The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2233 birds

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Hao Dao slashed out, and a knife edge 10,000 meters long and hundreds of meters deep appeared on the ground, exuding a force of destruction, which was shocking.

At the end of the knife edge, Tian Yue stood up slowly, there was a wound on his chest, which was bleeding continuously. This wound was the wound just caused.

Tian Yue looked at Hao Dao with a pair of eyes, his expression was very solemn, and he slowly raised the spar sword in his hand.


Tianyue burst out with a strong colorful light, which turned into a colorful beam and rushed to the sky, forming a huge colorful beam of light, making a huge roar.

The sky radiated seven-colored rays of light, and an incomparably huge coercion came crashing down, the sky shattered into countless cracks, and countless white rays of light shot out from the cracks, and the entire sky collapsed into nothingness and became a piece of pitch black.

A huge and incomparable white star, with an incomparable momentum at this time, slowly came out of the sky, and the world seemed to sink, feeling a huge pressure.

That huge white star carries divine power, exuding a solemn, solemn, devout, and religious aura, like a lord of the gods, that power can make the sky shatter, time and space are distorted, and all gods are in awe.

Now Tianyue can only use the power of the God Race Emperor Star, otherwise he has no power to resist Hao Dao.

The emperor star of the god race in the sky exudes dazzling colorful light, and there is a divine might to suppress the heaven and earth. The huge power of the emperor star pours into Tianyue's body, making Tianyue's body also exudes an aura of the Lord of the Gods. , which is frightening.


The sword raised by Tianyue slashed out at that moment, and a sharp colored sword light instantly slashed towards Hao Dao.

Hao Dao's body dodged to the side, dodging the sword.


There was a loud noise, and the sword slashed on the ground, and the ground was directly cut into a hole of tens of thousands of meters. It was only one meter wide, but it was unfathomable.

Tianyue, who is blessed with the power of Emperor Star, is also desperately powerful.

Everyone who had lost confidence in Tianyue now has confidence in Tianyue, and now Tianyue has such a terrifying blessing of the power of the Emperor Star, it is still possible to defeat Hao Dao.

When Hao Dao faced Tian Yue who was blessed by Emperor Star, his face became very solemn.

At this time, Tian Yueping picked up the sword in his hand, and a huge sword power poured out from the sword, and colorful birds appeared one after another, densely covering the surroundings, flapping their wings lightly.


With a wave of the sword in Tianyue's hand, countless colorful birds flew towards Hao Dao with a huge momentum, as unstoppable as the tide.

Hao Dao also raised the long sword in his hand, and a huge force was injected into the sword.


Hao Dao slashed out, and the phantom of the sword, with the power to slash the world, slashed forward, directly slicing the huge wave of birds in half, and the terrifying sword strength smashed the birds.

But there were still countless birds flying towards Hao Dao with terrifying power, and Hao Dao defended the protective cover. Those birds exploded again and again, and the force of explosions raged.

The light spread, and Hao Dao's defensive cover cracked a few cracks, and he did not take any damage.


Tianyue appeared in front of Hao Dao, the sword in his hand swiped vigorously, and a sharp sword light slashed towards Hao Dao, directly cutting off Hao Dao's defensive cover, and the sword light continued to slash towards Hao Dao's body, but Hao Dao slashed away. The knife exuded a blade gas from the whole body, blocking the sword light, and the body was knocked back a few steps.

At that moment, Tian Yue rushed forward, and stabbed Hao Dao with a sharp sword light, like lightning, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Tian Yue.


A huge sword qi burst out from Hao Dao's body, and the sharp sword qi spread around, the ground was instantly smashed by countless sword qi, and Tian Yue was knocked back a few steps.


A huge roar sounded, and at that moment, countless knife gas poured out and turned into a huge tiger, with a terrifying and terrifying momentum, it quickly slammed into the sky.

Tian Yue hurriedly blocked with his sword, and the sword emitted a strong light, forming a colorful light shield.


A dull voice sounded, and Tianyue was knocked out for dozens of meters, but did not receive any damage.


At this time, Hao Dao exudes a huge blade energy, which forms a one-meter-long flying knife, each of which exudes a very terrifying blade energy, covering the sky and surrounding it. There are thousands.

clang clang...

Hao Dao stretched out a hand and pressed it, and a sound of the sword sounded, and the countless flying knives floating around Hao Dao all flew towards the sky. Chopped up in general.


Tianyue erupted with a huge power of the world, and the body radiated countless colored rays of light, like a colored sun, exuding a huge coercion.


That colored sun shot out countless colored beams, and shot towards the Hao Dao God with amazing power. The speed was also very fast, as if it shot through everything, and the momentum was very amazing.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and a series of colorful rays of light and flying knives collided together, and a series of explosions occurred.

Explosion, a terrifying force continued to rage, the ground shattered continuously, and a gust of wind blew away.

The fluctuations gradually dissipated, and large pits hundreds of meters long appeared on the ground.


Another huge roar sounded, Hao Dao picked up the long sword in his hand at one time, and the blade Qi like a tide kept pouring out of the blade, and the blade Qi spread out, cutting the ground and the void into cracks. The momentum is amazing.


Tianyue held a sword in one hand, and a huge power of the world was injected into it. The sword emitted countless sword lights, and a sword intent poured out to cover the world, exuding a huge coercion, and time and space seemed to stand still.


Hao Dao swung out with force, and the tidal wave of blade Qi, with the power to destroy everything, rushed towards the sky fiercely, and everything along the way was swallowed by the blade Qi and turned into powder.


Tianyue swung out a sword, and an extremely sharp sword slashed towards the front, as if it had cut everything open, and no one could stop it.


A huge explosion sounded, and the two forces collided together, causing a terrifying explosion. Countless sword energy and sword light shot out, forming a huge storm raging around.

After everything subsided, sword marks and knife marks appeared on the ground, covering the surrounding area, and the picture was very amazing.

Tianyue and Haodao were also knocked out dozens of meters, and suffered some injuries. There was blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.


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