The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2299 Beihuang (6 more for subscription)

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The power of this Chaos Race is not very large, with a population of only more than 30 million, but it is not simple.

Because this force seems to be able to communicate with other forces, that is to say, this force is connected with other Chaos forces, they communicate with each other, trade with each other, or do other things.

Zhao Fu was rather surprised, he didn't know this kind of thing before.

Now that Zhao Fu has arrived here with the army, he will first use the magic circle that confines the space to confine the space, preventing this force from using the teleportation circle and preventing them from sending messages out.

All the forces of the Chaos clan were guarding the city wall, and when they saw the Daqin soldiers coming in like a tidal wave, they became very panicked and scared. If there were too many Daqin soldiers, they couldn't resist it at all, and how could they suddenly run out of so many soldiers? Apocalypse?

Zhao Fu also has a strong self-confidence, because Zhao Fu can bring 500 million soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, ten times the soldiers of the Chaos tribe.

"What more do I need to say? Are you willing to surrender to me?"

The main person on the city wall is a fat middle-aged man, wearing a long robe, exuding a strong breath.

Hearing Zhao Fu's words, the middle-aged man hesitated in his heart. He understood that if they fought, they would definitely lose, because how could they resist more than 500 million soldiers with only 30 million?

And they are not brainless worms, they are not afraid of death at all, and those who see the world of Apocalypse will rush over.


A huge imperial momentum erupted, spreading out like a tide, covering a radius of 100,000 meters, and the air instantly solidified.

Countless people of the chaotic race only feel that they have fallen into the ice water, their bodies are constantly shaking, and they feel extreme fear. Who is this person? How to have such a huge power?

Zhao Fu looked at the middle-aged man with a pair of eyes, and his voice was full of majesty, "I'm saying it once, are you willing to surrender to me? My patience is limited, if you don't surrender, I will launch an attack."

The middle-aged man turned pale with fright, "Wait, don't do it, we are willing to surrender."

Zhao Fu showed a smile and asked them to put down their weapons and open the city gate.

The middle-aged man didn't dare to refuse, he honestly followed his orders, put down countless weapons, and opened the city gate. The middle-aged fat man took the lead and knelt in front.

Zhao Fu led the army to the front of the city, stretched out a hand, a force poured out from his hand, poured into the middle-aged man's body, and turned into a restraint.

Then, Zhao Fu led the army into the city and completely took over the city.

Sitting at the top of the hall, Zhao Fu asked, "What's your name?"

The middle-aged fat man replied nervously, "Qing Hai!"

Zhao Fu smiled and asked what he cared about the most, "How can you communicate with other people?"

The middle-aged fat man explained, "We have joined the Northern Wilderness Alliance, and we can communicate with each other through the Alliance Teleportation Array."

"Northern Wilderness Alliance?"

Zhao Fu was a little puzzled. He didn't understand this aspect at all. He was also curious about what kind of power this was. He felt very uneasy and asked, "Tell me all the information."

Ching Hai began to explain.

It turns out that the Chaos World is different from what Zhao Fu thought. If the Alchemy World is a family's world, then the Chaos World is an alliance world.

Now Daqin is located in the outer domain of the chaotic world, and the entire outer domain of the chaotic world can be divided into four alliances.

The first is the East Mountain Alliance, the second is the Westland Alliance, the third is the Southern Forest Alliance, and the fourth is the Northern Wilderness Alliance.

The four alliances are distributed in four directions, and almost all Chaos tribes will join them, so they can only communicate through development.

This kind of alliance was born a long time ago, and its history can be traced back to the time of creation.

Because in the chaotic world, the largest number are insect beasts, the second are creatures in the shape of aquatic creatures, which can become aquatic beasts, and the third are creatures in the form of various beasts, which can be called beasts.

The rarest is the Chaos Race, so the Chaos Race is in a great disadvantage. The place where they live is also separated by a group of insects and water beasts. Once something happens, it is easy to be destroyed.

In order to solve this kind of thing, people spontaneously formed an alliance to help each other and support each other, so the alliance has continued in this way.

Want to join the alliance is actually very simple, you can find the forces to join the alliance. Go to the alliance center through their teleportation array, find the alliance administrator to register the force information, and then bring the administrator to the force to build the alliance teleportation array.

If you can’t find the power to join the alliance, you can only find the location of the alliance center. There are more than one location of the alliance. There will be one first-level alliance center in one area, ten areas will have second-level alliance centers, and one hundred areas will have three alliance centers. Level Alliance Center.

This area is not the same as the Apocalypse World area. The Chaos World area is several times larger than the Apocalypse Vision area.

In addition to connecting the forces of all parties and allowing them to exchange help, the Alliance Center itself is a very powerful force, and no force dares to offend this alliance force.

He has the power to kick you out of the alliance. Once kicked out of the alliance, the alliance center cannot enter, let alone communicate with other forces.

In addition to this, the alliance can also summon other forces to attack your forces together. In general, other forces will give face and send soldiers to attack you.

With this ability, basically no one dares to offend the Alliance.

The forces that finally join the alliance must regularly hand in certain materials. The materials depend on the size of the force. If they do not hand in for a long time, they will also be kicked out of the alliance.

In most cases, these alliance forces will not provoke any forces, and the two sides get along well, and the relationship is not bad.

Regions and regional alliances are also different. They manage their own regions, but when necessary, they will also obey orders from higher-level alliances.

This is the outer domain of the chaotic world, the inner domain will also have a corresponding alliance, and the central domain will also have a corresponding alliance.

Zhao Fu learned this information and was very interested in that alliance center, and Zhao Fu didn't know what the real Chaos World forces looked like, he just saw a few cities.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhao Fu plans to prepare, and plans to go to the Alliance Center to have a deeper understanding of the Chaos World.

As for the power in this place, Zhao Fu intends to move all of them back. Anyway, the place is very large and can accommodate so many people. Also, this place is very far from Daqin. If something happens, Daqin may not be able to make it.

After Qing Hai came to Daqin, he was a little afraid after knowing Daqin's true strength. Fortunately, he chose to surrender, otherwise he would not know how to die in the face of such a powerful force.


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