The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2295 Human Saint

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

If you want to cultivate something as powerful as the ancient warrior god, you can only find a nest as powerful as it as a material, and it is also a nest in the alchemy world. It is useless for other worlds to be strong.

In the end, Zhao Fu also discovered that the broken giant martial arts lair was still being collected and placed in the inheritance space.

Zhao Fu searched carefully in the inheritance space, and found a blood-colored box, one foot in size, made of metal, with a picture of battle engraved on it, giving people a bloody and frenzied feeling.

It should contain the broken lair of the Martial God giant. Zhao Fu wanted to open it, but found that he was unable to open it, because there was no blood of the Holy Family.

And it doesn't need ordinary blood, what is needed is a very pure blood of the Holy Family, that is, the blood of the direct line.

There was no other way, Zhao Fu could only use the Eight Forbidden Blood Technique to temporarily turn his blood into the pure blood of the Holy Family.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and injected some bloodline power into it, and the box radiated blood-colored light, and it opened automatically, revealing the contents inside.

I saw that there were broken blood-colored crystals, each of which was not very big, the big one was only the size of a finger, and the small one was like a soybean, emitting a slight blood light, and there was still a strong momentum left.

This momentum is very ferocious, just like the momentum radiated during battle, and it also makes people feel like they want to fight.

Zhao Fu simply counted it, a total of twenty-six dollars.

Zhao Fu wanted to bring back the lair of the Martial God to see if there was any way to fix it, because Zhao Fu could not get a second lair of the Martial God, and now he was unable to obtain such a high-level lair in the alchemy world.

If it can be repaired, then Daqin can create the ancient god of war and bring his power back to the light of day.

The power of the ancient warrior gods, according to the records of the place of inheritance, will definitely not let Zhao Fu die, and maybe it will become a powerful means for Da Qin to attack the alchemy world.

Of course, Zhao Fu didn't have much hope of repairing it. After all, the Holy Family, who was so powerful in the past, had no ability to repair it, and it would be very difficult for him to use his ability at this time.

After checking all the information about the Holy Family, Zhao Fu showed a happy smile, and his consciousness returned to his body. Only then did he realize that Wang Jian had been waiting for a long time.

Zhao Fu knew his purpose, so he sat on the chair above and asked with a smile, "How is the situation on your side?"

Wang Jian said with a smile, "Your Majesty! There is such a terrifying existence as the wrath of the God of War, and there is nothing wrong with everything."

This time, Wang Jian used the power of the God of War's wrath to crush everything, and was shocked in his heart. Their majesty actually created such a terrible thing, enough to destroy a country.

Zhao Fu nodded, "How about the details?"

Wang Jian opened his mouth and said to Zhao Fu, "Now all the alchemy families here have been wiped out by Daqin, and this place already belongs to Daqin, and this time, many alchemy families have fled here, including the strongest Bing family."

"The last commander ordered someone to attack the Bing family at the first time, but I didn't expect that the Bing family was ready to escape. When the Bing family was attacked, the Bing family had already taken people to flee."

"This time, the loss of Da Qin is not big. In terms of the final harvest, the final commander has already ordered people to count them. There are all the forces that have been wiped out. The total harvest population is 20 billion people in the alchemy world. Among them, the number of alchemy soldiers who have surrendered to Daqin is ten. Five hundred million, there are three thousand holy beasts."

In just a few days, 20 billion people and 1.5 billion alchemy soldiers were harvested at once. These are all second-tier alchemy soldiers, and they have a great effect on Da Qin.

Finally, there are holy beasts. Daqin also has holy beasts. The number is still more than 3,000, which can play a good role.

Zhao Fu also waited for this day for a long time, and he also let out a bad breath. In the past, Da Qin was pressed and beaten by these alchemy families, but now he has finally killed them all in reverse.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The harvest is not bad. You have worked hard this time. Go down and celebrate with the generals! I will appoint someone to manage the next thing."

Wang Jian said with a smile, "Then we will retire!"

When Wang Jian left, Zhao Fu ordered someone to send a message to Tianqi World and mobilize some civil servants to come.

Now this is not a fighting base, but a force that needs to re-develop and improve the building.

Zhao Fu first planned to unite the scattered families, so that they would not be scattered as before, and then began to build a unified defense, so that the families could strengthen their integration with each other and with Da Qin.

What a force needs most is cohesion. If there is no cohesion, it will be a mess of sand, and the alchemy family will be dominated by Daqin in the future.

As for the management personnel of the current forces, Zhao Fu did not use all the alchemists to manage them. He mobilized some civil servants from the world of Apocalypse, and now he cannot fully trust them.

As a military general, Wang Jian knew some internal affairs, but Zhao Fu still only let him manage military affairs. It was not because Zhao Fu did not trust him, but because he had limited energy and could not handle so many things.

Moreover, internal affairs are indeed better handled by civil servants.

After dealing with this matter, Zhao Fu summoned the descendants of the Human Saint Family. Now that Zhao Fu wants to strongly support the development of the Human Saint Family, he must choose a suitable person as the patriarch.

The boy who led the way before is naturally not good, because he is too young. Although he has direct blood, he is not suitable for being the patriarch. Zhao Fu needs someone who is truly capable.

In the future, Rensheng Family is likely to become a leader in Daqin.

This is a very important family, so the selection of the patriarch should be carefully considered, and no decision should be made lightly.

Ten minutes later, the direct descendants of the Rensheng Family came to Zhao Fu and saluted respectfully, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, looked at the men and women below and said, "I already know everything about your people's holy family. Now they have changed their name and returned to their people's holy family. Your family's wish is fulfilled, and I will help you realize it."

"And I want to choose the patriarch from among you. Who do you think is the most suitable for this position?"

The faces of many people in the Holy Family were stunned. They did not expect that Zhao Fu would know all the information about the Holy Family. Everyone guessed that Zhao Fu might know it through the Pillar of Inheritance, but that must be someone with the pure blood of the Holy Family. How did Zhao Fu do it arrived?

The most important thing is that Zhao Fu actually said that he would help them realize their dream of great revival, and they couldn't help but get excited.

This is something that the whole family has always wanted to do but has not been able to accomplish. Daqin's power is so powerful, and the Lord of Daqin has said so. Rensheng's family may really return to its former glory with the support of Daqin.

Now I feel that the benefits of surrendering to Daqin are even greater, and many people from the Holy Family said gratefully, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"


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