The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2289 Forbidden Technique (Subscribe)

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The other elders didn't want to die at all. Now that they have reached such a step, they all nodded and agreed, and Huo Lingyan was right. Daqin was the overlord in this place, and surrendering to him first would definitely have a great advantage.

When everyone saw that these highly respected elders had surrendered, they could only choose to surrender. They also did not want to die.

However, the patriarch did not say anything before, but sighed heavily. No matter what he said, it was meaningless, and the betrayal of his two wives made him very painful.

Especially Huo Duomei, he loves her deeply.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu accepted the surrender of the Huo family and spread the news. When the various regions of the Huo family heard the news, they did not have any resistance, and chose to surrender to Da Qin without any resistance.

Zhao Fu couldn't wait to come to the inheritance place of the Alchemy Family. He had always wanted to destroy an Alchemy Family, and now he finally did it.

There are some differences between the inheritance place of the alchemy family and the inheritance place of the Apocalypse World. Its inheritance place is a metal platform, and many alchemy runes are depicted. In the middle is a metal column, more than one meter high and round in shape.

There is also a flame on the top of the metal, exuding a heritage atmosphere.

Zhao Fu stepped forward and reached out to touch the stone tablet, only to feel a powerful alchemy of fire pouring into his body, and the many runes on the metal platform also lit up.

This alchemy power of fire is the inheritance power of the Huo family, and the family imprint is also a flame pattern. Zhao Fu does not need this power. The power itself is relatively low-level to Zhao Fu, so it is not absorbed.

Zhao Fu chose to occupy this metal pillar, so that the Huo Family belonged to Da Qin's forces.

It should also be noted that this inheritance metal pillar also needs people from the alchemy world to occupy it, which is the same as the worm nest and inheritance crystal in the chaotic world.

However, Zhao Fu created his own alchemy power very early, and also obtained the alchemy bloodline, which was the time when he ordered people to arrest the geniuses of alchemy tribes, so Zhao Fu could occupy the metal pillar.

The purpose of Zhao Fu's coming here is not only to occupy the pillar of the Huo family inheritance, but also the family imprint and the sacred beast.

The holy beast has destructive power beyond imagination. It is something that Da Qin has always wanted to have, but this thing can only be used by destroying a family. Now that Da Qin has destroyed the Huo family, he wants to know about this aspect.

Zhao Fu put one hand on the metal pillar, and his consciousness entered the metal pillar and came into a flame. Being in this flame, Zhao Fu felt a very high heat, and the flame could burn everything.

This is the source of the power of the family. Zhao Fu does not belong to this family. Only when he enters this place will he feel the huge high temperature. If he is a member of the Huo family, he will not feel any temperature.

Through the fire of the origin of the family, Zhao Fu can clearly sense the location of the sacred beasts of the Huo family, as well as their number and status, but Zhao Fu still cannot control them.

If the head of the Huo family entered here, he would have the ability to control all the sacred beasts of war by one person, and this was because of bloodlines.

Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. Everything this alchemy world wanted to do had to rely on his bloodline. Since he couldn't control it, Zhao Fu could only put things aside.

In addition to controlling the holy beast, the family flame also records a lot of information.

In the alchemy world, each family will record important information, powerful forbidden techniques, and various things in it.

Zhao Fu originally wanted to find a way to cultivate the holy beast of war, but found that he still needed blood to view it, otherwise he would not be able to view the information, even if you smashed it.

This made Zhao Fu a little helpless, but fortunately, Zhao Fu called Huo Duomei to the side, using the Eight Forbidden Blood Technique, and asked her to release some fresh blood and use the Eight Forbidden Blood Technique to integrate into her body, so that Zhao Fu temporarily possessed the blood of the Huo family. .

Zhao Fu can also truly possess the blood of the Huo family, as long as he finds something with a strong heritage of the Huo family, or a few people with the purest blood.

But Zhao Fu didn't want to do that, because Zhao Fu was now the most top-level source bloodline, and the fusion of too low-level bloodline would lower the bloodline's attributes.

Through the blood, Zhao Fu also got the information he wanted in the flames.

In fact, Mu Minxian has also said before that how to cultivate a holy beast of war is roughly to metalize the holy beast from a small age, and then slowly cultivate it to grow into such a powerful holy beast of war step by step.

Although it is relatively simple to say, there are many things involved, such as the fusion of gun barrels, the blessing of various alchemy techniques, the depiction of alchemy runes, the methods of controlling alchemy holy beasts, and so on.

Now Zhao Fu has completely mastered this method, and Daqin has also mastered the ability to make the Sage's Stone, so Daqin can now also make his own war holy beast.

This is a very big gain, and it is of great benefit to Da Qin. It is absolutely exciting and exciting to imagine that Da Qin has created many pictures of war holy beasts attacking the world.

However, although they have mastered the method of cultivating alchemy holy beasts, the cultivation time of war holy beasts is generally relatively long, and it is impossible to cultivate war holy beasts in a short time.

This is also the disadvantage of the war holy beast comparison, but because the alchemy holy beast has such a terrifying destructive power, it is acceptable to cultivate it for a longer time.

Zhao Fu wanted to bring this method back and let Da Qin study it carefully to create a war holy beast that was slightly weaker but could be produced in large quantities.

At the same time, the fire family can also continue

Continue to cultivate family holy beasts to serve Daqin. The more families you conquer, the more battle holy beasts you have cultivated.

If Daqin's research fails, this method can be used to have a large number of battle holy beasts and create a large number of battle holy beasts.

Moreover, Zhao Fu also has a big advantage, that is, he can occupy the metal pillar of the family, because Zhao Fu created an alchemy bloodline himself, and other people do not have the alchemy bloodline.

This can't really conquer an alchemy family, at most nominally, and can't control everything in this family. Under normal circumstances, they can only destroy these metal pillars.

Zhao Fu wrote down the manufacturing method of the holy beast, and then continued to check other information. The Huo Family is so powerful, it has existed for a long time, and has recorded a lot of things.

After a while, Zhao Fu finished checking and left the inheritance place with a smile.

At this time, the Huo family has basically stabilized, and some destroyed buildings are also being rebuilt. Zhao Fu does not plan to move the Huo family to the Daqin station.

Because the Daqin station is very small, it cannot accommodate so many people, and all kinds of things need to be rebuilt, which requires countless materials and manpower.


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