The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2231 Divine Dragon

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Hao Dao used this trick before, and solved the sixth-ranked swallowing, which was terrifying.

The sphere of light formed by the knife light is getting bigger and bigger, and the power it emits is getting more and more terrifying, and a strong gust of wind keeps blowing away.


Tianyue didn't dare to be careless, a huge world power erupted, and the surrounding power quickly poured into Tianyue's body, Tianyue raised the sword in his hand, and a huge arrogance gushed out.

This huge and colorful arrogance constantly changes and condenses in the sky, forming a huge colorful dragon, exuding a very terrifying power, and a strong coercion is felt all around.


With a wave of the knife in Hao Dao's hand, the ball of light formed by the huge knife light shot forward with the power to sever all things, and the surrounding void and the ground seemed to be slashed by a knife.


The sword raised by Tianyue also slashed hard, and the huge colorful dragon made a huge dragon roar, with the power to destroy everything in the world, and a huge momentum, and rushed towards Hao Dao.


A terrifying explosion sounded, and the two collided once with terrifying power. A violent explosion occurred, and a dazzling light ball spread instantly. The ground, trees, stones, flowers and plants were swallowed into nothingness at that moment.

A gust of wind was removed, and countless sand and stones flew out, and many trees swayed vigorously. The picture was very, very terrifying.

The ground was trembling violently, the sky was shrouded in a layer of haze, and a terrifying aura kept pouring in like a tide.

Countless people in the secret realm also sensed this terrifying aura, and they felt a coldness all over their bodies, as if their bodies were soaked in ice water, they showed shocked expressions, "This is the two peerless powerhouses fighting? "

In the black energy hood, Zhao Fu was playing with what was on Mie Liu's chest. Mie Liu was lying in Zhao Fu's arms with a flushed face. At this moment, they also felt this terrifying aura, and they were also surprised expression.

Zhao Fu also stopped and looked in the direction of the wave. Zhao Fu didn't need to look at it to understand that the two were fighting, because only two people fighting now would have such a terrifying wave. That is Tianyue and Haodao.

Mie Liu also regained a sense of sobriety, looking at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes and said, "Have you had enough fun with me? I want to see the battle between the two of them."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "Of course I haven't had enough! If you want to see their battle, you don't have to go."

Saying that, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a terrifying power of the gods shot out. The colored light spread out in the air, and a simple white mirror emerged.

This mirror is like the mirrors outside, there is a picture inside, and the position of the picture is exactly where Hao Dao and the two fought.

Mie Liu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to have this ability.

And feeling that terrifying divine power, I understand that this is Zhao Fu's divine power that combines the power of twenty-four main gods, so he has this ability.

Shen Qianhua leaned on Zhao Fu's side without any clothes on, and asked curiously, "Master! Who do you think will win? Is it Tianyue, the strongest in the God Realm, or the mysterious man with the sword of heaven and earth? people?"

Zhao Fu smiled and replied without hesitation, "Of course it's that mysterious person!"

The girls looked at Zhao Fu's confident appearance, Mie Liu also said, "Is that mysterious person really that scary? Tianyue is the owner of the Emperor Star, and he is stronger than me."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If you keep reading, you will understand!"

Hearing this, the girls also looked at the mirror.

The current scene is also more fragrant, and the girls are not wearing clothes sitting around Zhao Fu. Look at the picture in the mirror.

At this time, the wave dissipated, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. On one side of the pit, Tian Yue stood up from the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, Tianyue was not seen, and everyone was looking for where Tianyue was.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and I saw countless colored rays of light shot out from a pile of chaotic rocks, and countless chaotic rocks were knocked out. Shine everywhere.

The power of the world continued to pour into Tianyue's body, and Tianyue's body also changed. I saw that his hair became colorful, a colorful mark appeared between his eyebrows, and his eyes became colorful glass eyeballs.

An invisible force spread out from his body, enveloped the entire world, forming an invisible coercion, he was like a world master, and that terrifying momentum made people want to kneel.


Tianyue stood in the sky, grabbed with one hand, a spar sword automatically flew into Tianyue's hand, Tianyue raised the sword in his hand, and a huge force poured into the sword, that one. The sword emits countless colorful sword lights covering the world.


A sword was slashed out, and a huge colored sword light with the power to destroy everything instantly slashed on Hao Dao's body, making a huge sound, and countless broken stones collapsed.

But the countless sword lights dissipated, but Hao Dao did nothing.

Now Hao Dao's body exudes a white-gold light, and his body is emitting wisps of sword energy. There are four phantoms of knives floating in his four directions, emitting

A very terrifying force of the knife, giving people a creepy feeling.

Tian Yue was startled, he didn't expect Hao Dao to use his true power now and resist his attack so easily.


Hao Dao looked at Tianyue in the sky with a pair of eyes, and with a wave of the long blade in his hand, a huge strip of blade light slashed towards Tianyue with a terrifying blade force like a broken bamboo, and brought out a blade in the air. Optical tape.

Tianyue stretched out a hand, a powerful force of the world poured out, and a huge circular colorful light shield appeared, with the light and shadow of a world inside, exuding a huge momentum in front of him.


That colorful light shield blocked the terrifying long knife light, countless knife lights spread out, and the light shield also cracked a few cracks.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Suddenly, four air-breaking sounds sounded, and I saw the phantoms of the four knives floating beside Hao Dao, shooting out in an instant with astonishing blade strength.


A loud sound came out, and the phantoms of the four knives with terrifying power directly cut open the circular light shield, and the light shield turned into fragments and shot.


A huge roar sounded in one place, and I saw Hao Dao also raised the sword in his hand to split a huge river of sword light, with the power to slash the sky and the earth, the momentum was fierce and slashed towards the sky, the momentum was huge, and the picture was very amazing.


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