The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1969 Yin Spirit (please subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "Then tell me what to do?"

Hearing Zhao Fu's words, Mu Qing's face softened a little, and she said, "He can offend you and teach him a lesson, instead of killing him directly."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "I understand, are you willing to go with me now?"

Mu Qing said angrily, "When did I promise you to leave?"

Zhao Fu had a smile on his face. He didn't say anything. He turned his eyes to the gangsters next to him, and an invisible force spread out.

Mu Qing's face changed, she just wanted to reach out to stop her, but it was too late.

bang bang bang...

A few thugs looked terrified, their heads were exploded by an invisible force, making a sound, and their brains and blood splattered.

Zhao Fu smiled, "Now I want to kill! If you don't agree to me, I will slaughter this village."

At this time, Zhao Fu also discovered Mu Qing's weakness. He seemed to care about the lives of these ordinary people, and he could blackmail him.

And the lives of these ordinary people are like ants to Zhao Fu, they can be wiped out at will, and they won't feel the slightest touch.

Several thugs were killed, and their parents cried.

"You cold-blooded scum!"

Mu Qing stared at Zhao Fu with a look of anger and said, a powerful divine aura emanated, and the surrounding air sank.

Zhao Fu said indifferently, "I have already said that you submit to me and leave with me, otherwise all the people in this village will die."

Mu Qing couldn't bear Zhao Fu's cold-blooded bloodthirsty, so she took out a staff and lifted it up. A huge force was injected into it, emitting a strong force. A gray light shot towards Zhao Fu with terrifying power. .


The gray beam was extremely fast, and it looked like it was about to hit Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, a huge force poured out, and half of the black dragon-patterned hood emerged, and the beam emitted from the defensive hood. A loud bang.

Mu Qing's face changed slightly, and she injected more powerful power into the staff.


The protective cover could not withstand the power of the beam becoming stronger, some small cracks appeared, and a crisp sound was emitted.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, and with his outstretched hand, he pushed hard, and a huge force, with a terrifying aura, poured out from Zhao Fu's palm.


The gray light beam was directly smashed away, and Mu Qing's body was also knocked out by the huge force, and it directly knocked down a house.

The surrounding villagers looked terrified, realizing that Mu Qing was not Zhao Fu's opponent at all, and immediately fled back in fright.

The girl was also frightened, hugged her brother and fled to the side.

Zhao Fu looked at the fleeing villagers with disdain, and the golden pupil of his left eye turned quickly.

clang clang...

Chains of iron continuously shot out from the void, with a swift and violent force, tying up the villagers one by one and hanging them in mid-air.

And also hang the pair of siblings in the air.

At this time, Zhao Fu noticed that there was something special about the sister and brother, and with a smile, he came to them and stretched out his hand to the little boy.

The little boy saw Zhao Fu's bloodthirsty and cold-blooded appearance with his own eyes. He was already extremely frightened of Zhao Fu. He was so frightened that he cried out and shouted not to kill me!

The girl was also afraid and said anxiously, "Please don't hurt my brother, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Zhao Fu ignored them and reached out to touch the little boy.

"Bastards! You let them go."

A tender shout sounded, and Mu Qing's body was emitting a strong gray light, and with a powerful momentum, she rushed towards Zhao Fu, and her fingers were already holding a long sword.

Mu Qing rushed in front of Zhao Fu very quickly, waving the sword in her hand, with an astonishing force, slashing towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu, however, was one step faster than her, clenched a fist, and swung it out with a terrifying force, hitting Mu Qing's abdomen, Mu Qing's body flew upside down and spat out a large mouthful of blood , the breath became very weak.

Zhao Fu stretched out and grabbed her, and the iron chains flew out with strength, tying Mu Qing up and hanging in the air.

Mu Qing's face was a little pale. She struggled a few times, but she couldn't break free from the chain. She shouted with anger, "You cold-blooded demon, this is the power of the Wood God, and you will get retribution."

Zhao Fu didn't care about her words, he put his hand on the little boy's hand with a smile, and a force poured into the little boy's body.

Finding that the little boy had a yin physique, a good yin physique, Zhao Fu turned his gaze to the girl again.

The girl watched Zhao Fu do nothing to her brother, watched Zhao Fu come towards her, she closed her eyes and let Zhao Fu deal with him.

Zhao Fu also put his hand on her body, a force penetrated her body, and found that she also has a yin spirit physique, and because she is a woman, the yin spirit physique is stronger than her brother.

She is suitable for integrating the Taiyin Godhead and becoming a Taiyin God.

Zhao Fu said to the girl with a smile, "Whether you are willing to surrender to me now, I can give you a godhead and make you a god."

The girl looked at Zhao Fu with surprise

, I didn't expect Zhao Fu to say this.

The girl couldn't imagine being a god at all. Now she would be very happy if she became a god, but in the face of such a bloody and cruel person like Zhao Fu, the girl couldn't be happy.

However, in order to save the lives of her younger brother and herself, the girl nodded and agreed to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu loosened the chains that bound the two, and waved a restraining force into the bodies of the two.

Looking at Mu Qing, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "What about you now? Are you willing to surrender to me?"

Mu Qing looked angry, "Do you think I will surrender to a cold-blooded and cruel person like you?"

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, and looked at the parents of the little gangsters. The chains began to tighten, tightly restraining their bodies. The severe pain caused them to scream.

The chain continued to tighten, their bones could not bear the split, and then their bodies split, blood flowed out, they kept screaming, their faces were hideous, their eyes were bulging, their snot was flowing, and they died there.

The girl stood behind her younger brother with a look of fear, her body was still trembling, and she covered her younger brother's eyes and ears with force, not wanting him to see such a bloody scene.

After killing a few gangsters' parents, Zhao Fu turned his attention to the other villagers.

The death of those villagers and those people turned pale with fright, and kept begging Zhao Fu not to kill them, they were willing to do anything.

But Zhao Fu ignored it. Several iron chains were tightened, and several villagers felt the severe pain and let out a scream at one time.


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