair, and a slim figure. She was wearing a black robe with a star pattern, with a mysterious temperament.

Her appearance is somewhat similar to that of the young man beside the old priest. This beautiful woman should be the young man's mother.

"See God Lord!"

With a smile, the beautiful woman bowed respectfully to Zhao Fu. She was just a priestess. Facing such a terrifying god, her attitude must be respectful.

Zhao Fu showed a smile. Although he understood their purpose, Zhao Fu pretended not to know and asked, "Is there anything wrong with your Star God forces?"

The beautiful woman breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, feeling that the rumored Pantheon God Lord was actually not that scary.

With a smile, he said, "The great Star God asked me to go here. The purpose is to establish a friendly alliance with the Pantheon, and also ask the Pantheon to send troops to attack the nearby Vulcan forces. After the event, the entire population and materials are distributed equally."

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Pantheon is now announcing that it wants to live in peace with all parties. If you agree to your request and attack the Vulcan forces, it's a little bad!"

When the beautiful woman heard that Zhao Fu did not refuse, she was also a little surprised, "God Lord! This time you are helping your friend, it is a legitimate behavior, and no one will say anything more."

Zhao Fu looked a little hesitant.

The beautiful woman also continued with a smile, "If the Vulcan forces can be eliminated, the Pantheon can account for 60% of the total population, and this time, in order to become friends with the Pantheon, the great Star God also ordered people to bring some inconvenience. Fewer gifts."

Then the beautiful woman brought up a dozen boxes of various treasures, as well as a dozen beautiful women.

The beautiful woman said with a smile, "We carefully selected these treasures and women to present to the Lord, so as to show our intentions."

Zhao Fu glanced at those treasures and women, naturally he didn't care much, his eyes fell on the beautiful woman, she seemed to have some status in the sacrifice of the Star God forces.

Then he smiled and said, "I wonder if you are one of the gifts? If so, I can consider forming an alliance with your Star God forces and send troops to help you attack the Vulcan forces together."

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment, but she did not expect Zhao Fu to be interested in her, thinking about the sake of the Star God and the victory over the Vulcan forces, the beautiful woman smiled and nodded, "If the Lord of the Gods wants me, I am willing to dedicate myself to Lord."

Zhao Fu showed a sinister smile, "Then come with me!"

The beautiful woman didn't expect Zhao Fu to be in such a hurry. She wanted her now, her face flushed with blush, she nodded, and followed Zhao Fu to a room.

Standing in front of her, Zhao Fu asked in a soft tone, "What's your name?"

The beautiful woman understood what happened next, her face was blushing, and she replied, "Xinglingyue!"

Zhao Fu smiled and hummed. The sound of two chains rang out. The two chains shot out, tying Xing Lingyue's two hands, and then pulling up, tying the two hands together, and tying Mei The woman's body was also hanging in the air.

Xing Lingyue's heart tightened, not knowing what Zhao Fu wanted to do, she immediately asked, "Didn't you want me to serve you? Why did you do this to me?"

Zhao Fu didn't reply to her words. He stretched out a hand, and six demonic qi poured out. Then Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pressed Xing Lingyue's abdomen, and the huge six desire demonic qi poured into it.

When Xinglingyue landed, she gasped uncontrollably, her face became blushing, and her beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of water mist.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Whenever you are willing to surrender to me, you can stop whenever you want."

Xing Lingyue blushed and said angrily, "You are the God Lord of the Pantheon anyway, how could you use such despicable means to me?"

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, ignoring her words, instead he waved his hand, and a force released her clothes, causing her body to be displayed in front of Zhao Fu.

Xing Lingyue also felt a sense of shame, and her face became even more red.

Zhao Fu came to the chair above, checked the information of all parties, and let Xing Lingyue twist there, making that seductive sound.

The time only lasted for more than an hour, and Xing Lingyue couldn't bear the torture, her face flushed, and she said weakly, "Don't continue, I am willing to surrender to you."


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