The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1996 Killing God (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Everyone looked at the silver-robed woman in surprise. As a well-known powerhouse, the power displayed by the silver-robed woman was truly terrifying. She was also the first person to let Zhao Fu defend herself instead of being instantly killed.

"Is it really possible for her to defeat the Emperor God?"

When everyone saw such a terrifying power, their hearts became even more confident. Some people who supported Zhao Fu were not as confident as before.

The other gods watched the battle on the field with a pair of eyes. There might be some contradictions between them, but they didn't want a foreign god to become their god of fighting. This was something that had never happened before.

So they are on the side of the silver-robed woman, and they really want the silver-robed woman to teach this foreign god, let him be low-key and not be so arrogant.

The silver-robed woman saw that the lightning bolts kept hitting the defensive cover, but there were only some small cracks. Although it was able to break Zhao Fu's defense, it took too long, so the silver-robed woman did not hesitate.


A roar sounded, and the godhead in her body emitted a strong silver light, bursting out with all the power.


There was a loud sound, the electric light was dazzling, and countless extremely terrifying thunder and lightning appeared, raging around like an electric snake.

Zhao Fu and the silver-robed woman were standing in the center of the silver thunder pool.

The silver-robed woman slammed the hand of the protective cover and pressed it hard. The thunder and lightning of the surrounding thunder pools struck Zhao Fu from all directions in a frenzied manner. A loud sound was heard, and the picture was terrifying.

Click! Click! Click!

The black dragon-patterned cover couldn't withstand so many lightning attacks, and began to shatter into huge cracks, and the protective cover was about to be shattered.

Many gods showed a smile, they believed that the silver-robed woman should have the ability to defeat Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu's strength was nothing but that, and there was nothing too surprising.

It seems that some people have exaggerated his strength. He is a bit powerful, but not beyond imagination.

However, he was fighting those ordinary gods before, and those ordinary gods were naturally weaker, so it was so easy to win.

Now the silver-robed woman is not an ordinary god, she is a god of thunder, a god of thunder with very strong power, among many gods, at least can be ranked fifth.

In the face of such a terrifying powerhouse, that person's true strength is revealed.

Judging from the current picture, no one would believe the silver-robed woman who was defeated in one move.

Countless people didn't say anything. They looked at Zhao Fu with their eyes, and their hearts became nervous. The defensive cover was about to be broken.

The silver-robed woman also showed a smile on her face. As long as she broke the protective cover, she would be able to attack Zhao Fu, and then she could teach Zhao Fu a lesson and let him be honest.

But at this time, the silver-robed woman noticed that Zhao Fu looked at him calmly. His face didn't fluctuate, and he didn't look panicked.

"What's going on?" The silver-robed woman hadn't figured it out yet.


The black dragon-patterned protective cover was shattered by countless thunder and lightning, and the countless thunder and lightning were about to attack Zhao Fu fiercely.

At this time, Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Now it's my turn!"

Hearing these words, the silver-robed woman was startled and felt an extreme danger, as if her body fell into ice water.


An incomparably terrifying force erupted, and one after another huge blood-colored lightning raged with Zhao Fu at the center. The ground kept crumbling, and those silver lightnings were easily shattered.

The terrifying thunder pool that was originally silver just turned bloody in an instant, and it was even more ferocious and terrifying.

At this time, the silver-robed woman had already created a defensive shield to resist countless lightning and looked at Zhao Fu in horror, "As a god, how can you have the power to kill gods."

Zhao Fu did not answer her words, he stretched out a hand, and countless blood-colored lightning bolts gathered in the palm of his hand, crackling.


Pushing his hand forward, countless blood-colored lightning bolts with amazing power, with Zhao Fu as the front, slammed towards the silver-robed woman, as if it could destroy everything.


A loud sound came out, the silver-robed woman's protective cover shattered, and her body was knocked hundreds of meters away by the huge force before it stopped.

Many people were shocked, things happened so fast, and everyone didn't react.

It wasn't that the silver-robed woman was about to smash the defensive cover just now, and she had a lot of advantages, but how could the silver-robed woman fly upside down.

Seeing that the silver-robed woman was pale and fell to the ground, she could no longer fight. This person defeated a person and a god with another move.

And it was not an ordinary god that was defeated, but a famous god. The god who was ranked fifth in strength here was defeated by one move?

The loss was too sudden, and everyone was shocked and forgot to cheer and shout.

Many gods were also stunned. They believed that the silver-robed woman who supported them lost, and lost so thoroughly that they had no resistance.

"This man is really strong, and I underestimated him."

There is also that person who clearly has a godhead and exudes the aura of a god, but how can he have such a terrifying power to kill gods? This is the power to restrain gods.

, which is extremely difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

And the power of some godslayers, they have also seen it with their own eyes. Although there are some powers that restrain them, they are definitely not as strong as they are now.

If it wasn't for such a huge god-killing power hitting the silver-robed woman, the silver-robed woman would not have lost so easily, she definitely still had the strength to fight.

How holy is this man? Not only is his power so terrifying, but he also has such a terrifying god-killing power. With this god-killing power, he can restrain all gods, and he has a huge advantage in fighting against any gods.

Shen Xiaoyi, who was originally smiling in the stands, also became serious. She originally disliked the person who stole her little sister, but now she has witnessed Zhao Fu's terrifying god-killing power, and he is a god himself.

This made Shen Xiaoyi understand that Zhao Fu was very scary, not an ordinary person.

Wu Wu and Wu Yi stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and their faces became very solemn. Now Zhao Fu's terrifying level has exceeded their expectations.

Yueshenya also looked at Zhao Fu, her face became serious, there were too many secrets hidden in Zhao Fu.

The Ye family looked excited and excited, looking at Zhao Fu on the field, and now they knew how lucky they were to meet Zhao Fu and be by his side.

"Sister! Your lord is so strong." Ye Jun said excitedly to Ye Lanxi next to him.

Ye Lanxi also showed a beautiful smile and nodded lightly.

Zhao Fu turned to look at the gods in the stands, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and a hint of domineering in his voice, "Who else is there now?"


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