The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1904 Sun God (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The three sun gods did not want to sit still and waited for the alliance to destroy them, so they summoned important personnel from the forces to discuss.

"Damn! We didn't provoke him in that Pantheon, and he in turn joined forces with other forces to deal with our Sun God. If we knew this, we should join forces with all parties to destroy him. Now we are threatened by others."

"Yeah! If it is other strengths, although there are many, they are just a group of rabble. They can be destroyed by some means. Once they swallow their strength, the Sun God force is the most powerful force here."

"It's useless to say this now, or how to deal with the current situation. If the alliance attacks, how should the Sun God forces deal with it?"

"This is not wrong. The most important thing for us is how to face the alliance. If it is later, maybe the alliance will fight."

"I have a proposal. Since that alliance has become the biggest force in this place, it will make others jealous. If we invite all parties to resist the alliance, there should be forces that are safe and should join us."

"I agree with this proposal is very good, and now is the best way."


The Sun God forces also sent many messengers to various forces and invited them to form an alliance to resist the alliance of the Pantheon and cross the threat of the Pantheon.

Why did a small force in the Pantheon become so terrifying, the ambition is already obvious, if he doesn't resist, he will die sooner or later, and they also push the death of the Son of the Sun to the Pantheon, which is the Pantheon provoking between the forces. relation.

In fact, the power of the Sun God, it is still unclear why the Son of the Sun would go to that power, but now it is right to pour all the dirty water on the Pantheon.

In the end, there were indeed quite a few forces that wanted to join this alliance, most of which were forces near the Pantheon. They didn't want to attack anyone, just to protect themselves and not want to be destroyed.

The number of forces joining the Sun God force is 19, with a population of 1.3 billion and a force of 100 million. With the addition of the Sun God's population of 900 million, there are still 50 million troops, making the total population 2.2 billion, 150 million. Thousands of troops.

The strength of the Sun God Alliance completely surpassed the Pantheon Alliance, replacing the Pantheon as the strongest force here.

All parties were a little surprised. How could another superpower appear so quickly? Facing the current Sun God Alliance, everyone couldn't help but feel a little scared.

With such a force joining the Sun God forces, they are no longer afraid of the Pantheon Alliance. At this time, they not only have the strength to resist the Pantheon, but also have the strength to attack the Pantheon Alliance.

This time, the Sun God didn't hesitate, and he wanted to destroy the Pantheon by summoning all the gods. They already knew that the Pantheon was too dangerous and must not continue to keep it, otherwise it would definitely be defeated in its hands.

However, although the Sun God Alliance is mainly based on the name of the Sun God, the Sun God cannot decide the affairs of the alliance, so it is necessary to convene all forces.

But at the Alliance Council, the Sun God proposed to attack the Pantheon, but many people objected, so the Sun God could only start to persuade.

The Holy Maiden of the Sun also reported this to Zhao Fu.

After Zhao Fu knew about this, his face was a little serious, but he was not afraid, because with the current strength of the Pantheon Alliance, even if the Sun God Alliance came over, the Pantheon Alliance would have the strength to resist.

However, the Pantheon is in a weak position, which is not a good thing.

In fact, when the Pantheon Alliance was established, Zhao Fu wanted to destroy the Sun God power, because he already had some threats to the Pantheon.

At that time, Zhao Fu also proposed to attack the Sun God forces, but the other gods did not want to attack the Sun God forces, they just wanted to protect themselves, otherwise they could quickly send troops and destroy the Sun God forces at that time.

Now that the Sun God has formed an alliance, the difficulty of destroying it has increased several times. Instead, it was threatened at one time.

While notifying all parties of the news, Zhao Fu also tried to contact other forces to join the Pantheon Alliance and resist the Sun God Alliance.

When the alliance is established, Zhao Fu can also be drawn into the alliance openly. The first one to be pulled in is the power of the Star God. Its addition makes the strength of the Pantheon Alliance not much different from the power of the Sun God Alliance.

At this time, Zhao Fu also learned that among the Sun God Alliance, there are also many people who oppose attacking the Pantheon Alliance. It seems that the Sun God cannot control the alliance, and now the Pantheon Alliance does not need to resist.

There was also an anger in the hearts of the three sun gods. They were clearly unable to control the big power, and this was the most suitable time to destroy the Pantheon. If they waited, the Pantheon would only be more terrifying.

They also explained the danger of the Pantheon, but other people just didn't want to attack, thinking that the loss was too great, and the last three sun gods had nothing to do. The plan to attack the Pantheon could only end in failure.

At this time, Zhao Fu continued to pull forces into the alliance, while recording the unwillingness to join the alliance and investigating the information.

The next day Zhao Fu was anxious about the gods from all sides, and everyone sat around a long table and began to discuss.

Because the Pantheon is the strongest, making Zhao Fu the leader of the alliance, the name of the alliance is also based on the Pantheon.

Now Zhao Fu was sitting directly above, took out the list of those who refused to join the Pantheon, and said, "Before we had a population of 1.7 billion, our troops reached 120 million, and the Sun Temple was only 900 million.

With 50 million troops, if we send troops immediately, we might have wiped out the power of the Sun God. "

There was a god who laughed dryly, "The temple of the sun is also quick enough to form a new alliance with so many troops."

On this point, Zhao Fu also admitted that the Sun God forces responded relatively quickly, and it was possible that the Sun God forces could not be destroyed at that time.

Zhao Fu did not continue the topic, and said, "Now you already know how much threat the Sun Temple is, so needless to say, the forces on the list are all forces that refuse to join the Pantheon."

"These forces are very likely to rely on the Sun God forces. For the sake of safety, we need to destroy them as soon as possible, and these forces are of average strength, and all the materials will be divided equally after the capture."

The gods of all parties looked at these forces, and with the strength of the current alliance, they could also crush them, which would not cause too much loss, and also had good benefits, so there was no surprise, nodding and agreeing.

Now the Pantheon can use various excuses to attack others. This feels good. The forces of all parties are not vigilant against the Pantheon, but the Pantheon Alliance, which invisibly weakens the danger of the Pantheon. What to worry about.


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