The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2278 war

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Time passed quickly, and after more than half a month, Zhao Fu came to the place where the Sage's Stone was made to check.

Now there are densely built platforms, the number of which has reached millions, each platform is a kilometer wide, and there are ten alchemy circles, one of which can produce 10 sage stones a day.

One platform can produce 100 a day, and a few million platforms can produce hundreds of millions. Now many soldiers in Daqin have the power of alchemy.

Zhao Fu first used it for the army guarding the alchemy world. Now almost all of them have obtained the power of alchemy, and their strength has improved a lot, and Zhao Fu also let them learn some alchemy techniques.

At this time, the Daqin soldiers also possessed the power of alchemy, and naturally they could also use the technique of alchemy. In this way, the advantages of the alchemist family were even less, and Daqin could also use the technique of alchemy to deal with them.

Similarly, Zhao Fu did not let all Daqin soldiers use the Stone of Sages, and continued to maintain the diversity of arms, so as not to be restrained in the future.

At this time, a soldier was half kneeling on the ground and respectfully reported, "Your Majesty! There is news from the alchemy world that the army of the alchemy world is gathering, the purpose is to attack Daqin, and the subordinates have come to report on the order of General Wang."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle. He was preparing to attack the Alchemy World, but he didn't expect the Alchemy World to come to him.

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Yeah! I see."

Afterwards, Zhao Fu went directly to the alchemy world. Many generals and soldiers of Da Qin had already arrived on the city wall, guarding them earnestly.

When everyone saw Zhao Fu's arrival, they saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu came to Wang Jian's side and asked with a smile, "How is everything going?"

A smile appeared on Wang Jian's face, "Everything is ready, now we are waiting for the Alchemy Clan to call, and according to the information, the Alchemy Clan's offensive force has reached 3.5 billion, and there are as many as 15,000 holy beasts.

Zhao Fu nodded and looked forward.


There was a loud noise, and the alchemy soldiers like a flood rushed towards Da Qin with the momentum of destroying everything.

Those huge holy beasts, with huge momentum, took heavy steps, slowly advancing step by step, and each step left a footprint on the ground, which felt very terrifying.

This time, the person in charge of the attack, apart from the previous Huogui and Binghan, was a young man with an arrogant look. He was also from a major force, and his name was a promise.

The human-shaped holy beast that caused great damage to Daqin was provided by his family.

In less than a while, the alchemy army came to Da Qin.

Huo Gui saw Zhao Fu on the city wall, with a surprised look on his face. He led his troops to attack Daqin several times, but he didn't see Zhao Fu, and he didn't know where Zhao Fu ran to. Now that he finally appeared, for him, the most important thing was The person who wants to kill must be Zhao Fu.

"Hahaha, you finally appeared. I thought you were hiding there and didn't dare to come out. This time we will definitely destroy your Daqin and make you die ugly."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You have said this several times, but isn't my Da Qin here well?"

Huogui's face was full of anger, "This time is different from before. We already have enough strength to destroy Da Qin. Later you will know that we are strong, and it is not your little Da Qin that can resist."

Ren Nuo looked at Zhao Fu proudly and said, "You are the master of the Great Qin? I can't see that. Now that the alchemy army has our family to join, can you still resist?"

Zhao Fu said with a provocative smile, "If you have the ability, you will find out if you try it."

Ren Nuo snorted coldly and immediately gave the order to attack.

boom boom boom...

It was the same as before, countless terrifying holy beasts, one after another, the gun barrels shot huge beams of light at Da Qin, and the beams of light shot at Da Qin with terrifying power, as if blasting the sky.

Possessing the holy beast of war is really a great advantage for the alchemists. You can directly use the holy beast and bombard the target. The battle may end before it even begins.

Daqin is still the same as before, a huge power of chaos spreads out, and a black energy shield emerges, wrapping the entire Daqin.

bang bang bang...

A loud explosion sounded, and one after another terrifying beam hit the protective cover, and the impact force spread out. The protective cover quickly cracked, and then began to shatter, turning into countless light spots and dissipating.

Huogui, Binghan, and Rennuo all showed confident smiles and continued to give orders to attack.


Countless alchemy soldiers charged towards Da Qin like a tide with a powerful aura, as if nothing could stop them.


The alchemy soldiers at the forefront held alchemy spears and shot the spears out of their hands by charging hard. The spears dragged out a trail of afterimages with powerful force and shot at Daqin. .

On the Daqin side, shield soldiers stepped forward to form a shield wall, and countless rays of light emanated from the shield, forming a black light shield.

bang bang bang...

The alchemy spears shot on the light shield, countless alchemy runes lit up, the spear exploded violently, and countless fragments shot out, penetrating the defensive cover.

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However, many of the soldiers in front were soldiers with shields, and the fragments hit the shield, knocking the soldiers back a few steps without causing much damage.

Behind the alchemy army, countless ladder builders walked out, and their metal arms were pressed on the ground, and one by one they appeared.

boom boom boom...

There was a loud bang, and the metal steps stretched out from the ground, with great strength, and quickly stretched towards the Daqin city wall. Countless alchemy soldiers rushed up the metal steps and rushed towards Daqin.


A huge alchemy power spread out, and a huge alchemy formation emerged on the ground. Countless alchemy powers were quickly gathering and pouring into the bodies of countless alchemy soldiers.

Countless alchemy soldiers radiated light from their bodies, feeling that their power had become a little stronger than before, and charged towards Da Qin with a more ferocious aura.

Countless alchemy soldiers hadn't rushed in front of Da Qin, and many war holy beasts were aiming at Da Qin one by one, countless rays of light inside the gun barrels lit up, and terrifying power radiated out.

boom boom boom...

A loud roar sounded, and a powerful beam of light cut through the sky, with the power to destroy everything, at a very fast speed, and shot at Da Qin.

boom boom boom...

One after another huge white beams of light rushed into the sky, bald heads with a height of 100 meters, and the holy light angels on Chiguo's upper body emerged from the beams of light. The number reached 100,000. momentum.


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