The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2227 Protoss

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

All the fluctuations dissipated, and a large pit of one million meters appeared on the ground. Numerous trees around the pit were destroyed, and rocks were scattered, just like the scene after the disaster.

The inside of the big pit exudes a huge annihilation aura, which is very terrifying, even if it can be sensed from a distance, it makes the hair stand up.

There were two people lying on the ground, one was Tianyue and the other was Mie Liu.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at the scene in front of them. Now both of them fell to the ground. It was unclear who won, or it might have been a tie, and everyone was nervously looking forward to it.

It didn't take long for Tianyue to stand up from the ground, and Mie Liu also wanted to stand up, but there was no trace of strength.

In this scene, it was obvious that Tianyue had won, and the audience was boiling.

"Hahaha, I knew that Tianyue would win. This time the Lord of the Gods must be him? Who will be his opponent now?"

"Yeah! Originally, the two God Race Emperor Stars were the most likely to win the Lord of the Gods. Now that Tianyue has defeated the owner of another Emperor Star, the Lord of the Gods must be his. I can guarantee it."

"Yes! Without losing the number one powerhouse in the God Realm, with such a terrifying power, he has also defeated the No.

"Ah, ah, I also like Tianyue very much. I like him very much. It would be even better if I were his wife. I will serve him wholeheartedly."

"It was the first time I saw two emperor star owners fighting. It was terrifying beyond imagination. Both of them are strong men worthy of our respect and admiration."

"Yeah! Both of them are very strong. Although Mie Liu lost, it definitely does not mean that she is weak. Tian Yue won't be easy to win. It feels like a little bit stronger than Mie Liu, not too much stronger."

"This is not wrong, and there is also the reason for the attribute. Tianyue belongs to the world attribute. It can absorb the power of heaven and earth at any time, and the damage he suffers will heal quickly. Mie Liu is a destruction attribute, although it has powerful destructive power, But the ability to recover has never been stronger.”

"There is actually nothing to say about their battle. Both of them tried their best, and the last two emperor stars collided. They deserve our cheers for them."


At this moment, many powerful people in the God Realm couldn't help but admire Tianyue. Even those who had no light showed a smile, because Tianyue represented the God Realm, and if he won, the God Realm won.

Although the gods live in both the gods and the gods, there are often some frictions between the two sides. People in the gods think that the people of the gods are inferior to them. The people of the gods have always wanted to surpass the gods, but now they are just not happening. Just a big battle.

Now being suppressed by the God Realm again, some of the forces in the God Realm who came here have a bad look on their faces.

They had no way to blame Mie Liu, because Mie Liu had done his best, and the power shocked them all. It could only be said that Tian Yue's power was stronger than Mie Liu.

At this time, Tianyue walked over to Mie Liu. He had regained some strength, and Mie Liu's face was also a little ugly. She originally had great confidence, but in the end, he was defeated by Tianyue, and he had a problem with her. Huge blow.

She didn't have any complaints, she had tried her best and still lost in his hands.

Tianyue came to Mie Liu and said coldly, "Now I win! But you are not weak."

Mie Liu looked at Tianyue with a pair of eyes and said, "Yeah! You have beaten me, but I will definitely win back in the future."

Tian Yue replied coldly, "I also look forward to the future battles, I hope you will become stronger, don't let me down."

This made Mie Liu a little uncomfortable, because Tianyue thought that she had always been less powerful than him and needed to try to catch up with him, but because she was indeed defeated by Tianyue, she had nothing to say.

Now she has a fighting spirit in her heart, hoping that she will have a stronger force to defeat Tianyue in the future, and she must not be defeated by Tianyue for the second time.

At this time, Liuli, Mie Liu's maid, flew to Mie Liu's side worriedly and supported the weak Mie Liu.

Tianyue didn't say anything, and disappeared into the sky as a stream of light. Now he also needs to restore his strength.

After Liuli lifted Mie Liu, she quickly took out a few bottles of very good medicinal pills and fed it to Mie Liu, and asked with concern, "How do you feel now, miss?"

Mie Liu lay in Liu Li's arms, with a smile on his face, he said, "Nothing, just me this time"


Before Mie Liu could finish speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood, his face became pale, and his breath became very weak.

Liu Li was shocked, "Miss! What's wrong with you?"

Mie Liu didn't answer Liu Li's words, and just fainted to death. Liu Li didn't know what was going on, so he immediately fed Mie Liu with the medicinal medicine for treatment, and injected direct power into Mie Liu's body to recover for Mie Liu. injury.

But it didn't have much effect. She found that ordinary power and medicine could not cure the current injury of Mie Liu.

Right now, Mie Liu's injury was not an injury due to fighting, but was counterattacked by powerful luck. Just now, she used the Divine Clan Emperor Star to hit Tianyue. Although her attack power was terrifying, she would also be greatly affected.

Emperor Star can be said to be her life and everything, and any damage will be reflected on her body.

Just after the collision of the two, the Emperor Star suffered a little damage, and at the critical moment, Mie Liu lost,

Therefore, the body has been subjected to a strong backlash of air luck, which is the backlash of air luck, so general strength and medicinal herbs cannot be cured.

If you want to heal this kind of injury, you must help someone with strong luck, otherwise you can only rely on yourself to recover a little bit, and the process will be very slow.

Liuli immediately thought of one person, and that is Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu has a holy bloodline, and he has defeated the terrifying God Kerr. His identity is even more mysterious, and he must have great luck.

At this time, Zhao Fu showed a smile and brought the girls to the big pit.

Because Zhao Fu watched Mie Liu lose all of his power, it was best to subdue her at this time, so he brought people here despicably.

Of course, Zhao Fu didn't have full confidence, after all, the other party was an Emperor Star owner.

Although Moon God Ya also has an Emperor Star, it was Zhao Fu who subdued her first, and then awakened the Emperor Star of the God Race.

Liuli looked at Zhao Fu who came, and showed a surprised smile, and said, "Xiang Gong, please save my young lady!"

Zhao Fu came to her with a smile, and at a glance, he understood that Liuli had been attacked by luck, this was the backlash of Emperor Star's luck, it was very terrifying, and generally people with huge luck would not dare to touch it, because it was very difficult. Possibly also rebuffed.


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