The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2282 God of War

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

A huge and indescribable metal object slowly sank from the big hole, and the huge volume covered the entire sky, making the light suddenly dim.

Countless people in the alchemy world looked at the huge object in the sky with horror, their minds fell into a blank, and their bodies couldn't help shaking.

What is this scary thing?

The metal object continued to sink with monstrous coercion, and finally appeared in front of everyone. It was a huge city wrapped in metal.

No, this should not be said to be a city, but a war fortress. The whole metal wraps the outer layer, giving people an indestructible feeling. The huge gun barrels are terrifying.

There is also that side of the city wall that is very hard. There can be countless people living in the building. The middle is green, and the huge tree in the center exudes strong life fluctuations.

This is Daqin's Wrath of the God of War. The total area is as large as ten thousand miles. There is hardly any storage ring to accommodate it, so Zhao Fu used an interface summoning ability to summon the Wrath of the God of War to the alchemy world.

"Run away!"

Feeling the aura of destroying the world, the leaders of the alchemy world roared in horror.

How could Daqin create such a terrifying thing? Faced with such a terrifying thing, the leaders of all alchemy parties were extremely frightened. Without any idea of ​​resistance, now they could only escape.

Even Rennuo, Huogui, and Binghan were full of fear when they looked at the terrifying object that would cover the entire sky.

The icy barrel of the God of War's wrath moved slowly, aiming at countless holy beasts. Countless rays of light lit up from the barrel, and bursts of destruction emanated, and the world seemed to be in a state of destruction in that instant.

boom boom boom...

A loud bang erupted, and a huge beam of light with the power to destroy the world shot at the holy beast like a broken bamboo. Nothing could resist it, and the space seemed to collapse.

Numerous alchemy holy beasts hurriedly released all their alchemical power, and three layers of metal shields emerged to cover their bodies.

bang bang bang...

A loud explosion sounded, and countless rays of light shot out, illuminating all directions, and a terrifying destructive force spread out in an instant, and the ground, stones, trees, flowers and plants shattered in an instant.

A shock wave formed a gust of wind and spread out, countless trees were uprooted, and many gravels were also blown away, as if a disaster had come.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a pit with a size of more than one million meters appeared on the ground, surrounded by rocks and debris, as well as pieces of holy beast metal.

In addition to the holy beasts that were directly smashed, many holy beasts were damaged, some had some cracks, some were broken, and some had a hole.

The original war of more than 10,000 suffered from this wave of attacks, and there were more than 1,000 holy beasts that were directly smashed, and more than 2,000 were damaged.

If such a terrifying blow comes several times, all the holy beasts will be destroyed here, which scares countless people directly into the special container of holy beasts, and they dare not release them.

The mechanical birds in the sky also fled in terror. They couldn't be put away like other holy beasts.

Because other war holy beasts are behind the army, they can escape directly after being put away, while the mechanical birds are located in the sky, or in front of the battlefield.

If they were put away, they would have to face the pursuit of countless mechanical flying dragons. Without any obstacles, they could not escape at all, so they could only control the mechanical flying birds to escape.

ooh ooh...

The mechanical flying dragon chased the mechanical flying bird in the sky, uttering a loud dragon roar, shooting huge beams of light, and shooting at the mechanical flying bird with powerful force.

The mechanical flying bird emits a strong alchemical light, releasing one metal shield, wrapping its body, exuding a powerful alchemical power.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud bang, and the powerful beams shot on the mask, some of which shattered the mask, and some of the beams smashed down the mechanical birds in the sky, landing on the ground and smashing a big hole.

The machine excitedly fanned its wings, bringing a gust of wind, and continued to rush towards the mechanical bird fiercely.

Many Holy Light messengers looked at the hundreds of huge robots, which scared the hundreds of robots and ran away, and quickly fled one after another, and many Holy Light messengers rushed forward directly.

One after another white light shot towards the huge robot, and the robot emitted an energy shield while dodging and resisting, but some were still destroyed.

The wrath of the God of War in the sky, the small gun barrels aimed at the countless fleeing alchemy soldiers below, and countless rays of light emerged.

boom boom boom...

There was a loud noise, and the balls of light shot out from the barrel of the gun. The number was extremely large, and the whole sky was densely covered, and then it shot towards the alchemy army fleeing below the ground like raindrops.

The alchemy soldier exuded a metallic aura in fear, defended with all his strength, and fled forward desperately.

bang bang bang...

There was a sound of explosions, countless flesh and blood flew, rocks were shot, the ground was smashed into three-meter-sized pits, blood and broken corpses were scattered everywhere, a strong bloody blood

The smell spreads.

This wave of attacks caused at least 10 million alchemy soldiers to die. Looking at the blood and broken corpses on the ground, it was like an Asura field, which was extremely frightening.

The alchemy army, whether from the soldier's side or from the holy beast's side, was completely defeated by Da Qin's hands, and there was no way to fight back.

Zhao Fu smiled when he saw the alchemy army fleeing. He wanted to rush to the leaders of the alchemy parties and arrest them, but this group of guys ran the fastest, so Zhao Fu could only focus on the alchemy soldiers. on the body.

Now there is no need to slaughter, and some alchemy soldiers should be subdued. If Zhao Fu wants to be in the alchemy world, he must subdue countless people in the alchemy world, otherwise it will not develop at all.

Moreover, their participation can provide Daqin's combat power. Every war will have a huge consumption. Daqin must obtain enough benefits, otherwise Daqin will be exhausted every time.

Therefore, Zhao Fu is generally happy to take some prisoners, but kill some who refuse to surrender, or who have done a lot of evil things.

Zhao Fu let the Daqin soldiers spread to both sides, surrounded the fleeing alchemy army, the mechanical flying dragon cut off the rear of the alchemy army, and the wrath of the god of war attacked from the middle, breaking their cohesion and confidence, leaving them in a state of despair.


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