The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2232 God Realm (for subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

There is no way to dodge this huge river of sword light. Tianyue can only choose to resist and inject all the power into the sword in his hand.


At the moment when the long river of sword light struck, Tianyue slashed out with a forceful sword, a terrifying seven-colored sword force slashed out, and the void shattered at that moment.


A huge roar sounded at one time, the two forces collided together and a huge explosion occurred, countless dazzling rays of light shot out, and a terrifying strong wind blew with astonishing power.

Countless rays of light just dissipated, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of Tianyue, and one with a huge blade force slashed towards Tianyue.

Tian Yue was shocked and blocked Hao Dao's attack with his sword.


But the next moment another Hao Dao appeared behind Tianyue, holding a long sword and slashed at him.

Tian Yue hurriedly ducked to the side, dodging this one.


At that moment, the third Hao Dao appeared next to Tianyue, and with a terrifying power, the blade slashed Tianyue from the sky.

Tianyue's body slammed on the ground like a rapidly falling meteorite, smashing a big hole, and countless rocks were shot, and smoke and dust spread out.

And the three Tianyue in the sky also looked down with a pair of eyes, and were about to continue to attack.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge colorful arrogance spread in the smoke and dust, blowing countless smoke and dust out, revealing Tianyue's body.

I saw that Tianyue's body continued to pour out colorful arrogance, the huge world power continued to spread, Tianyue's body was beginning to blur, as if it was really integrated into the heaven and the earth, the ground kept collapsing, and the void was twisted.

The last blurry shadow with colorful long hair and pupils appeared, and the surrounding void was constantly distorted. That shadow was illusory, and the power of the terrifying world spread and controlled the world, as if he was in control Everything is normal.

There was no fear in the three Hao Dao in the sky, with a terrifying momentum, they rushed towards Hao Dao like three streams of light.

Tianyue looked cold, and stepped out with a huge world power.


The power of the world gathered at that moment, forming a huge foot in the sky, stepping on the ground with enormous power.


That huge foot directly stepped on the three Hao Dao that rushed over, the ground collapsed, and a huge footprint appeared on the ground, more than two thousand meters long, and a strong wind spread.


In the next second, a huge knife light charged into the sky with terrifying power, and the huge foot was chopped into half and dissipated. dissipated when.

With a huge force, Hao Dao continued to charge towards the sky.

Tianyue stretched out a hand at this time, the power of countless worlds poured out, a huge arm, clenched into a fist, with a force that destroyed everything, hit the front, bringing a violent storm .

Hao Dao injected a huge force into the long sword in his hand, and the ordinary long sword emitted countless sword lights and swiped it hard.


A huge crescent-shaped knife light with terrifying power slashed on the arm that was hit, and the arm was slashed by one at a time, turning into countless light spots and dissipating.

Hao Dao's body continued to charge towards the sky.


A huge roar sounded, and I saw Tianyue's body emitting a strong colorful light, and a head with a huge momentum emerged from the void above the big pit.

This head is about one meter in size. It is the head of a man. It looks very blurry and can't see what it looks like. However, his eyes are colored and cold without any emotion.

A pair of eyes on the head looked at Hao Dao with cold and emotionless eyes, and a note came out in his mouth, "Thunder!"

boom boom boom...

One after another huge blue lightning appeared on the ground, and the Hao Dao in the sky with terrifying power slashed past.

Hao Dao's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and a terrifying force poured into the sword. Hao Dao raised the sword in his hand, and countless platinum-gold sword qi poured out like a tide, forming a huge white gold composed of sword qi. The color lion exudes a mighty, sharp and terrifying aura.


The knife in Hao Dao's hand fell, and the platinum lion let out a huge roar, charging towards the ground with a terrifying knife energy, like a mountain turning over, giving people a sense of oppression.


There was a loud noise, and countless blue lightnings collided with the huge platinum lion. The countless blue lightnings were smashed by the power emitted by the platinum lion and disappeared into countless arcs.

The platinum lion continued to charge towards the sky with great strength.

When the head saw the platinum lion coming out, it made one note at a time, "Shield!"

The world quickly gathered at that moment, and a huge light shield was formed in front of the head. The color words were colorful, exuding a strong and huge momentum.


This time the huge

The platinum lion slammed into the shield with terrifying power, and a strong wind blew away, causing countless trees to sway, and many sand and stones to fly out.

There were several huge cracks on that side of the light shield, but it blocked the blow of the platinum lion, and the platinum lion turned into countless sword qi and dissipated.


A huge knife sounded, and Hao Dao suddenly appeared in front of the huge light shield. With a forceful swing of the knife in his hand, the several thousand-kilometer-long white-golden saber light slashed out with astonishing power, and it struck the light shield like thunder.


The huge light shield was directly split into two halves, and the knife light continued to slash towards the head with terrifying power, smashing the head, and Tianyue under the head was also slashed by a knife Split and flew out.

Everyone looked at the scene in shock, and only felt that Hao Dao was too terrifying, because now it was obvious that the battle situation was very beneficial to Hao Dao, and Hao Dao's power was stronger than Tian Yue.

But Tianyue is the owner of the Emperor Star and the strongest in the God Realm, but he is only the Hao Dao in front of him. What kind of terrifying identity does Hao Dao have, and why does he possess such terrifying power.

Originally, everyone thought that Hao Dao was inferior to Tian Yue, waiting for Tian Yue to defeat Hao Dao easily, but things were different from what they thought. They underestimated Hao Dao, and Hao Dao was beyond their imagination.

However, they can't be blamed for this, because Tianyue's power is really terrifying. Not only does he possess the Emperor Star of the God Race, but he is also the number one powerhouse in the God Realm, and he has also defeated Mie Liu, who is the number one powerhouse in the God Realm. They don't believe it. Who does he believe?


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