The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2276 death

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As the owner of the Huangquan Emperor's cavalry, Zhao Fu can check the various attributes of the Huangquan Emperor's cavalry, and he clearly knows the power of the Huangquan Emperor's cavalry.

Now the Emperor Huangquan's power is not only far more terrifying than before, but also far higher than before. In the past, the power of Emperor Huangquan was the combination of the power of death and the power of disaster.

Although they are also very powerful, almost no one of the same rank can beat them, but they are not scary enough.

At this time, the power of the high-level power Huangquan and the power of the source of the top-level power are integrated, and the four forces are merged together to form a kind of power of death.

Although the power of the Yellow Spring of Death Evil is not comparable to the power of Zhao Fu's Six Paths of Reincarnation, it is also an extremely terrifying power.

And this kind of power is an attribute with the attribute of death. Although it combines disaster, yellow spring, and the power of the source, its main attribute is a kind of power of death.

Calamity contains the power of various calamities. It can form a calamity with a powerful force of death. The force of yellow spring is a kind of filthy force, but it is formed by the condensation of countless corpses, and it can also be regarded as a force related to death.

The last is the power of the source, which strengthens the death attribute of the power of death, and makes a qualitative change, and finally becomes the power of death.

If Emperor Huangquan continued to grow like this, he would definitely become a powerful death master.

Now the Emperor Huangquan has this kind of power of death, and also has a variety of different abilities, each of which is still very powerful.

For example, they have the ability to summon countless ghosts. Now they are like the powerhouses in the underworld. They can use their own power to summon countless ghosts, and the ghosts they summon are not ordinary ghosts, but a powerful ghost soldier.

At first, ten of them were skeleton soldiers, but after absorbing the power of kings, they became commander-level skeletons, which means skeleton generals.

And they are not ordinary lord skeletons, or skeletons that surpass emperor-level lords, but they have not really grown up yet.

In the past, a lord-level creature's territory was a region, a king-level lord's territory was one world, an emperor-level lord was ten worlds, and an emperor-level lord was a hundred worlds.

Beyond the emperor-level lord is the holy-level lord, and the territory can cover a thousand worlds.

As long as Emperor Huang Quan grows up, he can have a territory of a thousand worlds, which is amazing to imagine.

It was also affected by the power of this kind of lord, so the ten Huangquan Emperor Cavalry summoned powerful Yin soldiers, not ghosts.

One of them can summon tens of thousands of Yin soldiers, and ten of them together can jointly display the summoning ability.

This ability is called the Great Imperial Army.

Ten Huangquan Emperor Cavalry displayed the Great Emperor Army, and they could summon hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers. This ability could also become stronger as their strength became stronger, and it would not be very difficult to summon tens of thousands of Yin soldiers at that time.

In addition to the ability to summon Yin Soldiers, they also have some abilities as lords, such as possessing lord coercion, their own death domain, and super perception.

Most of these lords basically have them, so there is no need to explain too much.

The second relatively powerful ability is the ability to gather countless ghosts. Now, no one Huangquan Emperor is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of ghosts, and the aura emanating is very terrifying.

Ghosts are the remnants of souls left behind after death. They are not very powerful, but if they are very large in number, they are still relatively terrifying.

Huangquan Emperor Cavalry can now control these gathered ghosts, allowing them to attack, to defend, and even to absorb them to increase their power in a short time.

Ghosts such as ghosts are very numerous and can be found everywhere, so the ability of Emperor Huang Quan to ride is more useful.

And this ability is called ghost leader.

There is also a relatively powerful ability, that is, the third ability to control the water of the Yellow Spring.

Because this breakthrough transformation is mainly to absorb the water of countless yellow springs, so their names all have yellow springs, which is why they also have the ability to control the water of yellow springs.

At this moment, they can absorb the water of the Yellow Spring under the control, and don't have to worry about being polluted by the force of the Yellow Spring.

More importantly, they can use their own power to summon the Yellow Springs River in other places, and the power of this Yellow Springs River can be extremely terrifying. It can pollute almost everything, and it can be said to be the most filthy thing in the world.

If they summon the Yellow Spring River and use the Yellow Spring River to attack, the power will be very terrifying.

And their fourth ability, the plague of death.

They can gather countless powers of death to change the celestial phenomenon, the sky will be covered with a strong death energy, without a trace of sunlight leaking out, the ground will also be eroded by the death energy, the sky and the earth will be dark, and a death aura will fill it.

Under the erosion of the power of death, countless plants will wither, and countless beasts will die, and the world will turn into silence, ushering in the end of death.

This kind of ability is very terrifying. Of course, Huang Quan Emperor can't make a world, but it can make an area die.

And this kind of ability will also become stronger and stronger as Emperor Huangquan's cavalry becomes stronger. When it becomes so powerful, let alone one world to die, even a few worlds, or even a dozen worlds can do it.

The disaster of death means the disaster of death, but it is more terrifying than the ordinary disaster of death. Those ten Huangquan emperors are like ten disaster beasts.

In the future someone will describe it this way.

They are knights walking in the Yellow Springs, with countless ghosts following them, coming to the world to bring endless death, they are the masters of death, the enemies of all things in the world, and the terrible things in the final world.

No one in the world has seen them because everyone who has seen them is dead.

These are naturally things in the future, needless to say.

Such a large-scale erosion like the disaster of death can bring death to the entire area. If it is applied to war, who can resist it?

Imagining it is very amazing. Once this ability is turned on, the enemy will almost fall in pieces, and the entire army will be destroyed without leaving one.

However, this can only be done when the power of Huangquan Emperor's cavalry crushes each other. Otherwise, if they are united, it is still possible to resist the erosion of the power of death. If they are stronger than Huangquan's cavalry, they can also break the ability of Huangquan's cavalry. .

But the disaster of death is definitely a very terrifying ability, far more terrifying than the first three, because the scope and power of the first three are limited, and the disaster of death is really a disaster.


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