The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2293 Forbidden blood (4 more subscriptions)

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Countless alchemy soldiers also showed fearful expressions on their faces. They were frightened by this devastating blow, and they did not have much morale to fight.

All the alchemy soldiers began to retreat, hurriedly like rats crossing the street.

Wang Jian showed a smile, the time when the alchemy world was rampant has passed, and now is the time when Daqin is rampant in the world.


Under Wang Jian's steady voice, countless Daqin soldiers roared loudly and charged forward with a fierce momentum.

This side of the battlefield has been divided, and there will be no surprises, and the eyes are turning back to the other battlefield.

Under the continuous and ferocious attacks of Daqin, the number of dead in the alchemy army continued to rise, and they could no longer resist Daqin's attack.

All the mechanical giants were smashed to pieces, and now the mechanical flying dragon and many holy light messengers are banging against many holy beasts.

The holy beast was like a madman, and the gun barrels shot beams of light to the front, and the powerful momentum spread out.

Some mechanical flying dragons were shot and suffered some damage, which seriously caused them to fall from the sky and die, and some holy light messengers were easily blasted away because they were summoned objects.

On the side of Daqin, the mechanical flying dragon continuously sprayed out huge beams of light, shooting at the holy beast, smashing the powerful holy beast.

The hands of many holy light messengers also continuously shot white beams, bombarded the holy beasts continuously, and successfully smashed the holy beasts one by one.

The leader of the alchemy soldiers also understood that they could not resist Da Qin, and without any hesitation, ordered a direct retreat, and they were completely slaughtered by Da Qin.

As soon as they retreated, the number of people who retreated from the alchemy army also increased, and finally the alchemy army completely lost its resistance and fled in an all-round way.

Now that the victory and defeat on this side have been decided, Zhao Fu showed a smile and continued to order people to chase the alchemy soldiers.

This time Zhao Fu didn't want to let them go, but planned to go all out and destroy their power.

Because their last bit of resistance has been defeated by Da Qin, now they are standing there like fat sheep. If they don't eat it at this time, he will run away later.


The Daqin soldiers had almost no difficulty, and easily broke through the cities and rushed into them to start a series of killings.

Those alchemists who did not surrender to Daqin and those who escaped were all killed, leaving no one, men, women, or children.

A group of Daqin cavalry easily caught up with a group of fleeing people, and spears pierced through their bodies, blood spattered, and they died immediately.

The weapons held by a group of alchemists rushed out from an alley, and were hacked to death by Daqin soldiers, blood splattered all over the place.

Some Da Qin held long bows, guarded the entrance to the side, and shot at the fleeing alchemy people.

Those who dared to hurt the Daqin soldiers were also directly cut open and skinned, and hung in front of the door on one side. They did not die, but screamed in pain.

Cries and screams continued to sound, blood and corpses were everywhere, and despair and helplessness spread in the city.

Rows of alchemists were kneeling on the street, their heads lowered in fear, and they didn't dare to move. They saw with their own eyes how cruel and cold-blooded the Daqin soldiers were, and they didn't dare to resist at all.

Zhao Fu rode a horse and led a group of Daqin soldiers as he walked slowly down the street, looking at the people kneeling on the ground in rows, with a smile on his face, he continued to walk forward.

Countless people were also more cautious and fearful. Although they didn't understand who Zhao Fu was, they felt that they had a very high status in Daqin, so there were so many terrible Daqin soldiers following him.

In the end, Zhao Fu came to the gate of a large courtyard, which was also surrounded by Daqin soldiers, and this was where the core of the family was.

Now a group of people are bound by ropes and kneeling on the ground. Among them is Ying, who retreated before, that is, the patriarch of that family. Now he doesn't look like he was aloof and noble, but looks very embarrassed.

He was caught by Meng Tian himself, and it took a lot of effort.

Next to Ren Ying was an arrogant and unruly young man, who was the weak master of the previous family. Now he lowered his head in fear and looked a little lost.

He really never thought that there would be such a day, not only was he abolished as the young master, but now everyone has been destroyed, and now there is nothing left, it is uncertain whether he can survive or not.

Zhao Fu got off his horse and said with a chuckle, "I just met, how did you become like this now? And I told you to surrender to me, how are you thinking now?"

Ren Ying raised his head and looked at Zhao Fu coldly, "I lost in your hands today, I admit it, but I will not surrender to a person from the world of Apocalypse, and don't be too complacent, you will definitely be destroyed by other alchemy forces. Lose."

The smile on Zhao Fu's face didn't change, "Really? But even at that point, you won't be able to see it."

With that said, Zhao Fu waved his hand, and an arc of light flew out, beheading Ren Ying's head, and blood spurted out from his neck.


Ren Nuo cried out in pain, then turned his head and stared at Zhao Fu with hatred, "I'm going to kill you, if you have the ability, let me go, let's have a fair fight."

Zhao Fu glanced at him, and with a wave of his hand, an arc flashed past, beheading Ren Nuo's head.

Come on, Zhao Fu has no interest in fighting him, it's just a waste of time.

The people who were kneeling on the ground all around saw that Zhao Fu killed two important people of the family without hesitation. They were so frightened that their faces were pale, and they lowered their heads and dared not look at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at a handsome young man next to him, and said, "Take me to the place where your family inherited it."

The boy responded in fear, "Yes, I will take the adults there right away, and please don't kill me."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "If you behave well, I won't kill you." Then Zhao Fu waved his hand in an arc and cut the rope that bound him.

The boy immediately knelt on the ground and thanked, "Thank you, my lord!"

Zhao Fu simply responded, then stretched out his hand to grab it, a force gathered Ren Nuo's blood into a small blood group, took this blood group, and followed the two boys to the place of inheritance.

First, he occupied the Pillar of Inheritance, and then Zhao Fuyou used the Eight Forbidden Blood Technique to inhale the blood into his body, and briefly obtained his bloodline to check all kinds of information about him.

The kind of human-shaped holy beast that people cultivated is much stronger than ordinary holy beasts. Zhao Fu was also curious about how they cultivated this kind of human-shaped holy beast.

A little bit of time passed. After a few hours, Wang Jian also came here. He also took care of the affairs on his side. He came here mainly to report the situation to Zhao Fu.


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