The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2184 sky

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

"It's really strong. That God of Kerr can definitely be compared to the average emperor star supporter. If there is no God's Domain Extinguishing Liu, then he is the second strongest in the God's Realm. Now that you have seen him, are you still not convinced?"

"Well! It's really too strong, and it seems that the God of Kerr has not used all his strength, but just used one of the strongest means to defeat Shaming. I don't know how terrifying the true power of God Kerr is. ."

"I feel that the God of Kerr has a lot of hope of becoming the Lord of the Gods. I am very much looking forward to him being able to awaken the Emperor Star. If he has the Emperor Star, he may become the number one powerhouse in the God Realm, and Tianyue should also Give way."

"Shaming's slaughtering power is also very terrifying, stronger than other peerless geniuses, ranking fourth is well deserved, but God Kerr is even more terrifying, it is not shameful to lose in the hands of such people."

"That kind of power of the gods is so terrifying, like a kind of supreme power, which is above countless divine powers. Just when the God of Kerr was displayed, the world has lost its color, and I really want to have that kind of power."

"This is the exclusive power of the God of Kerr. It is the power that he devoured and merged with all gods. How can ordinary people have it? You should stop dreaming."

"It seems that the God Seaver also has this ability to devour divine power, and also integrates a lot of divine power. I don't know if he has this kind of power of all gods, and it seems that he has never seen him really fight."

"It's ridiculous, what kind of thing is that god snatcher, and now it is compared with the god of Kerr."

"Yeah! Now everyone can see the power of the God of Kerr. He definitely has the power to challenge the owner of the Emperor Star, not to mention a God-Death, even ten God-Destroyers can't compare to the God of Kerr."

"Yeah! Although that God Seizure also has the ability to fuse divine power, it feels incomparable to the God of Kerr. Now the God of Kerr possesses the power of the gods, which is like the power of the Supreme Being, but what about the power of the God of God? "

"Hey! Don't do this anymore, we still look at God Kerr's body, and we are looking forward to him challenging the owner of the Emperor Star. It makes me excited to think about it."


There are countless people outside the secret realm with excited smiles on their faces. The battle between Killing Ming and the God of Kerr is too shocking and exciting. The blood is flowing rapidly and the heart is beating constantly.

The scene was also very lively, and everyone around was talking about this matter. The popularity of the God of Kerr reached its peak.

Everyone envied the people who looked at the Demon God Emperor, this God Kerr was not someone they had cultivated since childhood.

It was the person they discovered in the outer realm of the God Realm. It only took ten years to make him such a terrifying person. How could they not have such good luck to meet someone like Kerr.

At this time, they really want to go to the outer realm of the gods for a few laps, and they understand that Kerr has great potential. Even if this time he is not the master of the gods, and he has not awakened the emperor star of the gods, but give him a little time, he will definitely do it. .

At that time, the Demon God Emperor had an emperor star owner, which made him so envious. That was the supreme emperor star of the Protoss.

The Demon God Emperor also showed a proud and smug smile. Facing everyone's incomparably envious eyes, God Kerr's performance also surprised them. Facts proved that it was absolutely right for them to fully support God Kerr.

His eyes turned back to the secret realm.

Kerr dissipated the power from his body, and his appearance returned to his original appearance. A pair of eyes stared at Sha Ming, who passed out and passed out. He wanted to dig out Sha Ming's godhead, then his power of the gods would be stronger.

But the terrible forces behind Shaming are not so easy to mess with, Kerr can only give up, it is not worth offending a terrorist force for such a killing godhead.

In the end, the God of Kerr turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky, continuing to search for powerful divine beasts and relics to enhance the power of the gods.

As the time of the gods' test is getting shorter and shorter, the God of Kerr feels an inexplicable heart palpitation. Although he does not know the reason, his instinct drives him to become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise there is no way to resist what happens next.

Now the fourth-ranked Sha Ming is also defeated by Kerr. Only Kerr, Mie Liu, and Tianyue are left in the top ten Tianjiao. It is possible for the three of them to win the Lord of the Gods, and there is no possibility for the others.

The three of them are also receiving the attention of countless people now, and they are also discussing who can get the Lord of the Gods.

On the other side, Zhao Fu and the others found an entrance to the place where the main god inherited. It was a blue ball of light in the sky, emitting a huge divine power, surrounded by many white clouds.

Because this place is very conspicuous, many people gathered here and wanted to enter the place of inheritance.

However, once someone approached, the white clouds surrounding the blue light ball would change into big birds, launching a ferocious attack on those who approached.

Naturally, Zhao Fu didn't care, and flew forward with the girls.

This time Zhao Fu was not treated as well as before. There was no test. A big bird made of white clouds charged towards Zhao Fu and everyone with ferocious power.

Zhao Fu directly released a huge dragon-patterned hood, wrapping all the people in it. No matter how many birds attacked, they could not break the defense. Now that Zhao Fu's power is so powerful, everyone can't help but envy.

Then, Zhao Fu and the others flew into the blue ball of light and came to a space.

The sky here is dark blue, the ground is lush, the mountains are majestic, the picture is relatively ordinary, nothing special, but there is a statue standing in the sky, which is a statue of a woman.

The statue is a thousand meters high, has long hair, a handsome appearance, a graceful figure, wearing a palace skirt, and has an ethereal temperament, exuding a huge divine might, surrounded by countless white clouds, which looks a little ethereal.

This should be the god of the sky.

Zhao Fu took out a sword and charged forward with a powerful force.


The stone statue directly exuded a terrifying divine power, and the white clouds around her began to change, forming a huge phoenix composed of white clouds, exuding a powerful pressure.


A huge howl sounded, and the phoenix made of white clouds flapped its wings and charged towards Zhao Fu with an astonishing aura, as if it was going to eat Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stood there, with a disdainful smile on his face, raised the sword in his hand, a huge force poured into it, the sword radiated a strong light,


A sword was slashed out, and the huge sword light with astonishing power directly slashed at the head of the white cloud phoenix, the white phoenix was cut in half, and turned into countless white mists that dissipated.

After Zhao Fu killed the white cloud phoenix, he flew directly in front of the stone statue, waiting for her to confer the inheritance power of the Sky Lord God.


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