The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2275 Emperor Cavalry (Subscribe)

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Originally everything was as they thought, they absorbed the power of countless yellow springs at the bottom of the yellow spring, and their bodies were also eroded by the power of the yellow spring, and their power was also rapidly getting stronger.

But things were not as simple as they thought. Just when they had completed their final transformation, the vast power of the Yellow Spring poured into their souls.

This makes their souls weaken rapidly. If they go on like this, their souls will eventually be eroded by Huangquan, and they will also become nameless corpses in Huangquan, staying here forever.

Zhao Fu's face was also a little serious, and he stood in the sky and looked at the Calamity King Cavalry in the ten whirlpools.

The ten calamity kings also sensed Zhao Fu, and they were still very excited and happy. Although they were neglected by the king, their loyalty to the king has never changed.

Even at this very dangerous juncture, they were still half-kneeling on the ground and weakly shouted, "King!"

Zhao Fu replied solemnly, "You guys don't move! Next, I will hand over my source power to you. You can catch my source power and integrate that yellow spring power."

The Calamity King, who was weak before, became even weaker because of the actions just now, as if his body was about to collapse.

The ten calamity kings obeyed Zhao Fu's orders and did not move a single bit, keeping the half-kneeling motion.

And Zhao Fu, who was standing in the sky, stretched out one hand, and the fingernail of the other hand swiped on the palm of his hand, like blood flowing from Zhao Fu's wound like a black gold liquid.

Under the control of Zhao Fu's power, the blood formed ten lychee-sized blood cells, lined up in a row, exuding an aura of origin.

Now Zhao Fu's bloodline is the original bloodline, with unimaginable power. Zhao Fu wants to use the power of the original bloodline to help the Calamity King's Cavalry break through, and make the Calamity King's Cavalry undergo a greater transformation.


A huge force poured out of Zhao Fu's hands from the power of the source, and poured into the ten blood cells. The ten blood cells exuded strong rays of light, and runes appeared one after another, and a powerful force radiated out. .


Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pushed, and the ten blood cells emitted a strong black light, which turned into a stream of light and shot between the eyebrows of the Calamity King.


Calamity King Qi only felt a huge influx into their heads, and the heads seemed to explode, falling into a blank, a power that surpassed the world, and seemed to be all the source of power in their heads, like a tide. spread out.

"This... is the power of their king!"

The ten calamity kings were in shock, and they couldn't help but worship and respect the king who was aloof. Their king was the one who dominated everything.

boom boom boom...

A loud roar sounded, and the power of the source and the blood of the source spread in the Calamity King Rider, causing their bodies to undergo great changes, emitting countless black rays of light.

The power of Huangquan that had eroded them was easily suppressed by them, and they even needed more powerful strength of Huangquan.

I saw that the ten Calamity King Riders exuded a larger force, and the ten vortexes became even larger, stirring with a powerful force, and countless yellow springs were sucked.

The Calamity King Riding began to crystallize around them, the power of the Yellow Springs was highly condensed in their bodies, and their bodies continued to change.

In the end, the Calamity King Cavalry was completely wrapped in yellow spar, exuding a huge yellow spring power, and a powerful and terrifying coercion that enveloped the Quartet, making people feel a little bit of fear.

The twelve Huangquan Queens also came to Zhao Fu, but they didn't say anything, worried that they would disturb Zhao Fu.

Time passed little by little.

boom boom boom...

There was a loud sound, and the yellow spar emitted countless yellow rays of light, flew out of the Yellow Spring River, and flew into the air, exuding a huge momentum.

The world suddenly changed, and countless forces of the underworld gathered fiercely, pouring into ten huge yellow spar like a tide.

Click, click, click...

A crisp sound sounded, the yellow spar that wrapped the Calamity King's ride cracked, and pieces fell down, a terrifying force poured out little by little, the world seemed to be in fear, falling into a silence. The air seemed to freeze.

In the end, all the yellow crystals fell off, and the body of the Calamity King was revealed to everyone.

Now the Calamity King is standing in the sky, wearing pale bone armor, holding a pale bone spear, and a pale bone rune sword around his waist. His bones are black, like black iron. Purple four kinds of flames.

The four flames represent different powers, the gray represents the power of death, the power of the black king, the power of the yellow spring, and the power of the purple source.

Their bodies also emit four colors of aura, and there are many ghosts surrounding them, including men, women, old people, and children.

Every Calamity Death Knight is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of ghosts, and the sky is covered by many ghosts. The Calamity Death Knight standing in the center is like the owner of these ghosts, giving people a very terrifying feeling.

It seems to dominate all living beings, with endless deaths, endless disasters, endless coldness, and a source.

Now the calamity king can't be called the calamity king, but it should be called the Huangquan emperor.

The power is far more terrifying than before, and now they have the appearance of being the masters of death.

Their power will continue to grow, and they will definitely become more terrifying, becoming the true master of death, surpassing everything in the world.

The twelve Huangquan Queens felt the power of Huangquan Emperor Rider, and they were also a little shocked. It was really terrifying, more than ten times stronger than before, and they all felt a strong danger.

With their current strength, even if they don't activate the undead natural disaster, they can still play a very strong role, such as hunting down the powerhouses from all sides.

And they have always been immortal, because their soul origin and ring are fused together, if Zhao Fu's ring is not damaged, they will not really die.

With this ability, and the blood of the origin bestowed by Zhao Fu, Huang Quan Emperor Cavalry will definitely become the most terrifying existence in the world, and their reputation will resound throughout countless worlds, making all living beings terrified.


However, even if the emperor Huang Quan had become so terrifying, at this time, he was kneeling in the air respectfully and shouting to Zhao Fu.

Although they have become so powerful, without the help of the king, they could not have the power they have now, and they may have just died. They understand that all this is the king's reward and should be more loyal to the king.

Zhao Fu felt the power of Emperor Huang Quan's cavalry, and he also showed a smile.


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