The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2298 Chaos

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu showed a smile and checked the attributes of the monster.

Now the monster and the fragments of the Valkyrie giant's lair are fused together, possessing the bloodline of the Valkyrie giant and the power of the Valkyrie, which is also fused with the alchemy power of the monster itself, forming a brand new power.

This new kind of power is not weaker than the power of the god of war, because what was born is a forbidden power, which has terrible destructive power and can destroy a world.

The monster itself is a forbidden alchemy creature, and the fragments of the Valkyrie's lair strengthen this kind of power, so this kind of forbidden power is so powerful.

Moreover, the undead ability of the monster has also been greatly strengthened. Now that he is smashed into scum, he will not really die, but will still reunite.

If you want to kill him, you must turn him into nothingness, and there is nothing left to kill. Otherwise, you can only use the seal to seal it. Otherwise, there is no way to deal with him.

This is not what Zhao Fu cares about the most. What Zhao Fu cares about most is whether it can be used as the core material of the ancient god of war.

That's why Zhao Fu was willing to merge the Martial God's lair with monsters.

After carefully checking the attributes of the monster, Zhao Fu was very satisfied with the result. This monster can be used as the core material of the ancient god of war.

After the monster merged the fragments of the Valkyrie's lair, it formed a kind of lair alchemy creature. This lair alchemy creature was not a creature bred from a lair, but a half-biological, half-laid creature.

In other words, monsters also have various functions of the nest, and they can also refresh creatures, and they can also control various creatures that are refreshed.

At the same time, its half body is also a creature with very powerful strength.

The monster's current strength is not very strong for Zhao Fu, but he can also grow. As he grows, the level of the nest will be higher.

Zhao Fu does not feel that the ancient warrior gods that he has cultivated are too weak, because this is a fragment that has been integrated into the giant's lair, and it is still a taboo alchemy creature. If the ancient warrior gods cultivated are weak, Zhao Fu does not believe it. .

The most important thing is the growth of the monster. If he grows up, he will definitely not be weaker than the Valkyrie Giant, or even more terrifying.

With this monster, Zhao Fu returned to the Holy Family.

According to Zhao Fu's instructions, the monster cut open his palm and shed blood, and placed it on the Pillar of Inheritance, merging the direct power of origin and blood with the Pillar of Inheritance.

Although Zhao Fu has mastered the method of cultivating the ancient warrior gods, this is something unique to the Human Saint Family, so it needs to be bound together with the pillar of inheritance of the Human Saint Family. Zhao Fu cannot cultivate it alone.

I saw that the blood and power of the monster were constantly being absorbed, and the power of the inheritance of the Holy Family also poured into the body of the monster.

In the end, the two successfully merged together, and in the future, the Holy Family can continue to refresh creatures with the same bloodline and power as monsters.

The Holy Family can use them as the basis to start training the ancient warrior gods. As for the operation method, Zhao Fu chooses the ancient control method, and also retains the consciousness of the ancient warrior gods, because it is obvious that the holy beast with consciousness will be much stronger.

But Zhao Fu was also a little worried about what happened in the ancient times of the alchemy world, and why so many alchemy holy beasts rebelled.

Many alchemy families dare not keep the consciousness of the alchemy holy beast, and they are also worried that such a thing will happen at one time.

What should I do if the ancient god of war that I nurtured also betrayed?

However, Zhao Fu thought again, now that monsters are half creatures and half nest creatures, they can control all nest creatures, and even if this control power fails, monsters can greatly weaken the power of nest creatures and reduce their harm. reduced to a minimum.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and looked at the monster standing there. The previously cut wound healed instantly. The monster's recovery ability was very surprising.

He couldn't keep calling him monsters. Zhao Fu looked at him with a pair of eyes and said with a smile, "From now on, you will be called Soldier Master!"

The soldier nodded. He didn't pay much attention to things in the field. Now that Zhao Fu didn't use him to do all kinds of research, he was very happy. It was the best thing for him.

Zhao Fu continued, "I will also set aside a part of the alchemy world for you. From now on, you will be the lord there. You can increase your strength and cultivate your own power there."

The soldier lord was even happier when he heard this. That is, he did not bind him at all. Not only did he not use him for research, but he also served him as the lord of a region. He knelt directly in front of Zhao Fu, expressing his loyalty.

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly to get him up, and now Zhao Fu is in a happier mood. Da Qin can create the ancient gods of war, and as long as this is created, it will be a powerful method for Da Qin.

When I first read the inheritance information of Rensheng Family, I thought it could not be done. I didn't expect it to be completed in less than half a day.

However, things are also quite coincidental. The soldier Zhao Fu was captured very early, and he has been doing various researches. Now that he can merge with the fragments of the Martial God's lair, it suddenly plays a major role.

If he hadn't met the Soldier Master at that time, then the matter of the ancient Soldier God would not have been solved so easily. It felt like fate was like a line, and Zhao Fu was also following that line.

Now the matter of the alchemy world is over here, the forces need to develop, and the alchemy families of all parties will be integrated into one and become a real force.

The nearby alchemy forces now see the strength of Daqin

Daqin will not have the courage to attack Daqin, so don't worry about what war will happen, Daqin can only focus on development and construction.

In the end, Da Qin killed countless alchemy soldiers and killed many alchemy families. He gained a lot of points, and only a little bit can be exchanged for asking stones, and then he can build a great cauldron.

Zhao Fu returned to Daqin, dealt with some Daqin affairs, and then relaxed.

Now the world of alchemy, the underworld, the world of gods, and the world of chaos are all developing very well, and there is nothing to worry about.

Because of the protection of the kingdom of heaven, Da Qin could not launch a war against the outside forces, otherwise Zhao Fu would like to send troops at this time to destroy those outside forces and end the long-standing grievances.

A few days later, Zhao Fu came to the chaotic world again. Now the insects and beasts in the four corners of the chaotic world have been eliminated, and Daqin has cleared a large area. Unfortunately, it is of no use to Daqin and can only be left there.

Because this place is not suitable for the development of power, there are all kinds of insects and beasts, and they cannot continue to become stronger by launching wars like other places.

The reason why Zhao Fu came here is that Da Qin discovered another Chaos clan power.


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