The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2300 Alliance

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Zhao Fu made a brief preparation, and then took Qing Hai to the Alliance Center through the Alliance Teleportation Array. The reason for bringing Qing Hai was because he was familiar with Alliance affairs. If you had any questions, you could ask him directly to avoid a lot of trouble.

As for this place, Zhao Fu also sent troops to obey, and forbid other people to send over, they basically belonged to the enemy.

This alliance teleportation array is a special teleportation array, which can only be built by people from the alliance. Other teleportation arrays and alliance teleportation arrays cannot be used together.

And this teleportation array is also an ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

Because the Chaos Race is rare and separated by groups of other creatures, they can only communicate with surprises through ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays.

After arriving at the Alliance Center, Zhao Fu looked at the tall buildings and the lively scenes of people coming and going. He was still quite surprised. The place was bigger and busier than he thought.

Qing Hai reminded nervously next to him, "Your Majesty! You have to be careful, you must hide your breath, or if a person from the world of Apocalypse appears in the center of the alliance, he will immediately be hunted down by the entire alliance."

Although Qing Hai felt that Zhao Fu was very powerful, Zhao Fu had to face the center of the entire alliance, so he was definitely not an opponent, so he warned carefully.

He also admired Zhao Fu a little. He came to the Alliance Center alone, which was like a sheep entering a large group of wolves.

Zhao Fu nodded, in fact, there is no need to hide, Zhao Fu can exude the breath of the chaotic world, but don't forget that Zhao Fu obtained the eight forbidden blood techniques in the chaotic world, and also obtained the blood of the blood fairy.

At this time, Zhao Fu can exude pure Chaos aura.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu took Qing Hai to stroll around the Alliance Center with interest. The purpose of this visit is to have a good understanding of the Chaos Race.

Although there are many other insects, water beasts, and beasts, there is nothing to understand. All kinds of creatures are basically the same. The most important thing in the chaotic world should be the chaotic family.

According to the information obtained before, the Chaos Race is also divided into eight races. There is no smaller classification, that is, there are only eight races. Unlike the Eight Great Races of Apocalypse, they are also divided into countless races, large and small.

Zhao Fu looked at the various chaotic races on the street. In fact, they all looked the same. It could even be said to be one race, but some of the auras exuded were different.

This is also different from Apocalypse World. There are all kinds of races in Apocalypse World, and it is impossible to count or remember.

Zhao Fu was a little curious. Both the Chaos World and the Alchemy World should merge into smaller worlds. Why is the race so single and not as numerous as the Apocalypse World?

After simply asking Qing Hai, I understood the reason.

The way that the Chaos World annexes the world is different from that of the Apocalypse World. After the Chaos World annexes a world, it will directly use the power of Chaos to erode the entire world.

This method is relatively crude, simple and ferocious. The creatures that originally lived in that world will become Chaos Race if they can withstand the erosion of the power of Chaos, and if they cannot bear it, they will die directly.

Therefore, every time a world is annexed, countless creatures will die, and only a small number of creatures will survive and become creatures of the chaotic world.

The reason why Chaos World does this is for the purity of the world's origin and the purity of the luck race. There will be many benefits, and the power of the world itself will be stronger.

The same is true in the alchemy world, so only the alchemist family lives, and there are no other races.

Now Zhao Fu is a little fortunate. It was fortunate that the world of Apocalypse annexed the human world at the beginning. If it was annexed by the Chaos World or the Alchemy World, I don't know how many people died at the beginning.

The way the Chaos World annexes the world is different from the Apocalypse World. He chooses to swallow a world directly, and then erode it with power. There will also be a new world shield.

Because of the erosion of power, countless creatures living in that world will mutate to have power, and they have to go through a bloody fight before they can truly integrate into the chaotic world.

Among them, it may be the fight between man and beast, or it may be the fight between man and insect, or it may be the fight between insect and beast.

This kind of way is very much like some doomsday novels, where spiritual energy erodes the world, and then the world becomes different, fighting to survive.

And there may not be a Great Qin Empire.

The chaotic world is caused by chaos and fighting. The inheritance of the original world has little effect. It must be dominated by the chaotic world. Creating a new inheritance will have a great effect. It can be personal inheritance, family or national inheritance.

This is better for ordinary people without any inheritance, because everyone is in an equal position, no matter what family or country you are descendants of, the starting point is the same.

But as the inheritance of the country, if Daqin is annexed by the chaotic world, it will naturally have no advantage, so it is difficult to build an empire.

The alchemy world is dominated by families. If it is annexed by the alchemy world, the inheritance of the country will almost be abolished, and it will have no effect, but the family inheritance will be greatly improved, and there is the world of the family.

This almost abolished the Daqin inheritance, and it was impossible for Zhao Fu to build a Daqin Empire in the alchemy world.

In contrast, Zhao Fu felt that Apocalypse World treated the new world very well.

Continue to walk on the street.

There are also some hawkers on the street selling things, come out

Some various fruits and vegetables, most of which are various materials on insects and beasts, and some strange props.

For example, there is a kind of hidden insect powder, as long as it is sprinkled on the body, the insects will not see you, and the insects hate the water, and the insects do not like to be near you when sprinkled on the body, and there is an insect blood gourd, where the insect blood is poured into it, After a while, you can drink a gourd of water.

These props basically have various uses to deal with all kinds of insects, water beasts, and beasts. It seems that the Chaos Race and those creatures have lived for so long, they have known them very well, and they have created various things to deal with them.

Not only that, they also have various applications for the materials on those creatures, and they also make a lot of things.

This aspect is much stronger than Da Qin, and now Da Qin is still undergoing various researches.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and began to collect the manufacturing methods of these things, as well as information on various creatures. Da Qin did not need to spend time, energy and material research.

The Chaos World does not have its own currency, but the alliance has created the alliance currency. The alliance currency is used by all parties to trade. If not, they can only exchange items for items.

Zhao Fu doesn't have any alliance currency, but Qing Hai has a lot of currency. He was a power lord before, so there must be a lot of these alliance currencies.


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