The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2290 war

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The news of the Huo family's surrender to Daqin also spread faster. Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect the powerful Huo family to surrender to an apocalypse so easily.

But then they were a little scared again. Originally, the Daqin forces were very terrifying, they were powerless to resist, and now they annexed the Huo family, what should they do?

Some small forces returned with their soldiers if they didn't want to. Now they plan to relocate to this place. Their forces are relatively small, and the loss of migration is relatively small.

This place has no power to resist Da Qin, and only choose to migrate or submit to Da Qin.

The most difficult thing is some relatively large forces. They not only lose a lot of money, but also do not know where to migrate. There is no place that can accept such a huge force.

The various forces that have gathered now are like a tree falling and scattered, and each has returned to its own forces.

As the two strongest forces, the Bing family and the other family, they decided to go to other areas to support them. This place has no power to resist Daqin, so they can only choose to ask for the support of others.

The Alchemy World will give many rewards to those who destroy the Apocalypse World, and the Apocalypse forces in other regions are bullied by the Alchemy forces. If this news is leaked, some forces may be willing to come to help destroy Daqin.

People in other areas were indeed happy to learn that such apocalypse forces appeared in this place. The apocalypse forces in their area had been wiped out, and now there was no target to start, so they agreed to the requests of the two forces.

However, the troops they dispatched are not very large, only 1.5 billion. They also understand that this is another area. They don't want to lose a lot of manpower to help others destroy the power, and only want to gain benefits.

In addition to the benefits of the alchemy world, the various forces in this area will also give corresponding rewards, otherwise they may not agree to send troops so readily.

The forces that were planning to escape couldn't help but stop. Now their people, plus people from other areas, have reached 6 billion, and now it is the last battle with Daqin.

If they can't beat it, then they can only choose to migrate in the end.

This time, they didn't choose to take the initiative to attack either, because they had a relatively small number of people and it was very disadvantageous to attack, so they chose to take the initiative to defend.

Numerous forces began to build defenses.

Zhao Fu also quickly learned the news and couldn't help but smile, but he didn't mean to be afraid of them.

They gathered many troops together to have the ability to fight Daqin, that is, their troops gathered together, but their forces were distributed in all directions.

Zhao Fu's Great Qin was in the middle of these forces. Now the Huo Family in the south was destroyed by Great Qin. There were still some alchemy families around it, and there were also many alchemy families in the other three directions.

Daqin felt that there was no need to gather troops to confront them head-on, and he could send troops to attack the alchemy family in other directions.

But now the main force of the alchemy family is gathered in the east, and Da Qin only needs to attack the north and west.

The Daqin soldiers divided into two groups and marched in two directions.

When the Alchemist family heard the news, their faces were a little unsightly. Their main number was relatively small. If they were scattered, they would be even more disadvantaged, but there is no way to do it now.

Zhao Fu left more than one billion soldiers to defend in the Qin land to prevent any accidents, and sent more than seven billion soldiers to attack the two places.

Da Qin's advance was very fast, and in a short while he gathered in front of the defensive wall of the alchemy family.

The defensive wall was also temporarily built, very rough, but because it also contained metal, it also had a good defensive power.

Zhao Fu personally led one team, and the other team was led by Wang Jian.

At this time, Zhao Fu looked at the people guarding the defensive city wall. Among them were some acquaintances. They had attacked Daqin several times, and Zhao Fu had some impressions.

Others are relatively unfamiliar. The leader on this side is a middle-aged man dressed in white and has a calm temperament. His appearance is somewhat similar to Ren Nuo, and he is the family patriarch Ren Ying.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "It's too late for you to surrender now."

Ren Ying looked at Zhao Fu and said solemnly, "It is impossible for us to surrender, maybe we can get along peacefully, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future."

Zhao Fu showed a sneer. When Da Qin was weak, this group of people thought about attacking Da Qin all day long. Now that Da Qin is strong, they want to get along peacefully. Zhao Fu agreed and said directly, "Attack!"


The Daqin soldiers in black armor rushed towards the defensive wall like a black tide. The speed was very fast, as if they were destroying everything. The picture was very amazing, and the momentum shook all directions.

On the alchemy side, rows of holy beasts had already been released, behind the city wall, and the gun barrels were aimed at the Daqin soldiers.

boom boom boom...

One after another huge beam of light shot forward with terrifying power, and the speed was very fast, bringing out ferocious winds, and the power was frightening, as if it could not be resisted at all.

boom boom boom...

One after another white beams of light appeared in front of the Daqin army, emitting countless white rays of light.

Arranged in a row, stretched out a hand, and a white force poured out, forming a white mask.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and the beams shot on the defensive cover with powerful force, and the defensive cover emitted a strong white light to resist this wave of attacks.

The reason why the Holy Light messenger can resist the beam this time is that the opponent's holy beast is only a little over 6,000, and the 100,000 holy light messengers summoned by Zhao Fu can resist more than 10,000 holy beast attacks.

When the leaders of the alchemy parties saw that the countless beams did not hurt the Daqin soldiers, their faces became a little ugly, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

ooh ooh...

A loud dragon roar sounded, and the mechanical flying dragons spread their wings, flapping their wings and flying into the sky, setting off a gust of wind.

boom boom boom...

A roar sounded, and more than 4,000 mechanical flying dragons sprayed huge beams with terrifying power, shooting towards the alchemy city wall like a broken bamboo, as if shooting through the sky.

The alchemy formations on the city wall were activated one by one, and many alchemical elements gathered to form a metal shield in front of the city wall.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and the terrifying beams blasted the metal shields one after another, and countless fragments were shot out, and a force spread out, knocking out the alchemy soldiers one by one.


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