The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2283 Holy Beast (Subscribe)

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The Daqin army obeyed Zhao Fu's order, and the army was quickly divided into two halves, spreading to both sides, forming a state of encirclement.

The alchemy army understood Daqin's purpose, and fled back in greater fear. Once surrounded by Daqin, the entire army might be wiped out, and no one could survive.

ooh ooh...

More than 4,000 mechanical flying dragons flapped their wings and quickly came to the rear of the alchemy army. They let out a loud dragon roar, and sprayed a powerful beam of light, which shot at the rear of the alchemy army, and an explosion occurred.

Those messengers of holy light also flew to the rear of Daqin, and launched a series of attacks, slamming on the army behind the alchemy, and I don't know how many people died.

bang bang bang...

The sound of explosions continued to sound from the rear, and a wave of terrifying fluctuations spread, making the alchemy army understand that the rear became more dangerous, and no longer rushed to the rear to escape, but rushed to both sides.

Although there are Daqin soldiers on both sides, they are better than those mechanical flying dragons and holy light messengers, because the mechanical flying dragons and holy light messengers are bombarding wildly, they have no strength to fight back, and they have the power to fight back in the face of Daqin soldiers.

But at this time, they only felt that they were covered by a large shadow. When they looked up, they were terrified to find that the wrath of the God of War had come to them.


The wrath of the God of War sank downward, exerting a huge coercion, with astonishing power, falling on the countless alchemy army, and the space trembled.

The soldier at the center of the coercion seemed to be crushed into meat sauce by an invisible force. The countless alchemy soldiers around him only felt their bodies sink, as if they were pressed against a large rock.

The Daqin soldiers on both sides began to shrink the encirclement, forcing the alchemy soldiers to retreat, and finally Daqin successfully surrounded the alchemy army.

Countless alchemists looked around in fear, their bodies still shaking, like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, without the cold slaughtering look of the alchemy soldiers before.

Zhao Fu came to them, and the audience fell into silence. Many alchemy soldiers looked at Zhao Fu with fear. He was the master of Qin, who completely defeated them.


A roar sounded, and Zhao Fu exuded a terrifying imperial aura that spread out like a tide. His eyes were cold as he looked at the alchemy army, his voice was majestic and domineering, and he said, "Those who follow me will prosper, those who go against me will die! "

Although Zhao Fu didn't seem to speak loudly, it sounded like thunder in the ears of countless alchemy soldiers. He felt a pressure from the Godless King, and there was a humble feeling in his heart, and he was even more desperate.

Many soldiers looked around, they were already surrounded by Da Qin, and there was no way to escape.

An alchemy soldier was terrified, dropped his weapon, knelt on the ground, and cried, "I am willing to surrender, don't kill me!"

Afterwards, more alchemy soldiers knelt down and expressed their willingness to submit to Daqin.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu ordered the Daqin soldiers to begin accepting the surrender of the alchemy soldiers, kill those who refused to surrender, and then clean up the battlefield.

At this time, all the alchemy forces had fled back to their own forces, and the news spread immediately, causing a huge sensation.

"What? We have lost so many alchemy troops, or are we defeated by an apocalypse force. Is the apocalypse force so powerful? It must have used some despicable means! It's the same as last time."

"No, this time it was that Da Qin who really defeated the alchemy army. They didn't know how to use it, and they also possessed the power of alchemy. They became even more terrifying than our alchemists. We are not their opponents at all."

"This is true or false, how can the people of their apocalypse world have the power of alchemy? And they are more terrifying than us?"

"Why lie to you? This time, the alchemy forces dispatched an army of 3 billion and 15,000 holy beasts of war, but now they have been defeated, only 400 million army have fled back, and 15,000 holy beasts of war have been smashed to pieces by more than 4,000. , and some were badly damaged.”

"So miserable? This Daqin is a bit too terrifying, isn't it? What should we do now? Losing so many people and war holy beasts at once will be a heavy blow to our forces."

"How do I know what to do? Now the faces of all the forces are not good-looking, and I am thinking about how to deal with this matter, but it feels very difficult to deal with. That Da Qin is really terrible, and we have lost so much."

"Now that Daqin's strength has become so terrifying, will they come to attack us? I'm so afraid that they will come. If we can't resist, we can only escape and leave our hometown where we have lived for many years."

"Humph! I don't believe that a force from the Apocalypse World dares to counterattack the Alchemy World. Now the entire battlefield is where our Alchemy World has a great advantage. If they are not afraid of killing them, I also want to kill a few Apocalypse Worlds. people."

"I feel that they may come over. This Daqin is different from the ordinary Apocalypse World. More importantly, now that they are strong and we are weak, is it possible that they will not attack us?"

"Hey! Now we can only see how things will develop next. I'm really worried about the future direction of the family. How can we meet such a terrible force."


The alchemy parties gathered together, and all of them looked ugly. The loss of so many soldiers and holy beasts really hurt them. More importantly, the Daqin attacked them, so what should they do?

This is a headache for all the families, because with the power that Daqin is showing now, they will

Hard to resist.

If it cannot be resisted, there will be only one genocide.

Now some people even propose to evacuate this area. Since they can't beat it, they can only hide.

However, they have developed in this place for so many years, and their roots are here. If they evacuate, there will undoubtedly be huge losses, which may cause the family to decline.

And can they withdraw there? Every place is controlled by the alchemy family, and other families will definitely not agree when they withdraw there. In the end, there will be a war, which is a lot of losses.

The families of all parties continued to think about how to deal with Da Qin. As for the three commanders in chief, namely Huogui, Binghan, and Rennuo, they were also severely punished, depriving them of their commanding power and their status as young masters.

Although they did not make any mistakes this time, the main reason was that Daqin was too strong, and anyone else might lose, but after all, they were the ones who led the army to attack, and now bear such a huge loss, they must be severely punished.

The three people who were originally noble, and who may be the next family members, lost the possibility of inheriting the family head and fell from a high position. Naturally, other people must be ridiculed and ridiculed.

Now the situation is really reversed. It is no longer that Da Qin is worried about the Alchemy World attacking them, but the Alchemy World is worried that Da Qin will attack them.


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