The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2183 Gods (please subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Killing Ming appeared in front of Kerr, and with a sword with the killing intent of destroying everything, he slashed towards Kerr. The world seemed to be saturated with killing intent, and it became cold and biting.

Kerr's expression was icy cold, standing in the air without moving a step. Facing Sha Ming's attack, Kerr waved the iron fork in his hand, and a force that the world could not bear came out.


A loud bang erupted, and a huge ball of light exploded in mid-air. A terrifying force spread out instantly, and the mountains, ground, trees, and stones all shattered.

A force turned into a huge storm and blew away, sandwiching the countless rubble and wood, like a natural disaster.

People from far away have sensed this terrifying fluctuation, and they also understand that this is the fluctuation emanating from the battle of the peerless genius.

But everyone is still very shocked, because such fluctuations are far more powerful than the previous fluctuations. This is definitely the power that can burst out of the top three among the top ten talents.

Everyone didn't want to know who it was. It must be a battle between the God of Kerr and Shaming, because the top two are the owners of Emperor Stars. The God of Kerr and Killing.

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but get excited and rushed to the other side quickly. The two of them were so terrifying that the battle they started was very difficult to see.

All the people outside the secret realm also pay attention to them, because they are the third and fourth arrogant, and they are valued by countless people.

His eyes turned back to the battlefield.

bang bang bang...

A loud roar continued to sound, and the two were fighting in the sky. The iron fork and the sword kept colliding, and the terrifying shock waves continued to spread, cracks appeared in the space, and the ground was collapsing.


A huge sword cry sounded, and Sha Ming slashed out a huge blood-colored sword light, as if covering all directions, the sword light slashed forward, and the world was constantly collapsing.

God Kerr raised the iron fork in his hand, and the power of the gods was injected into it, the power of heaven and earth poured into it like a tide, and the iron fork emitted countless black rays of light, forming an extremely slender black lightsaber, at least all There are several kilometers, as if leading to the sky.


God Kerr slashed down with a sword, and the slender black lightsaber slashed out with unimaginable power, as if the world was divided into two halves, as if there was no power to resist.


The huge blood-colored sword light cut out by Sha Ming was opened by the black lightsaber, and Sha Ming was also hit by the black lightsaber. His body fell heavily on the ground like a meteorite. All shattered, and the smoke and dust filled the line of sight.


A huge blood-colored breath burst out, forming a blood-colored gust of wind, blowing away countless smoke and dust, blood flowed from the corner of Shaming's mouth in the center of the big pit, and slowly stood up from the ground, his eyes filled with endless killing intent. Kerr in the sky.


Sha Ming's aura continued to pour out like a flood, and countless blood-colored arcs appeared around him. The killing intent slowly penetrated into every part of the world. The sky seemed to be stained with blood, and the earth was constantly destroyed.

Everyone also understands that Sha Ming is using an extremely terrifying move that may destroy everything, or it may be the last blow.

I saw Sha Ming slowly pick up the blood sword in his hand, and an invisible killing force spread out instantly.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……

A howl sounded, and I saw phantoms appearing in the void. These phantoms included men, women, old people, and children. All of them had blood-red eyes and a strong killing intent.

These are the souls of slaughter, which are densely covered in the whole world, in the sky, on the ground, and there, and it is impossible to count them. It seems to be a world of slaughtering souls.


The sword that Sha Mingping picked up swung hard at Kerr, and the countless killing souls rushed towards Kerr with a huge killing power like the ocean, as if they could destroy everything.

The God of Kerr raised the iron fork in his hand and injected a huge power of the gods into it. The iron fork radiated a terrifying magic light.


Kerr forcefully projected the iron fork in his hand towards Shaming, and the iron fork with a powerful force turned into a black streamer and shot out.

A huge power of the gods spread out in that plug, and countless phantoms of iron forks appeared in the void, densely covering the entire sky, each with a powerful divine power, shooting towards the killer below. Bright.


A loud bang erupted, and the sea of ​​slaughtering souls surging upwards collided with the countless iron forks that flew downwards. As if the sky and the earth collided together, a shock wave of extreme terror spread out in an instant, and the thunder was overwhelming. generally.

The clouds and birds in the sky turned into nothingness at that moment, the mountain peaks on the ground were destroyed, the ground was lifted up layer by layer, and countless trees and stones were shot out, as if the end had come.

Countless iron forks with powerful divine power shot down, penetrating one by one Slaughter Soul, and those Slaughter Souls dissipated directly.

ah ah ah...

The ocean of slaughtering souls let out a loud roar, surging upwards with the power of slaughtering the world.

Last Killing Soul Ocean Block

Countless falling iron forks rushed towards God Kerr with the power of killing the world, God Kerr was instantly swallowed up in it, and no figure could be seen.

Everyone looked at the sky with a pair of eyes, and they were shocked. Did Kerr fail to stop this move?


A supreme divine power crashed down, like a huge gravity pressing on the ground, and a huge black light wheel appeared in the sky.

This black light wheel is covered with countless divine inscriptions, exuding a divine power that surpasses all gods. The light wheel slowly rotates, generating a huge suction force, inhaling the countless slaughtering souls continuously. The soul ocean quickly became smaller, and finally all was sucked into it.

The God of Kerr appeared in the center of the black halo, and a pair of eyes looked down at Sha Ming with contempt, "This is the pan-god halo created by me merging with all gods, and it is also one of my strongest moves, you are not me. is not an opponent."

Sha Ming's face is a little ugly, the move just now has exhausted all his strength, and now his body has no strength at all.

However, Sha Ming still didn't want to give up, so he stimulated the last bit of strength and charged towards Kerr.

Kerr stretched out a hand and pressed it hard, a huge invisible force, which directly blew Shaming away. I don't know how many bones in his body were broken, and Shaming himself fell into a coma.

In this battle of peerless genius, the final winner is Kerr.


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