The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2294 God of War

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Among the pillars of the family's inheritance, Zhao Fu was a little surprised, because he already knew all the information about the family. This family's origin is not simple, it is not an ordinary alchemy family, but an alchemy family that has been inherited from ancient times.

As it should be, they can not only cultivate human-shaped holy beasts, but also have stronger power than other holy beasts.

As I said before, there was also a shocking war in the alchemy world, which caused an unknown number of lives to die and how many alchemy families to perish.

And this family is one of them.

Originally, people were not called people's families, but people's holy families. They almost had the strength comparable to holy-level forces. They were not only very famous in ancient times, but also had a very high status. Every alchemy family would be somewhat afraid of their strength.

It is a pity that after the First World War, Renshengjia suffered heavy losses, almost all the strong people died, and various inheritances were also destroyed. The generation of Renshengjia is not as good as the next generation, not only withdrew from the Alchemy Domain, but came to this remote inner domain. The name has also been changed.

With the strength of the current family, it is not worthy to have the word "sacred" at all, so it has become a family.

They have been looking forward to being able to return to their former glory, but it is impossible for them to do it with their current abilities, and they were destroyed by Zhao Fu at this time.

The former Holy Family of People can be said to have truly perished, but a new Holy Family of People was born, but this Holy Family of People is no longer an independent powerful family, but an Alchemy Family belonging to Daqin.

Zhao Fu looked at the information and said that the family had put in so much effort and hardship for the family's rise, but it ended in failure. Since they couldn't do it, then he would help them accomplish it and realize the family's long-standing wish.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also changed the family back to the Holy Family. Zhao Fu himself has the power beyond the holy bloodline and is qualified to use the holy character.

And it was the sound of other people's family, which felt a little strange, as if they were acting like a spoiled child.

The last is the unique alchemy technique of the Holy Family and the method of cultivating the holy beast.

Most of the alchemy techniques of the Holy Family are relatively incomplete and need to be repaired. You can use this as a basis to repair or recreate an alchemy technique, and you can repair it with your own inheritance.

Repairing or re-creating by yourself is naturally repaired without the power of inheritance.

Because the alchemy technique repaired by the power of inheritance is as powerful as the ancient alchemy technique, the power will not be weakened in any way.

But this requires the power of inheritance to become very strong. As an inheritance family, Rensheng Family itself, as long as the power grows and becomes stronger, the luck will also be strong, and the power of inheritance will also become stronger.

In other words, Zhao Fu only needs to make the Holy Family very powerful, and these ancient alchemy techniques will be automatically repaired.

The last is the method of cultivating human-shaped holy beasts. It is very difficult to cultivate human-shaped holy beasts in the alchemy world, almost several times as many as ordinary holy beasts, and if you do not master the alchemy technique, you may fail, which results in the alchemy world humanoid Holy beasts are very rare.

However, the cultivation methods of the Holy Family are somewhat different, and it is not called cultivation of human-shaped holy beasts, but cultivation of ancient warrior gods.

This kind of human-shaped holy beast is called the ancient god of war, and it was originally one of the strongest means of the holy family.

In ancient times, it was also famous for being a powerful and powerful thing in all directions. The alchemy world was extremely powerful in ancient times, and something that could have such a reputation in that period was definitely a very scary thing.

The ancient warrior gods also have self-awareness, and they can change their size at will, that is to say, they can become the size of a kilometer, or they can change into the size of a doll, and can also be integrated with the family imprint.

If you want to use it, you can summon it anytime, anywhere without any restrictions, which is very convenient.

There are also ancient warrior gods who can fight independently, and can also control him to fight, but not by several people at the same time, but by one person.

Moreover, the control method is a bit special, and it needs to be integrated into the ancient gods of war to achieve the level of man-machine integration. The manipulator not only seems to have a huge mechanical body, but also possesses various abilities of the ancient gods of war. horrible.

The ancient God of War was definitely one of the strongest holy beasts in that era, but unfortunately, the ancient God of War was weakened many times.

Now the ancient gods of war have no self-consciousness, there is no way to change the size at will, and several people are required to control them.

Although the ancient warrior gods at this time were stronger than ordinary holy beasts, they were almost the same as the basic holy beasts, and there was nothing special about them.

There are two reasons for this.

The first is the rebellion of many holy beasts in the ancient times, and the ancient gods of war are also one of them, which caused a devastating blow to the holy family of people, so they obliterated their consciousness and adopted the same operation method as others.

The second is the lack of materials for making ancient gods of war, especially the most important core thing for making ancient gods of war is gone.

This kind of core thing is the nest.

As I said before, the first thing to create a holy beast is to find a kind of nest to bind with the family heritage, but as the nest of the ancient god of soldiers, there is no way to be smashed in the ancient war. currently using.

In the end, I could only find a giant's lair to re-bind with the family heritage, and use it as the material for making the ancient god of war.

Although the method of making the ancient gods of soldiers has been preserved, for these two reasons, the ancient gods of soldiers did not have the power they once had.

Zhao Fu is a little curious, go

In ancient times, what kind of lair was used by the Holy Family as the core material of the ancient warrior gods. After a simple search, it was found that they used a giant lair called the god of war.

The Martial God giant is generally 10,000 meters in height. It has three heads, six arms, blood-colored hair, and blood-colored crescent-shaped eyes.

In ancient times, they were very powerful races, and they liked to fight more. It can be said that they lived on fighting. Their fighting power was amazing, and they could easily shatter the sky. Few people could defeat them head-on.

They also left a lot of legends in the alchemy world, and they are basically famous for a certain battle.

The blood of the god of war flows in his body.

This kind of Martial God bloodline itself is a kind of emperor-level bloodline, with powerful bloodline power.

However, the number of Valkyrie giants has always been small, and they are actually a kind of race, not something like ordinary beasts.

But the ancestors of the Holy Family did not know how to use it, that is, they had a lair of the god of war, which may be the only lair of the giant of the god of war in the world.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu understood that it was almost impossible for him to find a lair of the Martial God giant.


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