The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1905 Night God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

With the addition of the Star God forces, the Pantheon Alliance now has a population of 2.4 billion and 160 million troops. They are divided into four teams with 40 million troops each. There is not much advantage, so they are divided into three teams. More than 50 million troops attacked three forces at the same time.

None of these three forces are very strong. The population is only over 100 million and the number of soldiers is over 10 million.

Of the three attacking teams, Pantheon led the first team, and Star God led the first team. Because the two forces were relatively strong, they were qualified to do so in the alliance. The last team was led by several forces.

Zhao Fu led that team and quickly came to that faction. This faction had two gods, twins of two males.

Now facing the attack of the Pantheon Alliance, they can only resist desperately and ask the Sun God Alliance for help. They understand that they are not the opponents of the Pantheon Alliance. The only solution is to seek help from the Sun God forces.

The Sun God Pantheon not only has the same strength as the Pantheon Alliance, but also has hatred between the two sides. Maybe the Sun God Alliance will help them.

However, in fact it didn't.

Knowing that the Pantheon Alliance is attacking the surrounding forces, the Sun God wants to attack the Pantheon, thus delaying the Pantheon's attack and disrupting the Pantheon's plan, but the alliance is not the one who says it alone.

Other forces thought that the loss would be great, so they did not want to attack, and the Sun God forces could only give up.

However, the Sun God also understood the plan of the Pantheon, so he also called the gods of all parties to discuss, and also made the decision to attack some weaker forces around.

Because the strength can crush the opponent and gain a lot of benefits, the parties have no objection, and they are more happy to start attacking the surrounding forces without any scruples.

Looking back at the battlefield of the Pantheon, Zhao Fu quickly gave the order to attack.


Arrows shot out from the side of the city wall, and flew out with a force, forming a terrifying arrow that enveloped countless Alliance soldiers, and then fell like a torrential rain.

On the side of the alliance soldiers, there are also countless breaths, and those breaths continue to condense in the air, forming a huge shield, blocking countless arrows shot in the past.

The Alliance army continued to rush towards the city wall.


A huge momentum spread, and countless runes appeared on the city wall. Those runes flashed with strange light, and a huge energy shield emerged, covering the city wall.

However, the shields of the alliance army spread apart and formed different behemoths, including creatures like pigs, cattle and snakes, and weapons like swords and spears.

All kinds of behemoths emit a faint light, with a powerful momentum, floating in the air, the power feels cold to the body, and it makes the situation change suddenly, and the picture is very shocking.

boom boom boom...

Countless behemoths with terrifying power and incomparable ferocity slammed into the defensive cover at a high speed. Formed a strong wind spread.

The protective cover was subjected to so much terrifying power, and it immediately cracked, and then with a bang, it turned into countless fragments and scattered.

The alliance army also rushed under the city wall and started a formal siege.

Taking out the ladder and flying locks, he started climbing the city wall, and shot arrows and Limans on the city wall. The soldiers on the defensive city wall also fought back hard, shooting all kinds of arrows and hitting the alliance with heavy objects. Soldier.

However, the Union soldiers quickly attacked the city wall and began to fight head-on with the soldiers on the city wall.

A soldier on the city wall shot an arrow with a longbow and shot through the body of an alliance soldier. A soldier on the city wall slashed a soldier out with an axe, but he was also quickly chopped by the alliance soldiers.

An alliance soldier held a long spear and stabbed it hard, piercing the body of a defender, an alliance soldier slashed a large sword and flew out a defender, and an alliance soldier stabbed the long sword in his hand and stabbed a person's throat. .


The alliance soldiers took advantage of the number to quickly suppress the defenders on the city wall. Although the defenders were still resisting, they had already lost, and now they are just struggling to the death.

The few gods standing beside Zhao Fu in the sky, with a smile, burst out with a powerful momentum, rushing towards the two twin gods.

The twin gods can only burst out with a momentum of resistance.

The two sides fought fiercely, and waves of powerful fluctuations spread, forming waves of gusts of wind, causing the situation to change suddenly.

Zhao Fu didn't do anything, because he didn't need to do anything right now.

After a while, the two twin gods were jointly killed by the gods, and the defenders on the city wall all collapsed and began to flee.

The Union army entered it and began to occupy one area, and soon occupied all the territory.

The gods of the several forces next to Zhao Fu had happy smiles on their faces. They didn't lose much in this war. After capturing such a force, they could gain a lot of benefits after they were divided equally.

A god said with a smile, "God! What should we do next?"

The other gods also looked at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Continue to attack the surrounding forces, and at the fastest speed, don't give them time to react, or wait for them.

If we react, we will unite against us, so we must get the most benefit during this time. "

Numerous gods nodded earnestly and continued to attack other forces.

After about two days, the two huge alliances attacked the surrounding forces unscrupulously, like ferocious beasts, causing countless forces to be terrified.

In the end, the two alliances stopped their offense.

In these two days, the Pantheon Alliance captured 12 factions, gaining a total population of more than 800 million, other cities, and countless supplies of their own. This one is quite a good harvest.

The Sun God Alliance captured 9 factions and gained a total population of more than 600 million. Among them, there were countless material cities, and the gains were relatively average.

However, the total population of 1.4 billion seems to be a lot, but it has to be divided equally, so the population obtained by the Pantheon and the Temple of the Sun is not very large.

It is worth mentioning that there are two new alliances, one is the Night God Alliance dominated by the Night God, and the other is the Ice God Alliance dominated by the Ice God.

The current strength of the two forces is similar to that of the Pantheon Alliance, with a population of more than two billion and a force of hundreds of millions.

The forces around now are either joining the Sun God Alliance or the Pantheon Alliance, or joining the Night God Alliance or the Ice God Alliance.


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