The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2224 Knife

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Mie Liu, who flew out, rolled a few times on the ground before stopping, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the head with an ugly expression.

This head seems to be the manifestation of the laws of the world, as if controlling the world, the power is beyond imagination and terrifying.

The pair of extremely cold eyes on the head looked at Mie Liu at a time, and issued a note, "Wind!"

In an instant, a huge invisible force spread out.

woohoo hoo...

At that moment, countless gusts of wind emerged to form one after another wind blade, emitting a sharp force, and the number was very large, all over the sky.


At the moment when countless wind blades were formed, they all shot towards Mie Liu with terrifying power. The speed was extremely fast, as if they were about to cut everything open, and the momentum was very terrifying.


Mie Liu also immediately burst out with an astonishing force. A powerful black energy shield emerged with astonishing momentum, and then with a terrifying power of destruction, it spread out to the surroundings in an instant, and everything was in destruction.


Two terrifying forces collided in an instant, a huge explosion sounded, a force of destruction spread out in an instant, the ground shattered in an instant, and countless rocks were shot out.

After all the fluctuations subsided, a large pit of several kilometers appeared on the ground, exuding a terrifying aura.

Mie Liu and Tian Yue were not affected.

The ice-cold gaze of the head continued to look at Mie Liu, and one note at a time, "Earth!"

boom boom boom...

The roars continued to sound, and the soil pillars rushed out of the ground with astonishing power, and slammed into Mie Liu quickly.

Mie Liu's body quickly flew into the sky, dodging countless earth pillars.

The one with his head raised his head, his icy colored eyes looked up to the sky, and his mouth made one note at a time, "Empty!"

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded at once, and three huge white air currents appeared in the sky, with a terrifying force from three directions, collided with Mie Liu.

Mie Liu injected a powerful force into the long knife in his hand, and the long knife exuded an extremely terrifying knife light. With a strong wave, a huge knife light slashed out with the power to cut everything.

boom! boom! boom!

Three loud noises came out, and the three white airflows were slashed by a knife and turned into a gust of wind.

Mie Liu looked at the head with one eye, emitting a strong black light, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted.


A huge black light beam shot out from the eyes and shot towards the head with extremely terrifying power, unstoppable.

That head had an icy expression, without any fear, and one note at a time, "Shield!"

Countless powers of heaven and earth gathered around to form a huge colorful shield, printed with countless runes, exuding an amazing momentum.


A loud sound came out, and the shield blocked the beam of destruction that came over, and a powerful shock wave spread, forming a strong wind to spread.


A huge knife sounded, Mie Liu did not know when, appeared in front of the huge shield, the black long knife raised in both hands, emitting countless black knife lights, and then cut it out with all his strength.


A sword force that destroyed everything poured out like a flood, hitting the shield, and the shield was directly shattered. The ground also collapsed in an instant.

After everything subsided, a ravine with a length of several thousand meters and a width of hundreds of meters appeared on the ground. Many trees were destroyed and rocks scattered around.

At the end of the gully, Tianyue was half-squatting on the ground, with the sword in his hand next to him, blood on the corner of his mouth, he slowly raised his head, and looked at Mie Liu with a pair of cold eyes.


A huge colorful arrogance gushed out from the body, the huge world power continued to spread, Tianyue's body was beginning to blur, as if it was really integrated into the heaven and the earth, the ground kept collapsing, and the void was twisted.

The last one was holding a colorful sword, a colorful long hair, a vague phantom appeared, and the surrounding void was constantly distorted. Heaven that controls everything.

Everyone was very surprised when they saw this scene. As I said before, Tianyue gave up a lot of emotions and made a lot of sacrifices for better control, and now he really did it.


At this time, Mie Liu, who was in front of Tianyue's pair of icy eyes, waved the sword in his hand, and a sword light instantly slashed out, and all the objects in front of him turned into nothingness at that moment, which was scary.

Mie Liu looked serious, released a triple defense shield, and blocked the knife in front of him, exuding a strong force.


There was a loud noise, and the sword slammed into the defensive cover, but it shattered in an instant, turning into countless fragments, and Mie Liu's body was also knocked back more than ten meters.

call out!

Tianyue's body rushed in front of Mie Liu in an instant, and the void and ground behind him collapsed into a long belt.

Coming in front of Mie Liu, Tianyue slashed towards Mie Liu with a sword, with a terrifying sword power.

Mie Liu also injected a huge force into the big sword in his hand, and with a strong wave, a black sword light with amazing power slashed towards the sky.


A huge roar sounded, the two weapons collided together, and a shock wave spread out and the ground collapsed instantly.

The sword in Tianyue's hand waved again, and a huge force spread out, and countless colorful birds appeared, each with a powerful force, and the speed was very fast towards Mie Liu, who was flying backwards.

bang bang bang...

Those colorful birds flew in front of Mie Liu and exploded directly. Countless rays of light shot out, covering all sight. A terrifying force spread, the ground collapsed in an instant, and a strong wind continued to blow around. open.

Countless trees swayed, and many gravels were blown away. The terrifying aura made everyone present feel a biting chill.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and countless black rays of light erupted, and a force of destruction continued to pour out like a monstrous flood, easily drowning the entire world, and the original colorful rays of light also dissipated in an instant.

The color of the world changed, the sun and the moon were dark, the world shook violently, and a huge golem appeared in front of everyone.

That golem is 10,000 meters high, has three heads, and has a ferocious face. There are two heads on the side with two horns. The middle head has three horns, and there is a vertical eye between the eyebrows. There are three black pupils, exuding the meaning of destruction.


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