The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2296 Kiya

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's because of your great potential in the Holy Family that I will be willing to train you. In the future, you may also become the largest alchemy family in Daqin. You have to perform well. Now who do you think is the most suitable patriarch?"

The people of the holy family are facing each other, and some of them want to be the patriarch, because the patriarch can control everything in the family, and the status is the most honorable person, and no one wants to be.

A few of them are still among the more capable people, and they used to have a low status in the Rensheng Family, so they all said, "I want to be the patriarch!"

Zhao Fu looked at them, there were five of them, and they were all beautiful women.

One is tall, with a beautiful face, with a right hand like a machine, with a dignified and atmospheric temperament, one is well-dressed, with pink skin, exuding a coquettish temperament, one has a sexy body, short hair, and a mechanical body. heroic.

One has a slender body with mechanical eyes, giving people a sense of tranquility, while the other has a mature body and a charming face, which is very attractive.

Zhao Fu glanced at them a few times, with a smile of interest, and asked, "Why do the five of you want to be the patriarch?"

The tall and beautiful woman said with a smile, "Your Majesty! There are only five of us here with the highest identities and the most pure blood. Others with the same identities as us have been killed by Da Qin, including my man and son."

Zhao Fu was stunned for a moment. He glanced at this beautiful woman and felt a little bit similar to Ren Nuo. He smiled and said, "You are the patriarch's wife?"

The beautiful woman smiled and replied, "Yes!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have already killed your man and your son, why are you still willing to be loyal to me? And you don't hate me?"

The beautiful woman replied with a smile, "Your Majesty! It was our Holy Family who offended you. We have nothing to say when you destroy us, and your Majesty's sage stones have not been damaged, and there is still a chance of resurrection."

Another advantage of the alchemists is that they have the sage's stone that can be continuously resurrected, but the sage's stone in Daqin does not have this ability. I don't know why, but it is probably related to the law of blood.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If you guys do well, I can give them a chance to resurrect."

When everyone heard this, they were even more grateful. Their relatives killed by Da Qin could be resurrected at one time and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu then asked the five of them by their names, Ren You, Ren Bai Min, Ren Li Li, Ren Wu, and Ren Ya.

After learning their names, Zhao Fuyou looked at the others and asked, "What do you think is the right person to be the patriarch?"

The others were basically divided into five factions with their own support, as if they were originally divided into five factions, but the people they used to be the main ones were basically killed by Da Qin, and now they are five re-elected.

At this time, the boy who led the way said nervously, "Your Majesty! I feel that my mother is the most suitable for the patriarch, and she herself is the patriarch's wife. My father also gave her to handle all kinds of things in the past."

Zhao Fu also understood that he was Ren You's son and Ren Nuo's younger brother.

After thinking for a while, it seems that the patriarch's wife, Renyou, is the most suitable to take over the position of the current patriarch, so she said, "In the future, Renyou will be the current patriarch of the Holy Family, and the remaining four can also take over important positions in the clan."

Now they have gained a lot of benefits, everyone said with happy smiles, "Your Majesty, we will definitely be loyal to Daqin and never betray, and we are willing to do everything for Daqin."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded. Said, "The others go down! You five stay."

Hearing this, everyone also left the room, leaving only five beautiful women.

As the five most important people in the Rensheng Family in the future, Zhao Fu must have complete control over them and not let them betray him.

Renyou and the others began to wonder what happened to Zhao Fu. I saw Zhao Fu looking at them and looking at their bodies, and said with a smile, "Come and serve me!"

A blush appeared on the faces of the five beautiful women. Bai Min, the more coquettish person, could not resist the invisible attraction that radiated from Zhao Fu, and had long thought of Zhao Fu.

Now that Zhao Fu said this, she was the first to go up and kneel in front of Zhao Fu to serve Zhao Fu.

The other women thought about their relatives who were killed, and later, they also took off their clothes and knelt in front of Zhao Fu to serve Zhao Fu.

Then there was a loud noise in the room.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu left the room to deal with other matters. Now the Alchemy Land does not need war, but development and stability.

The five beautiful women in the room were flushed, unable to pant on the ground, their faces were full of satisfaction and happiness. They never thought that they would be so happy with men other than their husbands, and they are still reminiscing about that feeling.

After a while, they regained some strength, put on their clothes, and ordered someone to clean the room. There were traces of their being violated by Zhao Fu everywhere.

People go back to where they live.

The boy who led the way has been waiting here, watching Renyou come back with a happy face, "Congratulations to my mother for becoming the patriarch, the dead brother and father can be resurrected, and mother, why did you suddenly become so attractive."

A blush appeared on Renyou's face, and he said with a smile, "Yeah! Our family's status has been preserved, and you have to behave well in the future. Although your brother and your father can be resurrected, they may not have any chance to take power. You can only rely on you, I will cultivate you as a human saint

The lord of the house. "

The boy who led the way thought that he would be the young master of the Holy Family in the future, and smiled even more happily, "I see, I will definitely work hard to perform."

Renyou smiled with satisfaction, and couldn't help but think of the happy life of watching his son grow into a strong man while being violated by Zhao Fu.

Ren Nuohe people should not have thought that they were not only defeated by Zhao Fu, but their mother and wife were violated by Zhao Fu, and the key point was that she was obsessed with this feeling and fell into it.

However, even if they knew about it, they couldn't change anything. If they became Zhao Fu's enemies, they had to prepare to be destroyed and their wives and daughters to be violated.

For Zhao Fu, enjoying the enemy's mother, wife, and daughter is also a very good experience. Not only can you vent your anger, but you can also enjoy it.

Zhao Fu came to the research site of Wrath of the God of War. Now Zhao Fu has destroyed the various families, and he has also collected talented people from their families to join the alchemy research. Now the research ability of Daqin is much stronger than before.

Basically, all kinds of alchemy experiments in the future will be carried out here, and this will be the largest alchemy research place in the future.

Mu Minxian is no longer on the Wrath of the God of War, she has returned to her family, and her family was one of the ones destroyed by Da Qin.


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