The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2225 Demon

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

It is also very strong, with strong muscles, and has six arms, one arm holds a sword, one arm holds a knife, one arm holds a long spear, and one arm holds a Axe, ring in one arm and hammer in the other.

The whole body has the momentum of destroying the world, and the world can't bear this momentum, so it is constantly shaking, as if it is very frightening.

That terrifying aura of destruction pressed down on everyone, making everyone feel as if they were about to suffocate, giving off pain and fear.

Countless powerhouses were also very shocked when they saw this scene. This is the Lord of Destruction, a terrifying existence that appeared at the end of the world, who dominates the origin of destruction and can easily destroy everything.

Most of them have only heard of it, but haven't really seen the Lord of Destruction. It's the first time they've seen it, and it's really terrifying.

Now Mie Liu has turned into the Lord of Destruction. This is to master the source of destruction, and it can only be achieved by the favor of the Lord of Destruction.


A huge roar of the snake god sounded, and I saw the destruction golem wave the sword in his hand vigorously, and a huge sword qi slashed towards the sky, bringing out a huge sword qi storm, trees and stones along the way. , all the flowers and plants were chopped up, and there were sword marks flowing out.

Tianyue's expression was solemn, and a powerful force was injected into the sword in his hand. With a strong swing, a huge colorful crescent slashed out.


A loud bang erupted, the two collided, and countless sword qi and sword lights roared out like a gust of wind, destroying everything around them in an instant.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and the huge golem raised the sledgehammer in his hand and hit the sky with force, with a force that crushed everything, the space shattered, and the turbulent flow raged. .

Tianyue's body disappeared in place at that moment, the hammer hit the ground, a terrifying force spread out in an instant, a loud sound was emitted, and a large pit with a width of one kilometer appeared directly on the ground.

At this time, Tianyue appeared in the sky, above the huge golem, the sword in his hand emitted a strong colorful sword light, forming a thousand-meter-long colorful lightsaber, with the huge power of heaven and earth, towards the The golem chopped over.


A huge roar sounded, a strong wind spread, and the golem blocked the sword and spear in front of him, resisting the terrifying sword.


At this time, the golem waved the axe in its other hand and slashed towards the sky with a terrifying force, bringing out a huge strong wind.

Tianyue could only retreat back and disappear on the spot, making the golem's strike miss.

In the next moment, Tianyue appeared on the other side of the golem again, and with a sword with astonishing power, slashed towards the golem, but was easily blocked by the golem. The power of this golem was really too terrifying.

In the end, Tianyue appeared directly in the distance, raised the sword in his hand, and an incomparably huge world power poured out, and a huge colorful dragon emerged with a huge momentum, exuding a terrifying world Power.


Tianyue slashed out with one sword, and the huge colorful dragon charged towards the golem with astonishing terrifying power and a huge momentum.

The golem injected a huge power of destruction into the six weapons in his hand, and the six weapons emitted a black light, and a terrifying power of destruction poured out.


At the moment when the colorful dragon came, the golem slashed the six weapons in his hand towards the colorful dragon, and six huge black limans seemed to be about to destroy everything.


A huge roar broke out, the huge colorful dragon was cut open, a huge explosion occurred, and the body of the golem was also knocked back four or five steps.

At this time, Tianyue continued to rush towards the golem with a powerful momentum.

The terrifying eye between the golem's eyebrows stared at Chonglai Tianyue, and a terrifying power radiated out.

boom boom boom...

A roar continued to sound, and I saw hundreds of black light beams shot from the vertical eyes between the eyebrows of the golem, shooting at Tianyue with a powerful force of destruction, and the speed was very fast, just passing by.

Tianyue's complexion changed, and countless colorful rays of light were scattered in all directions, forming a huge colorful energy shield, exuding an astonishing power.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, countless beams shot on the protective cover, and the protective cover was shot to the ground, smashing heavily on the ground, creating a big pit, and countless rocks collapsed, and the huge protective cover also shattered.


But in this second, a huge stone pillar rushed out from the ground, and with huge force, knocked the huge golem flying out.

Countless smoke and dust dispersed in the big pit, Tianyue was half squatting on the ground, pressing one hand on the ground, and a rune formation appeared.


The golem roared angrily, trying to get up from the ground and kill Tianyue.

It was naturally impossible for Tianyue to let go of the chance of the golem falling. A huge power of the world poured into that rune formation, and that rune formation exuded a huge world power.

Countless mud poured out to the golem on the ground like a tide, first wrapping its limbs

, it immobilized its limbs, and then poured out countless mud towards its body, covering the golem's body.

The soil continued to harden, and the golem seemed to be completely sealed in the soil and could not move, and the terrifying aura emanating from the golem quickly dissipated.

Everyone was a little surprised, looking at the scene in front of them, "Could it be that Tianyue defeated Mie Liu like this?"


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, countless pieces of soil shattered, and a huge black hole appeared, generating an extremely huge suction force that sucked countless pieces of soil into the black hole.

The black hole dissipated, and the huge body of the golem climbed up from the ground at one time, the eye between the eyebrows emitted countless black rays of light, and an invisible force of destruction poured out.

A huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of Tianyue, emitting a huge suction force, trying to suck Tianyue into it.

Tianyue's face changed, and he immediately injected a powerful force into the sword in his hand, and with a forceful slash, a colorful arc of sword slashed out, severing the huge black hole.

But at this time, the six arms of the golem raised the six weapons in their hands, injected a force into them, and then chopped them down.

boom boom boom...

Six huge black rays of light slashed out, with the power of destruction and huge momentum, the thunder slashed forward, as if there was no way to stop it, and a huge roar sounded.


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