The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2470 Bloodline

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The coquettish princess stood up and bowed to Zhao Fu with a hint of charm, "I am willing to surrender to you, and I am willing to be your woman to serve you."

She didn't want to die, and she didn't want her daughter to die. At the same time, she also wanted to make plans for the future. After they surrendered as royals, they might end up being imprisoned, and then they would spend their lives like that.

Princess Leng Yan thought about it for a while and made a decision in her heart. She stood up and looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes, "I can also serve you, but you must treat me and my relatives preferentially."

King Lei Ming looked at his two wives with anger in his heart. Although he wanted them to surrender to save his life, he didn't want his woman to serve other men, and this man also wiped out Lei Ming Kingdom.

"You two are not worthy of being the princess of Lei Ming Kingdom, let alone my woman."

The first princess also said angrily, "Are you worthy of your majesty? Your majesty has always been kind to you."

The ministers who stood up to be buried for Lei Mingguo also scolded angrily, "You two are the shame of Lei Mingguo. You have lost all of our Lei Mingguo's face. How can you do such a morally corrupt thing."

bang bang bang...

A dull sound suddenly sounded, and the ministers were knocked out by a huge force, fell to the ground, and spat out a large mouthful of blood.


A terrifying aura enveloped countless people, causing countless people to fall into fear. Zhao Fu said domineeringly, "They are my women now, who is saying...die!"

There was a smile on the faces of Princess Coquettish and Princess Lengyan. Zhao Fu accepted them so easily. It seemed that he was interested in them, so he didn't have to worry about the future.

Zhao Fu then said, "Detain those who are unwilling to surrender, and bring a few of them to the hall."

Many Daqin soldiers stepped forward to escort a person down.

King Lei Ming watched several Daqin soldiers escort his woman and daughter to the other side, thinking of something, and shouted angrily, "Let them go, or I will definitely kill you."

Several Daqin soldiers snorted and kicked King Lei Ming a few times. Now King Lei Ming's power was imprisoned by Zhao Fu, and he had no resistance at all, and was forcibly dragged away.

The two princesses cried and struggled, but were still brought into the hall by the soldiers.

In the end, Zhao Fu sat on the throne of Lei Ming Kingdom and looked at the seven women in front of them. There were four princesses, two princesses, and the Minister of Internal Affairs.

The seven Zhao Fu were most interested in the pair of sisters, the first princess and the minister of the interior.

Now, one of them is crying, and the other is looking at Zhao Fu coldly, still arrogant.

Zhao Fu walked up to the two of them, hugged their sisters in his arms, and played with what was on their chests. The two of them struggled hard. As the sister of the Minister of Internal Affairs, they scolded Zhao Fu angrily, "Scumbag. let me go!"

But as Zhao Fu continued to play with their bodies, they also lost their resistance, leaning on Zhao Fu's shoulders, blushing and panting.

Princess Bewitching didn't think that Zhao Fu was most interested in them, and she was very envious, but she didn't want to be left behind, she took off her clothes and threw herself into Zhao Fu's arms.

An indescribable voice quickly sounded in the hall.

Prince Lei Ming was anxiously waiting for news, but he didn't get any news, and he didn't expect his mother to make a shameful voice under Zhao Fu's face.

And her younger sister, the arrogant Minister of Internal Affairs, was even more dissolute than her, and kept asking Zhao Fu for it.

In the prison, King Lei Ming scolded and contorted with anger, he knew what was happening now, his wife and daughter were being violated by that bastard.

On the other side, the Daqin soldiers attacked the major territories of Lei Ming Kingdom. If they wanted to completely overthrow the feudal system, they had to kill or conquer all the lords, and use powerful force to suppress the territories, so that the forces would not be chaotic.

If there is no strong force to suppress, those lords will definitely refuse to obey Daqin, even if they do, it is not a willing surrender, and they may rebel at any time.

Moreover, the feudal system is based on the basis that whoever has the credit can have the territory and the title.

But now it is the Daqin world that is attacking them. Daqin is not a segregation system, and they will not seal the territory if they have merit. People who don't have a card world have merit, and they are naturally convinced if they are not sealed.

However, if you want to change the minds of these card world people, it is not something that can be done in a short time, and it must go through a relatively long period of time.

Without much difficulty, the Daqin soldiers captured all the territory of Lei Ming Kingdom. Those lords, large and small, were either killed or taken to the palace of Lei Ming Kingdom.

Bai Qi counted the results of the battle, and in total, more than 2 billion card world citizens, more than 200 million card world soldiers, and countless other materials were harvested.

The only pity was that the cavalry regiment of Lei Ming Kingdom almost all chose to die in battle, and no one was willing to surrender.

Bai Qi has seen the horror of this cavalry regiment with his own eyes, and he very much wants to bring it back to Daqin and let them serve Daqin, which will definitely have a great effect on Daqin.

Now that these cavalry regiments are almost dead, Bai Qi doesn't care too much, because he believes that their majesty will definitely cultivate a more powerful cavalry regiment. Bai Qi also has a 100% confidence in Zhao Fu.

Bai Qi wanted to report the matter to Zhao Fu, but found that the door of the main hall was still closed, and there was a barrier to protect it.


He understands what's going on inside, and he doesn't have any opinion on one kind of thing. After all, Zhao Fu is the emperor of Daqin.

And he hoped that Zhao Fu would be like this, because since the founding of the country more than ten years ago, although Da Qin has become stronger and stronger, Zhao Fu still has no children, and the blood of Da Qin has not been continued.

Although the winner also has the bloodline of Daqin, influenced by the national fortune of the Daqin Empire, he has now become the bloodline of the kingdom level.

However, their bloodline is very different from Zhao Fu's bloodline, and the difference cannot be described in words.

Daqin is not the Daqin in history. Daqin's orthodox royal bloodline should be based on Zhao Fu's bloodline, and those bloodlines of winners should only be collateral bloodlines.

Watching Zhao Fu enjoying the girls inside, Bai Qi summoned many generals in another place to distribute the next things to do.

In the chaotic world and the alchemy world, Daqin first found a place where no one had access to build a base, and then used this base as the main base to develop around.

But now it is different. Now Daqin enters the card world and conquers a country without building any bases, so Daqin decided to use Lei Mingguo as Daqin's base to develop around.

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