The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2297 light

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The Mu family's power is relatively general, and there is no special place, so Zhao Fu did not go there. If it was the Bing family, Zhao Fu would also go to see the information on the pillar of inheritance of the Bing family.

It's just a pity that the Bing family ran too fast, otherwise it would end up the same as the Huo family.

Now Mu Minxian is sitting as the head of the family, looking at the relatives and friends kneeling below, the people who used to hate, the people who used to fear, and the people who once needed to look up, everything has become different from before.

At this time, she was the most honorable and powerful person in the entire Mu family, and her wish to join Daqin came true.

She couldn't help but feel a little happy, if she hadn't surrendered to Da Qin, she wouldn't have had all this.

The people kneeling below were also shocked. Originally, a family disciple who was not very important, a person who betrayed the family, suddenly became the patriarch of the family. They can't have any dissatisfaction.

Because she is from Daqin now, if they dare to have any opinion, they will be killed by Daqin directly. They have seen with their own eyes how cruel Daqin is.

Mu Minxian caught the fearful person below, and a smile appeared on her face. Now she has become a family that everyone wants to be, and has become the most powerful person in the family. It feels like this.

Since she followed Da Qin, her vision has not been as low as before. Everything now cannot satisfy her, and she believes that as long as she follows Da Qin, her status and power will be countless times higher than now.

His gaze finally turned back to the Wrath of Victory. Zhao Fu took out the box containing the fragments of the giant's lair, and was about to hand it over to his subordinates to study whether it could be repaired, or if it had any other effect.


Suddenly a roar sounded, Zhao Fu turned his head to look at a huge iron cage, which contained a 10-meter tall, naked and naked monster with slender muscles, fangs, and a pair of pure black eyes.

He is the alchemy giant captured by Zhao Fu. That is, when Zhao Fu first explored the alchemy world, he encountered a lot of canine creatures. This alchemy giant was formed by countless canine creatures.

The power of the alchemy giant is very powerful, and it also has the ability to be immortal. For example, if he is cut in half, the head can be seen, and the body can be resurrected if it is torn apart.

Da Qin has been researching this kind of ability, and if he wants to use this kind of ability for Da Qin, it will have a great effect on Da Qin.

But after coming here for so long, Da Qin made no progress at all.

Now I see the alchemy giant roaring, his eyes staring at the box, as if he really wants this box, and he also hits the iron cage and wants to rush out.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Why did this alchemy giant want the fragments of the giant's lair?

After thinking about it seriously, Zhao Fu made a bold decision.

Zhao Fu ordered someone to open the iron cage and release the alchemy giant. After the alchemy giant ran out, he charged towards Zhao Fu with excitement and ferocity.

And Zhao Fu stood there motionless.

With a ferocious aura, the alchemy giant rushed in front of Zhao Fu very quickly, but stopped at the next moment and looked at Zhao Fu with some fear.

Although he really wanted to get the box, his fear of Zhao Fu was deeply rooted in his bones. Thinking about Zhao Fu now, his body would feel an instinctive pain. Eye to eye.

Zhao Fu looked at the alchemy giant's fear of stopping, and felt a little amused. He stretched out a hand and handed out the box. He also directly opened the box, revealing pieces of blood-colored crystal fragments.

The alchemy giant didn't expect Zhao Fu to do this, but he still looked a little scared and didn't dare to take a step closer to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This thing is for you, and you will obey me honestly in the future, so I won't use you to do all kinds of research."

The alchemy giant understood what Zhao Fu meant and nodded. He didn't want to live that kind of life.


A huge momentum erupted from the alchemy giant's body, and the alchemy giant emitted countless black rays of light.

His body began to twist and deform, turning into a large mass of flesh and blood, floating in mid-air, and sage stones emerged from the flesh and blood.

Zhao Fu had a surprised expression on his face, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

An invisible force emanated, and the crystal fragments in the box floated automatically, emitting blood-colored light, and flew towards the mass of flesh and blood, and the blood-colored fragments merged into the huge mass of flesh and blood.


A terrifying force erupted, forming a shock wave that spread around, the ground shattered instantly, and Zhao Fu was knocked back a step.

The flesh and blood mass in the air exudes black and blood-colored rays of light, and a terrifying force is still gushing out of the flesh and blood.

Zhao Fu ordered the others to leave here temporarily.

Everyone felt the terrifying momentum and did not dare to stay here, and hurriedly left the place.


A loud bang came out, and a black blood-colored beam of light charged into the sky with enormous power, slammed into the sky fiercely, and a huge blood-colored light wave spread out, and the color of the world changed.

All the alchemy families felt this terrifying fluctuation, and couldn't help but came outside out of curiosity, only to see a huge blood-colored beam of light standing on the wrath of the God of War, exuding a huge momentum.

what's going on

? How could there be such a terrifying fluctuation?

Many alchemists looked at the scene in shock, while some Daqin soldiers were relatively calm, because they had experienced this much, so naturally there was nothing to be surprised about.

Standing in front of the beam of light, Zhao Fu watched the countless powers of heaven and earth poured into the mass of flesh and blood. The flesh and blood seemed to be beginning to transform, and the sage stones and blood-colored crystal fragments radiated intense light.

As time passed, more and more power of heaven and earth poured in, pouring into the flesh and blood like a tide.


A huge roar sounded at one time, the flesh and blood completed its transformation, and now it is constantly twisting and changing, gradually taking on the shape of a human, and then the flesh and blood slowly took shape, and a terrifying monster appeared in front of Zhao Fu.

This monster is more than 20 meters tall, covered in black, with strong muscles, a pair of hands like sharp claws. There are six blood-colored eyes, exuding a murderous look.

A terrifying force emanated from the monster's body, and this force was filled with the aura of crazy destruction and fighting, making the surroundings extremely depressed.

The fluctuations around him began to dissipate.

The monster stood in front of Zhao Fu honestly and did not dare to move. Although his power became terrifying, the stronger he became, the more he could feel the terror of the person in front of him.


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