The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1968 kill

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"That's right! It was the two of them who stole things from our village, and now they are still slandering the people in our village. It's so irritating, and I asked Lord God to make the decision and punish them both severely."

"The two of them didn't learn well at such a young age, so they should be taught a good lesson."

"If the two of them came to ask us for food, we would definitely give it, but these two children chose to steal it. It seems that they have been used to stealing since they were young, and their parents did not teach them well."

"Yeah! The two of them are two scourges, the people who came to scourge our village."

"Our son is kind and honest. He is still so young, and he will never do that kind of thing. I can guarantee this with my life, and please believe us."

"Lord God, I think our son caught them stealing food, so they wanted to take revenge on our son. Look how kind and honest our son is, how could he do such a thing!"

A few hooligans followed suit and said, "That's right, she slandered us."

The girl felt very aggrieved and couldn't help crying and said, "Lord God, please believe me, I really didn't steal anything from them."

Mu Qing looked at everyone with her beautiful eyes and frowned. She still didn't know who to believe. Although so many people said that the girl stole things, the girl didn't seem to be lying.

There was a middle-aged woman next to her who had seen what just happened with her own eyes and wanted to say something, but a man next to her hurriedly pulled her and whispered.

"Don't help the two people from other villages. They will die when they die. It's none of our business. If you talk to help the two people from other villages, then our family is a traitor and will be ridiculed and ridiculed by the whole village."

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman could only bow her head honestly. Don't want to say anything anymore.

Mu Qing didn't plan to ask any further, she flew down from the sky and landed next to the unconscious little boy on the ground.

The little boy's face immediately turned rosy, he opened his eyes, looked at Mu Qing beside him with a blank expression, then thought of something, and hurriedly called, "Sister!"

The girl watched her brother wake up and ran to her brother with a look of surprise, holding the little boy in both hands, and said, "Sister is here!"

The little boy also breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the girl happily.

The girl said gratefully, "Thank you, Lord God!"

At this time, the little boy also realized that it was Lord Shen Ling who saved him, and followed his sister and said gratefully, "Thank you Lord Shen Ling!"

Mu Qing's frowning brows stretched out, and a smile appeared on her face. Seeing how sensible her sister and brother were, she said softly, "Would you two be willing to return to the temple with me?"

The girl couldn't believe it was true this time, thinking that it was such a great honor to be able to stay by the side of the great god, and she would not have to worry about starvation in the future.

The girl was very excited and nodded happily, "We are willing to follow Lord Shenli to the temple."

The countless villagers present were stunned and did not expect that their mother would bring the two of them back to the temple, which meant that the two of them had ascended to the sky in one step, gained honorable status and power, which made many villagers extremely envious.

The parents of a few hooligans immediately said, "Sir Shen Ling, our son is also kind, honest, willing to help others, and his aptitude is also very good. We are willing to be loyal to Lord Shen Ling forever, and we also invite Lord Shen Ling to take them to the temple."

Mu Qing's expression was stunned, she just saw that the sister and brother wanted to bring the two of them back to the temple and give them a home for no reason.

Now that the villagers said this, Mu Qing looked at the little gangsters with a little hesitation in her heart.

A few thugs looked excited and excited, and understood that this was a huge opportunity, and they would gain incomparably great benefits, and would no longer be a low-level identity as a villager.

Immediately said, "We are willing to always be loyal to the Lord God, and we will never betray, and ask the Lord to take us in."

At this time, the little boy said angrily, "Sir Shen Ling is just a few of them bullying me and my sister."

Mu Qing didn't want this matter to continue, and didn't know who to believe, she smiled and said, "Okay! This matter is here, we will take you back to the temple together, and arrange a place for you, and I will bring them back to the gods, look. Check out their performance."

The little boy was a little dissatisfied, he didn't want to see those gangsters, and the girl's face was a little worried, and he would stay with those little gangsters in the future.

The little gangsters looked excited, kneeling on the ground and thanking Mu Qing. Their parents also smiled happily. If their sons are to be successful, they should be more honorable than their status and have a better life. They don't need to stay here. poor village.


A person also came to the gate of the village, wearing a cloak, without exuding any breath, it just felt a little mysterious.

The person who came was Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu followed Mu Qing's aura. Originally, Zhao Fu searched a few places and couldn't find a suitable person to choose. He continued to look for other places. At this time, he sensed Mu Qing's aura. It was the breath of a god, and he chased after him directly.

Looking at the power emanating from Mu Qing, it was a kind of wooden yin divine power, which also belonged to one of the ten major yin forces.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu said, "Come with me if you're interested!"

Mu Qing frowned, feeling a sense of danger, and asked with a serious face, "Who are you?"

Several thugs were excited now, and when they saw that someone dared to provoke the gods, they immediately stood up to show it.

The tall little bastard shouted directly, "You bastard! You know that the person in front of you is Lord God, and you are courting death if you dare to speak to her like this. You don't ask for forgiveness from Lord God, and then thank our great God for his forgiveness. The grace of not killing."

Zhao Fu glanced coldly at the little gangster, and an invisible force instantly grabbed the little gangster's head.


An explosion sounded, and the little gangster's head exploded directly, and countless blood and brains splashed everywhere.

A few thugs were splattered with blood and brains, screaming in fright, their bodies trembling, and hurriedly backed away, not daring to stand in front of Mu Qing.

That strong middle-aged man looked at Zhao Fu with anger when he saw his son being killed, but he understood that he was not Zhao Fu's opponent, so he immediately said to Mu Qing, "I also ask Lord God to avenge my son."

Mu Qing asked with a hint of anger, "Why did you kill him suddenly?"

When Zhao Fu heard this question, he felt a little funny, so he chuckled, "If he offends me, he must die!"

Mu Qing stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and said angrily, "That is a fresh life, still so young, with his own relatives and future, but you killed him like this, how could you do that."


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