The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2262 Zodiac

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

boom! boom! boom!

Three huge roars sounded, and the three time goddesses exuded a huge power of time. Time appeared around the body, and the magic circle under the feet was activated and began to rotate.

An invisible power of time spread out, and the runes on the three lighthouses all lit up, emitting countless bronze-colored rays of light, a huge momentum radiated out, and that huge power of time continued to spread out.


A huge roar sounded at one time, and the huge time magic circle was also activated, emitting countless rays of light, and a huge force spread out, covering a hundred areas.

at once!

Countless power of time gathers towards the center of the circle like a tide, and the power of time in the center of the circle is highly condensed, and the pieces of bronze crystals are condensed, and they are getting bigger and bigger, forming pieces of bronze.

At this moment, the time in a hundred regions is also in chaos, as if it is divided into pieces of space. In some places, the sun is shining, some places are already dark, some places are lightly raining, and some places are cloudless. , in some places the vegetation is withered and yellow, and some places are full of greenery.

This undoubtedly formed time traps one by one. If you lift into them, you will fall into this trap, and you are in that time, and there is no way to get out of it.

I saw that little by little, the bronze in the center of the array continued to condense, and it was more than 100 meters in size, like a hill.

Zhao Fu first asked Shi Nian and the three to stop the time array, and in front of the huge bronze, he picked up a fist-sized bronze on the ground and sensed it.

The power of time contained in this piece of bronze is not very strong for Zhao Fu, but this kind of bronze is already much stronger than ordinary things containing the power of time, and can be used as a material for the sage's stone.

Moreover, the speed is relatively fast, and Zhao Fu was quite satisfied with such a large piece of bronze condensed in a short period of time.

The next step is to continue to maintain the formation, constantly condensing bronze, and Zhao Fu named this bronze time bronze.

The three time goddesses don't need to stay here all the time, as long as they can keep the circle running, and Zhao Fu will fully hand over everything here to the three of them.

In the central area of ​​the circle, the time is relatively stable, and there is no confusion. Later, Zhao Fu also plans to order someone to build a palace here for the three goddesses of time to live.

After dealing with this matter, Zhao Fu asked people to build 12 more temples. Next, Zhao Fu has to do the second important thing, which is the matter of the zodiac.

These 12 zodiac signs can not only have the power of time, but also the power of the zodiac. The most important thing is that it can make the Daqin country more powerful and stable, and it can also endow every child of Daqin with the power of the zodiac and enhance them. of luck.

Such a powerful ability is really rare and surprising, and it can enhance the overall strength of a country.

The twelve temples let his subordinates continue to practice, and Zhao Fu ordered people to call all the goddesses of the zodiac to the inheritance place of Daqin.

Now, in the land of Daqin inheritance, Zhao Fu specially built a palace, and it was very luxurious. Zhao Fu had not been to this place for a long time.

The Stone of Inheritance of Daqin in the center of the palace emits colorful rays of light and floats in mid-air, surrounded by numerous state-suppressing artifacts, which were obtained by Daqin by conquering other countries.

Zhao Fu also sent heavy troops to guard here, and countless forbidden formations broke out. This is the core thing of the entire Daqin Empire, and there can be no accidents.

Standing in front of the Stone of Inheritance, Zhao Fu smiled and looked at the twelve beautiful and different women in front of him.

They are the Rat Goddess, Ox Goddess, Tiger Goddess, Rabbit Goddess, Dragon Goddess, Snake Goddess, Horse Goddess, Sheep Goddess, Monkey Goddess, Chicken Goddess, Dog Goddess, and Pig Goddess.

At this time, some of them still didn't know what Zhao Fu asked them to do here. The snake man said with a charming face, "Your Majesty! Why did you ask us to come here? You haven't favored us for a long time."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I told you to have something very important, which is a great thing for the twelve of you. You will become the twelve most important goddesses in Daqin."

The monkey goddess asked with a look of surprise and curiosity, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about!"

Zhao Fu briefly talked about the zodiac signs, and all the girls showed smiles on their faces. This was an opportunity for them to reach the sky in one step.

Originally, the twelve of them were ordinary concubines of Zhao Fu, enjoying the treatment of ordinary concubines, but now that they have become such important people, their status has increased tenfold, and they also have considerable power in Daqin.

Moreover, they are more important to Zhao Fu, so they can make more demands on Zhao Fu, and the more opportunities they have to be favored by Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took out the twelve light groups and handed them to the twelve goddesses, and then the twelve goddesses sat cross-legged around the stone of inheritance according to Zhao Fu's instructions, forming a circle with the stone of inheritance as the center.

They put the twelve light groups in front of them, closed their eyes and began to absorb the power of the light groups, only to see strands of power emerging from the light groups, constantly integrating into the bodies of the twelve goddesses, and the bodies of the twelve goddesses also radiated. Lights of different colors.

The smaller the light group was, the light on the twelve goddesses became stronger and stronger, and the momentum became stronger and stronger, making the palace become depressed.

Finally, the light group is getting smaller and smaller,

When it was only the size of an egg, it automatically flew into the bodies of twelve goddesses.

The bodies of the twelve goddesses were shaken. After the godheads in their bodies absorbed that group, they exuded a powerful divine power, and the goddess also radiated strong rays of light, as if they had begun to transform.

As time passed, the godheads in the body of the twelve goddesses turned into animals, that is, twelve species of rats, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, and pigs. .

Each of them is not very big, only the size of a walnut, and the material is also spar, emitting different colors of light and different strengths.

The original godhead was a diamond-shaped spar, but now it has turned into an animal shape, which is quite surprising.

The twelve kinds of godheads have become twelve kinds of animals, and the strength and breath of the twelve goddesses have undergone amazing changes. They are completely different from before. Now the breath and power they exude are the breath and power of the zodiac.

The power of this zodiac is many times stronger than the one before them, so their bodies exude a mighty power. They no longer want to be the weak gods before, but are like a very powerful god, which is awe-inspiring .


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