The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2263 Fate (Subscribe)

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After becoming the gods of the twelve zodiac signs, the twelve goddesses opened their eyes and shot out different colors of holy light, giving people a sacred, powerful and inviolable look.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and the twelve goddesses looked at the stone of inheritance floating in the center with their eyes, exuding a powerful zodiac power.

I saw wisps of different colors of breath gushing out from their bodies, and above their heads, twelve species of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig were formed. animal.

After the twelve kinds of animals were formed, they made various movements in mid-air as if they were alive, and then flew towards the Stone of Inheritance with a huge momentum.


A loud bang rang out, and after the twelve animals merged into the Stone of Inheritance, a terrifying power erupted. The entire human world felt this power, and the body felt as if it had fallen into the abyss, and could not help but feel fear.

Heaven and earth also changed suddenly, the wind and clouds were surging, and the breath was chaotic. From the ground and the sky, strands of black dragon-like aura emerged, gathering like a tide toward the Great Qin Emperor Palace.

Bai Qi, Xian Ru, Li Si and many other ministers felt this huge change and were not surprised. They understood what terrible things their Majesty was doing again. He did this every time he came back from the outside. What a surprise.

After that stone of inheritance inhaled countless Daqin luck, it emitted a strong colored light, and there was an extremely terrifying coercion.

The original Daqin heritage stone has been upgraded to a very high level, the color has become three-colored, and now it is integrated into the twelve zodiac signs, so that the Daqin heritage has only changed, and a terrifying force is constantly pouring out, which makes people feel one. Shocked.

The Daqin Stone of Inheritance is in the shape of a Rubik's cube, and now it has twelve faces, each of which is printed with an animal pattern, which is the pattern of the zodiac.


A loud bang sounded at one time, and after the twelve images appeared, the Stone of Inheritance emitted countless black rays of light, which turned into a huge black ray of light and rushed into the sky, causing the sky to shake violently.

I saw a huge black beam of light standing between the heavens and the earth, exuding a huge and incomparable momentum, spreading out like a tide, giving people a thrilling and small feeling.

Bai Qi, everyone in Xian Ru was also a little surprised. This terrifying aura radiated out, but it was not a trivial matter. They also became concerned and walked over to the Great Qin Emperor Palace.

Jiu Xiaoyun and Aoki Ryo, who had been playing in the Great Qin Empire, looked at the huge beam of light in shock.

They had just heard that Zhao Fu was back, and they were going to go to Zhao Fu to ask why they disappeared for such a long time, causing them to wait for a long time.

Now they have been in Daqin for a long time, and they have been investigating all aspects of Daqin's information. It feels like Daqin is covered by a mysterious veil, but from the information leaked by Daqin, Daqin really very scary.

Aoki and Jiu Xiaoyun originally wanted to send the news out, but since the opening of the guardian of the kingdom of heaven, nothing can get in outside, and nothing inside can get out, and they can't leave here if they want.

When they went to Zhao Fu, they learned that Zhao Fu had left Daqin. They originally thought that Zhao Fu would only disappear for a few days, but they didn't expect to disappear for so long, and they didn't know what bad things he did.

What they don't know now is that Zhao Fu has awakened another Divine Race Emperor Star, and also caused the arrival of the supreme weapon of the Divine Realm, shaking several great worlds, including the Alchemy World and the Chaos World.

Jiu Xiaoyun and the two of them naturally knew some information about the second generation of the King of Kings. After all, it was such a sensational thing, but they never imagined that the terrifying King of Kings was the Lord of the Daqin Empire.

This is really one heaven and one underground, and no one will connect these two terrifying people together.

Even if Zhao Fu told the two of them personally, both of them would think that Zhao Fu was lying, and almost no one would believe Zhao Fu, unless Zhao Fu brought the seven emperor stars down.

Now they look at this beam of light and understand that Daqin is about to undergo great changes again, and they can't help but admire Daqin's rise, such a terrifying growth speed and potential, their country has no way to compare.

Such a country could never be conquered by their abilities. If it weren't for the distance, they would feel that their country would be destroyed by Daqin.

With the continuous injection of air luck into the beam of light, the aura emanating from the beam of light also became very terrifying, and almost everyone in Daqin felt it.

boom boom boom...

Twelve huge roars sounded, the goddess of the twelve zodiac signs in the palace stretched out a hand, and a huge power of the zodiac was injected into the stone of inheritance in the center, and twelve animals emerged from the sky.

They are twelve species of rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. A variety of colors, exuding a huge coercion.

Countless people in Daqin looked at the twelve zodiac signs in the sky in shock, not understanding what happened.


Twelve kinds of animals began to rotate, forming a colored circle, a huge zodiac power spread out, and countless colored light spots fell from the sky.

Many points of light are integrated into the hearts of countless people

In the body, the phantoms of animals emerged from the bodies of the people.

There was a strong man with the shadow of a sheep, a little girl with a mouse, an old man with a pig, and a middle-aged woman with a snake. The phantom of a young man, the phantom of a dog floating above his head...

These phantoms are not very big, about the size of a watermelon. These are just the zodiac signs of some ordinary people. Some people with a lot of luck themselves. The phantoms of the zodiac signs above their heads are more than ten meters in size, exuding a very powerful force.

Now Da Qin goes down to the common people, up to the princes and nobles, everyone is very strange, looking at the zodiac signs that emerge, I don't understand why this is happening.

However, although I don't know what happened, I vaguely feel that there is a great benefit, because after the birth of the zodiac, their spirits and bodies seem to have improved a little.

Some powerful people who can feel the luck are very shocked, because they clearly understand how beneficial this is, they can feel the zodiac into their luck, making their luck more stable and strong, This has little effect on their fate.


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