The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2277 Huangquan (Subscribe)

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But the disaster of death is not the most terrifying ability of Emperor Huang Quan, their most terrifying ability is the advanced undead natural disaster, but now it is no longer called the undead natural disaster, but the underworld.

Undead natural disaster can be said to be the most terrifying ability of Huangquan Emperor before, and it is also one of the strongest means possessed by Daqin.

It can turn countless dead people into skeletons in a very short period of time, forming an endless sea of ​​skeletons, with the endless death momentum, with the terrible power to destroy the world.

At the beginning, Daqin used the undead natural disaster to cause a disaster. I don't know how many people died. It also used it to fight against the Huaxia North Allied Forces. In the end, the Huaxia North was hit hard, and the Huaxia North could stop the rise of Daqin without any power.

The step of the undead natural disaster is a very correct step for Daqin. After there was no threat to the north of China, Daqin continued to develop rapidly, and finally successfully unified the northern part of China, and based on this, it annexed the entire China and realized the grand unification.

If there were no undead natural disasters, Daqin would be in a difficult situation under the suppression of the Northern China Allied Forces, even if it did not perish, it would never develop so rapidly, and it would not be as strong as it is now.

Therefore, Zhao Fu is also grateful to Huang Quan Emperor Cavalry. When they were in danger, he did not hesitate to use his own blood to help them.

The blood of Zhao Fu's origin is very precious and has many functions. It is definitely a treasure in the world. No one is not moved. Losing the blood of the origin will also make Zhao Fu weak.

In the past, the undead natural disaster was very terrifying, but as Da Qin continued to become stronger, the role of the undead natural disaster became less and less.

Now Zhao Fu is very curious, how terrifying the underworld will be when the undead natural disaster is upgraded?

Zhao Fu carefully checked the information about the arrival of the underworld.

The first is that the descending of the underworld requires ten Huangquan emperors to display together, and it cannot be performed alone.

Compared with the undead natural disaster, the coming of the underworld has also undergone tremendous changes, almost completely different.

The undead natural disaster is to transform countless corpses into skeletons. Although a single skeleton is very weak, it is very terrifying when gathered together, and has the power to destroy everything, so it is called the undead natural disaster.

The coming of the underworld is more terrifying than the natural disaster of the dead, and the resurrection of the underworld is no longer countless skeletons, but countless corpses.

With countless corpses descending from the underworld, the power of the disaster Huangquan will pour into the head first, and countless corpses will also be eroded by the endless yin energy from the underworld.

Under the control of the Calamity Yellow Spring in their heads, countless corpses began to respawn, and their flesh and blood melted and merged into their bodies, making them look like mummified corpses one by one, with a terrifying appearance.

Because the power of the disaster Huangquan was first integrated into the head, the eyes of the mummified corpse are yellow, and some people who are more powerful and resurrected have four colors.

The most frightening thing is that the power of these mummies is largely preserved, not as weak as skeletons, and their movements are very fast, not slow and clumsy like skeletons.

Their skin has also become tougher, and ordinary weapons are more difficult to cut, which undoubtedly forms a layer of defense and increases the difficulty of killing mummies.

In addition, they will also have three attributes, one is the most common with the power of death, this one has the largest number, and it is called the dead corpse, and the other has the power of calamity. For the calamity corpse.

The last one is the most terrifying. It has the aura of yellow spring all over its body. It is not only very powerful, but also extremely difficult to kill. It has the ability to pollute other things. This kind is called Huangquan corpse.

These three powers correspond to the three powers in the Yellow Spring of Death. As for the last source power, these mummies are difficult to possess, unless some mummies with very terrifying powers can possess them.

Now the resurrected corpse is not only more flexible than the skeleton, but also has a good defense, and has three different powers, which are far stronger than those skeletons.

A single skeleton is very weak, but it is very terrifying when gathered together. Now that each corpse is strong, it is even more terrifying when gathered together. You can imagine how terrifying the earth is covered with this kind of mummy.

That's why it is said that the arrival of the underworld is far more terrifying than the undead natural disaster.

In addition to the more powerful resurrected corpses, the scope of the underworld's descent is also relatively large, and the methods are somewhat different.

The undead natural disaster is to gather endless death energy to form a huge death circle, and the death circle rotates and emits countless death rays to cover a certain area.

All the corpses within this range will be affected by the light of death, and the flesh and blood will crack and fall off like mud, revealing skeletons. Those skeleton heads ignite soul flames, and then the skeletons are resurrected.

If an attack on the circle destroys a huge circle of death, it will naturally prevent the undead natural disaster.

The underworld is different. He is similar to a field. Not only is it difficult to stop it, but the resurrection is also very powerful. It can turn all kinds of creatures into mummified corpses, and no creature can resist.

As for the specifics, Zhao Fu didn't see them display it with his own eyes, so he didn't know.

These are the five abilities of Emperor Huangquan. With such terrifying abilities, they will definitely become the most terrifying existence in the world in the future. They are also important to Daqin and can be used as a powerful means for Daqin.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Get up!"

Ten Huangquan emperors stood up from the air respectfully, and then

After that, he stood there waiting for Zhao Fu's next order, without saying anything.

Generally speaking, these ten Huangquan emperors have become so powerful, and their intelligence must have become very high, and they may even be smarter than ordinary people.

But Emperor Huang Quan was different, and he didn't know if he was influenced by Wang Zhili, or if they were willing to do so. For them, Zhao Fu was everything to them. Going to the throne.

In fact, they are a little more emotional and just like normal people, they are not so cold, everything is based on themselves, and they are resolute in carrying out orders, Zhao Fu can also accept it, the main thing is that they can be loyal to themselves.

Emperor Huangquan still needs strength to grow. The first one can stay in the Yellow Spring River and continue to absorb the power of Huangquan to grow, and the second is to absorb the huge death energy through killing.

Zhao Fu thought about it, there is no war now, so they don't need them yet. Let them continue to cultivate in the Yellow Spring River to make them stronger.

And they can be used as a killer move for Da Qin, waiting to be unwittingly displayed, and they will turn the whole battle situation.


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