The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2471 soil tail (for subscription)

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Zhao Fu has ordered this, Bai Qi and many generals only need to follow Zhao Fu's orders.

The gate of war and the exchange stone monument were built near the palace, and the defense of the Thunder Kingdom was strengthened, and the buildings and cities previously destroyed by Daqin had to be rebuilt.

So many things cannot be done by Daqin soldiers, because Daqin soldiers still have the task of guarding various places and borders. At this time, the situation is unstable and needs Daqin soldiers to suppress and defend.

Bai Qi ordered to bring those ministers of Lei Mingguo who were willing to submit to Daqin. First, he checked some of their information and eliminated some who were incompetent and had problems with their conduct.

Then he said, "You are willing to surrender to Daqin, then Daqin will not treat you badly. Now Daqin is at the time of employing people, and many things need you to lead the people to complete."

"Just say what ideals and aspirations you have. I, Daqin, can realize your various ambitions and ideals, and can give you enormous power and a status far higher than others."

The other ministers showed a smile. Now they feel that Da Qin is a very good force. It is very powerful in itself, and has strict military discipline. The generals also have great talents.

Only a country that is strong, allows talent, has clear rewards and punishments, attaches importance to the country itself, has ideals, ambitions, and has a far-sighted country will do this.

Therefore, they will be reused, and their ideals and ambitions will also be valued.

For such a force, they are also happy to serve the force, because the light ahead is bright, and they all obey.

Afterwards, the various ministers left, some to appease the frightened people, and some to lead the people to build various buildings.

Some people and soldiers of Lei Ming Kingdom fled to the surrounding countries, and the surrounding forces were also determined. This is a force from the world of Apocalypse.

Everyone reinforced their defenses with fear, and continued to deepen their exchanges with all parties to discuss how to deal with them.

The people of Tuwei Kingdom were also very curious about the appearance of this force. They sent people to investigate and found Daqin soldiers wearing black armor, looking cold, and exuding a terrifying aura.

He quickly went back to report, "This force is extremely powerful, not an ordinary force, which makes them all feel a little scared."

Knowing this news, the top officials of Tuwei Kingdom also attached great importance to it. Some powerhouses even sneaked in quietly and found that Da Qin was indeed very powerful, and then went back to discuss the matter.

First of all, there are rules made by the world of Apocalypse. They can't be enemies. Even if the two forces are not compatible, at most they won't help, and they can't do anything harmful.

This is an advantage, and the second point is that because there is an additional force, their development will also be limited, which is a disadvantage.

However, there is a huge danger, they can still help, because they have a common enemy, and the other card world people also regard them as an enemy.

Tuwei intends to wait for the situation in Lei Ming to stabilize and then send someone over to befriend.

Now Hillary and her knights are still looking at various things in Daqin, constantly shocked, and they still don't know what happened in Lei Ming Country.

The knights' union elders and guild leaders who knew about this were also very shocked by the strength of the Daqin soldiers, who destroyed a country so quickly.

The country of Lei Ming is still one of the strongest countries in the vicinity, but it does not have much resistance in the face of Da Qin.

The Knights Guild of Lei Ming Nation did not escape because the incident was too sudden, and is now trapped in Lei Ming Nation.

The higher-level knights' union issued orders to the surrounding unions, preparing to rescue the people of these knights' unions, and mobile phone all the news of this force, the knights' union attaches great importance to such a force.

The Knights Guild has no idea of ​​attacking the Daqin Empire yet, because it is now a plane war, and there are countless forces in the Apocalypse World that have entered the card world. Although the Knights Guild is powerful, it cannot resist the Apocalypse World alone.

If something like this happens, you can only ask people from the union to investigate the information, pay attention to your own safety, and leave at any time if something happens.

If the situation is very serious and there is great harm to the knights, the knights union will only consider sending troops.

Now Elena is under the order of her superiors. She smiles with many elders, and she doesn't have to worry about Da Qin at all, because they are all women of that man.

There is also the matter of the Knights Guild of the Thunder Kingdom. They thought about it and planned to deal with them and rescue those people. This is very simple for them. After completing this matter, the Knights Guild will also give them a lot of rewards.

They can use these rewards to develop their own power, and now they are forming their own cavalry regiment.

His gaze finally turned back to the thundering hall.

Zhao Fu was lying on the ground with his arms around the girls. The Minister of Internal Affairs was on the left, and the first princess was on the right. The taste of their sisters was extremely good, which made Zhao Fu a little fascinated.

Now they are all flushed, leaning weakly in Zhao Fu's arms and panting.

At this time, Zhao Fu also knew the names of their sisters. The first princess of the elder sister was named Helensha, and the minister of the interior was also the younger sister, named Haisami.

There are also three princesses named Diadina, Atris, and Camis. The two princesses are Lydia and Betty.

Zhao Fu liked the pair of sisters the most, so he violated them the longest, which made other women a little envious, but they also got a lot of satisfaction, and now they are also breathing in Zhao Fu's arms.

Helena takes a break

Yes, looking at Zhao Fu with both eyes, he pleaded, "Can you let my man go now?"

Zhao Fu thought with a smile.

Haisami next to him said softly, "It's good for you to let my brother-in-law go. It can help you rule the country of Lei Ming, and our sisters are all yours now. You don't want us to be sad about it!"

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at Hai Sami and said with a smile, "Then what you mean now is that you are willing to surrender to me? Who said that before you were not like that."

Haisami blushed, "You've done this to me, what can I do? And I don't want my sister to be sad, and you must not hurt my relatives before I am willing to be your woman."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "It's no problem! Regarding the matter of King Lei Ming, I will let him go, but I will imprison all his power, and I will restrict a certain area and let him leave if he refuses to accept it."

Helensa kissed Zhao Fu happily and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Well! It's getting late, I still have a lot of things to deal with, you can rest here for a while."

The girls nodded with a smile.

Zhao Fu put on his clothes and left the hall, but he didn't expect that Bai Qi had already dealt with all kinds of things, and he didn't need to give any orders at all. It would be good to have such a general.

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