The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1995 Thor

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

On the road, Shen Xiaoyi happily pulled Luna Ya and saw many people walking towards the Battle God Arena, and as they kept walking in, the frantically excited voice became louder and louder, and anyone could Feel the excitement ahead.

Shen Xiaoyi stopped a woman and asked, "What happened in front of you? Why is it so lively?"

The woman replied with a smile, "I don't know what's going on, but I heard that there is an Emperor God in this Colosseum. He is super powerful, and no god can stop him. Now he has defeated more than 30 consecutively. God."

"And I also heard that Lord Emperor God is very domineering and has a temperament that attracts women. I was also called by my sisters, and I really want to see what kind of person Emperor God Lord is."

Shen Xiaoyi took a moment and happily pulled Luna Ya, "Miss, let's hurry up."

Shen Xiaoyi took Luna Ya and trotted towards the Colosseum. She also wanted to know who the domineering Emperor God was.

Luna Ya smiled and let Shen Xiaoyi pull.

She didn't really care about that Lord God, because she already had a person in her heart, and that person was almost unmatched.

Soon they also came to the Colosseum.

ooh ooh...

A dragon roar sounded, and I saw nine domineering black dragons, with their terrifying dragon power, as if they were about to destroy everything, and rushed forward fiercely, unable to stop them at all.

In front of him stood a young man with purple hair, holding a large knife, all the power was poured into the large knife in his hand, and a strong purple light appeared above the large knife.

Seeing the black dragon rushing in front of him, the purple-haired youth swung the big knife in his hand, and a terrifying dazzling light of the knife cut out, as if it could cut through the space, and some small cracks appeared.


The powerful purple knife light slashed on the nine black dragons, and a violent explosion occurred. A shock wave spread, and the ground collapsed in an instant, the rocks splashed, and the smoke filled the air.

When the smoke cleared away, I saw the purple-haired young man lying in the pit covered in blood, and the man in the black cloak on the opposite side had nothing to do, and of course stood there.

Lord God! Lord God! Lord God! Lord God!

Countless people saw Zhao Fu defeating a god one move at a time, and the power of this god was really strong, but he was still defeated by Zhao Fu, shouting loudly and cheering Zhao Fu in a frenzy of excitement.

Yueshenya and the others looked astonished. They didn't think that Lord Emperor God was the Zhao Fu they said they were familiar with.

"Why does Zhao Fu participate in this competition and use the name of the Emperor God?"

They don't know these, but looking at the frenzied and excited faces of the people around, Luna Ya also showed a beautiful smile, because this is the person she recognized, and she was very happy to be able to cause such a big sensation.

Shen Xiaoyi was a little surprised, "This guy is really popular, not only those men, but also countless women are shouting his name."

Both Wu Wu and Wu Yi looked at Zhao Fu seriously. They knew from the beginning that Zhao Fu's strength was terrible, but they had never seen who they were fighting, so they couldn't be sure how strong Zhao Fu was.

Now that they have seen the power that Zhao Fu has displayed, everything is as they expected, and such a person must not be offended.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and a huge divine aura descended, and one after another silhouette appeared in the sky, one by one gods.

Originally, they only knew that Zhao Fu had strong power and had already defeated several gods in a row, but now more than 30 gods have been defeated by him, and they couldn't resist Zhao Fu's move, so they had to pay attention.

There are more than 20 gods who have come. They are undoubtedly one of the strongest gods here, and the most powerful one. They come here one after another, and they want to see with their own eyes what kind of existence that emperor god is.

Numerous gods descended strongly, and the enormous pressure of divine power made the lively scene quiet down.

The eyes of many gods focused on Zhao Fu, and their faces were a little serious.

A woman wearing a silver robe with a single horn on her head asked, "I don't know who your Excellency is?"

The fat young man stayed on the side honestly. Although it was against the rules for many gods to come forcefully, he had no ability to stop them.

Zhao Fu looked at the woman indifferently, "I won't tell you that, and I'm here to participate in the Battle of Gods Festival competition. If you want me to compete, you can play. If not, don't disturb my competition."

The silver-robed woman said with a serious face, "You have already defeated more than 30 gods, and you are qualified to participate in the final competition. I also want to see how strong your strength is. You'd better be prepared, I will not take it lightly. defeated in your hands."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "Then you can give it a try, everyone who has been defeated by me says so."

The silver-robed woman snorted coldly, "I'm here to see if you're as powerful as people say."

Then, the silver-robed woman flew down from the sky.

The other gods did not stand in the sky, but flew to the audience stage, intending to see the battle between Zhao Fu and the silver-robed woman.

Many people also quieted down, looking forward to the next battle. Can Zhao Fu defeat the opponent so easily, and the silver-robed woman is a well-known powerhouse here, will it be possible to defeat Zhao Fu?

All this is uncertain, it depends on the next battle to be determined


The silver-robed woman stood opposite Zhao Fu, looking at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and did not underestimate Zhao Fu, she used all her strength from the very beginning.

I saw the body of the silver-robed woman emitting a strong silver light, and the surroundings became extremely quiet, a trace of silver arc flashed out, and an invisible danger spread, making the hair stand on end.


The silver-robed woman disappeared instantly, leaving only a few arcs in the air. Everyone was a little surprised, "So fast!"

In the next second, the silver-robed woman appeared in front of Zhao Fu, with countless silver arcs wrapped around her palm, making a squeaking sound, and quickly hit Zhao Fu, as if she could shatter everything. The picture was a little shocking.

Zhao Fu looked at the silver-robed woman calmly. A black dragon-patterned hood with a powerful aura emerged from Zhao Fu's body.


The silver-robed woman's palm hit the defensive cover, and countless silver-white lightnings also hit the defensive cover, making a loud noise.

Seeing that the silver-robed woman didn't hurt Zhao Fu in the slightest, she let out a coquettish cry, and a terrifying power of lightning burst out. Silver lightning with the thick arms of countless children slammed towards Zhao Fu with terrifying power.


The thunder raged fiercely, hitting the defensive cover and the ground continuously, some small cracks appeared in the defensive cover, and the ground was also shattered by lightning.


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