The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2226 Emperor (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!


Tianyue was slashed and flew out by the blow, and six huge holes over a thousand meters appeared on the ground. The ground was a mess, and there were broken trees and broken stones everywhere.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and I saw several wounds appeared on Tianyue's chest. He looked at the golem with a cold face, and a stream of colorful arrogance continued to pour out, spreading out like a spring.

Tianyue raised the sword in his hand and slashed hard.


A huge river of colorful arrogance, with the power of the vast world, rushed forward at a very fast and fierce speed, as if there was no way to stop it, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

The golem immediately exuded a huge force, blocking the six weapons in front of him, emitting a strong light.


A loud sound came out, and the golem was knocked out by the huge colorful river, fell several hundred meters away, smashed heavily on the ground, smashed a big pit, and countless rocks collapsed. go out.


The golem climbed up from the ground and let out a thunderous roar angrily, and a substantial sound wave spread out, sweeping everything in an instant.


The golem raised the six weapons around, and the six weapons continued to pour out a force of destruction.

A huge black ball appeared with the power of terrifying power, which was tens of thousands of meters in size. Black electric arcs flashed continuously around it, with a thrilling momentum, and the surrounding void could not bear the constant tearing apart.

Tianyue was serious in front of him, and understood how terrifying this blow was.


A huge roar sounded, and Tianyue erupted with an astonishing force, emitting countless colored rays of light, like a huge colored sun, tens of thousands of meters in size.


Tianyue took this huge colorful sun and rushed towards the golem first. The colorful rays of light dyed the world into seven colors, slamming into the devil like a world, crushing everything.


The six arms of the golem also waved, and the huge black ball flew forward, and the black ball emitted countless black rays of light, dyeing the world black, as if to destroy the world and bring out countless cracks.


A loud bang erupted, the two spheres collided together, and a shock wave that destroyed the world spread out, and all the surrounding ground, mountains, trees, and streams turned into nothingness in that instant.

A terrifying air wave blew away, countless sand and gravel were blown out, countless trees were uprooted, and the sound was deafening, like a natural disaster.

Zhao Fu and the others who were far away were also affected. The air wave was caught between countless pieces of gravel and wood and shot towards them. Zhao Fu immediately released a defensive cover to block all the pieces of gravel and wood.

After everything subsided, a large pit with a size of hundreds of thousands appeared on the ground, exuding a power of extinction.

Everyone was shocked. It was a battle between the two emperor star owners. It was simply too terrifying. Who is winning now? Everyone's eyes were fixed on the big pit.

In the big pit, Tianyue's body changed back to a real body, and there were several wounds on his body that were bleeding, and his expression was a little weak.

On the other side, Mie Liu was lying on the ground and returned to his original appearance. He also had several wounds on his body and his face was pale.

When everyone saw this scene, the more Tian was standing, and Mie Liu was lying on the ground, it seemed that Tian Yue had won.


Such an idea just emerged from his mind, and Mie Liu stood up from the ground, exuding a huge force, and a black light shot into the sky with terrifying power.


A huge sound that seemed to collapse the heaven and the earth sounded, and an extremely terrifying shock wave spread with the power to destroy everything, and long space cracks were torn out in the sky, and the picture was extremely terrifying.

Countless strong white rays of light shot out from the cracks, and the entire sky collapsed into nothingness and became pitch black.

A huge and incomparable white star, with an incomparable momentum at this time, slowly came out of the sky, and the world seemed to sink, feeling a huge pressure.

That huge white star carries divine power, exuding a solemn, solemn, devout, and religious aura, like a lord of the gods, that power can make the sky shatter, time and space are distorted, and all gods are in awe.

This is the Supreme Emperor Star of the God Race... the Supreme God Star!

The appearance of the Supreme Divine Star made Mie Liu's aura to the extreme, as if he was the lord of the almighty gods.


A huge roar sounded once, and Tianyue did not hesitate, his body exuded a huge power of the world, and a colorful beam shot into the sky with a powerful force.


A loud bang broke out, the sky seemed to collapse at once, countless cracks spread, countless white lights shot out, and a huge white star appeared with great power.

The Emperor Star of the God Race exudes a dazzling white light, exuding a vast power of the Emperor Star, which is located on both sides of the sky, and the momentum shakes the world.

Mie Liu's body was cold, raised a hand, and a terrifying destructive force was injected into the emperor star, and the emperor star emitted countless blacks.

The color light, like that huge black sun, Mie Liu's raised hand fell hard.


An incomparably huge roar sounded, and the huge black sun that exuded a terrifying aura actually slammed into the sky with the power to destroy everything.

Tianyue had no fear, raised a hand, and a huge power of the world was injected into the emperor star in the sky. force.

His hand also fell.


A loud bang sounded, and the colorful sun also had a terrifying power of the world, as well as the momentum that shook the world, and slammed forward, and the world seemed to be collapsing.


There was a sound like the sky and the earth bursting, and the ears seemed to be torn. The two emperor stars collided together, just like two worlds colliding together, and countless rays of light enveloped the world.

At that moment, not only the ground, the vegetation, the mountains, and the rocks collapsed, but space and time also collapsed at that instant, and all of them turned into nothingness.

The people in the distance saw nothing in front of them, they could not see anything, their ears seemed to be deaf, and they felt that they could not speak.

The sky and the earth continued to vibrate violently, which lasted for a while, and the momentum of annihilation continued to surge like a tide.


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