The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2284 family

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

On this side, Da Qin has finished cleaning the battlefield, killing more than 700 million alchemy soldiers, subduing 1.5 billion alchemy soldiers, and running away more than 400 million alchemy soldiers.

The 400 million soldiers who escaped did not flee directly with the leaders of all parties, but fled in all directions. Now there may be alchemy soldiers hiding in the mountains and forests.

In addition to the soldiers, there are more than 300 broken mechanical birds.

Those holy beasts were basically taken away, even if they were damaged, they would be taken away, and the group of mechanical birds were chased and beaten by the mechanical flying dragons, and they didn't escape much at all. Some were directly smashed, and some were severely damaged. .

The three hundred mechanical birds harvested by Daqin were the ones that were severely damaged and could not escape.

Now they are more seriously damaged, but they can be repaired. Zhao Fu wants to keep them for Da Qin.

Because Zhao Fu has seen the strength of this mechanical flying bird with his own eyes, it is indeed very powerful. If Da Qin can control this mechanical flying bird, Da Qin's strength will also be greatly improved.

However, it is not easy to use the holy beast. I have said before that the person who controls the holy beast has the family imprint, and the holy beast and the family imprint are bound together.

If you want to use a holy beast, you must conquer a family. Only after you control a family can you control the holy beast of the family.

The family is the main force that controls the alchemy world, and other types of forces are very rare. The alchemy world can be said to be a family world.

These mechanical birds are not controlled by anyone, just like dead objects, Zhao Fu ordered people to put them directly on the wrath of the God of War.

Now the Wrath of the God of War is not only an attacking weapon, but also a fortress that can live and live. There is also a special alchemy research room, where it is easier to repair the mechanical birds.

After dealing with this matter, Zhao Fu first let the soldiers rest and recuperate. After such a big battle, Da Qin also consumed a lot.

Moreover, Da Qin has just subdued 1.5 billion alchemy soldiers, which is very large and needs to be handled carefully, because they can easily betray, and Zhao Fu also left a series of restrictions in their bodies to prevent this.

Daqin's current strength is only 5 billion. If 1.5 billion alchemy soldiers riot, the consequences will be very serious.

There are also 1.3 billion alchemy soldiers imprisoned in the alchemy land. If there is a problem there, it will be a riot of 2.8 billion alchemy soldiers. The scene feels terrible when you think about it.

Zhao Fu thought about the large consumption of Daqin soldiers and the reasons for these alchemy soldiers, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​directly attacking the alchemy family.

Now Zhao Fu is trying to deal with the matter of the alchemy soldiers. Now, because there are restrictions in the body of the 1.5 billion alchemy soldiers, they don't need to worry about it for the time being. Zhao Fu is dealing with the imprisoned 1.3 billion alchemy soldiers.

If they are also subdued, Daqin will have 2.8 billion more alchemy soldiers, and these soldiers are all second-order, which will greatly improve Daqin's strength.

Originally, Zhao Fu wanted to use the evil flower seeds to control the imprisoned alchemy soldiers. Now that he saw so many alchemists surrender to him, he also wanted to try to see if he could subdue them. If he couldn't keep imprisoned there, wait The evil flower seeds were successfully cultivated.

Zhao Fu also found some alchemy generals and asked them to help him convince those alchemy soldiers, the effect should be very high.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu brought dozens of alchemy generals to the place of imprisonment.

Many alchemy generals looked shocked, looking at the soldiers who were imprisoned in place, unable to move. They originally thought that these soldiers were dead, but they did not expect to be imprisoned here for so long.

In addition to these generals, Zhao Fu also brought many soldiers to prevent any accidents.

Zhao Fu first ordered the release of some of the imprisoned alchemy soldiers, and then said to the generals next to him, "Go ahead and try to see if they can surrender to Da Qin. If you don't want to, don't blame me for being cruel."

Dozens of generals nodded in fear.

They were very afraid of a terrifying person like Zhao Fu, and they also understood that he was not a kind person. He didn't know how much blood was on his hands. They said that if they killed them, they would kill them, and their faces would not change.

Some of the imprisoned formations stopped, and some alchemy soldiers standing on the periphery also recovered their freedom, but they did not dare to make any movements, because there were rows of archers and ballistas facing them.

If they dare to move, the result is not imaginable.

Although their bodies were imprisoned, their minds were not imprisoned. Seeing Zhao Fu and the familiar generals, they understood what was going on.

Many generals stepped forward and began to persuade them to let these alchemy soldiers join Daqin and obey the Lord of Daqin.

At first, these people were naturally unwilling. They believed that the alchemy world would definitely be able to destroy Daqin and save them. Even if they didn't save them, they could avenge them.

However, many generals explained the current situation, and many alchemy soldiers also looked stunned, never expecting such a thing to happen.

How did Da Qin become so terrifying now? On the contrary, the weaker side of the alchemy world had to worry about Daqin's attack, which was completely different from what they thought.

"General! Is everything you said true?" A soldier still didn't believe it, looking at a general with a pair of eyes and asked.

The general nodded with a sigh, "Now that we have all surrendered to Da Qin, can we still lie to you? The alchemy family around is not a big one.

Qin's opponent will be destroyed by Da Qin sooner or later. Think about it for your family and surrender to Da Qin! "

Many alchemy soldiers also hesitated in their hearts. If they did not promise that they would not die here, they would continue to be imprisoned here.

The days of being imprisoned and unable to move are also very sad. No one wants to continue like this, and now that Daqin is so powerful, if the alchemy family is destroyed, then they really need to consider their participation.

After joining Daqin now, the safety of the family will be guaranteed, and there will be more opportunities for promotion in the future, so after thinking about it for a short time, many alchemy soldiers agreed to surrender to Daqin.

Of course, there are also people with a very tough and loyal attitude, scolding these people as traitors and lackeys who have failed the family and should be executed.

There were no surprises for these people, all of them were killed by Zhao Fu, and they also skinned, cut open their stomachs, and poached their hearts to show the public. Such a bloody scene made many alchemy soldiers even more afraid to resist, and they were willing to surrender to Daqin.

In the end, Zhao Fu managed to conquer the 1.3 billion alchemy soldiers as he wished, so he didn't have to wait for the evil flower seeds to be cultivated to control them.

Now that there are 2.8 billion alchemy soldiers in Daqin, Zhao Fu can't help but smile. Daqin is only 5 billion soldiers in the alchemy world.


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