The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2597 Large Creatures

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Volume 1 Chapter 44

There are also solid city walls next to this huge passage. Some of them did not obey the order and climbed up to the city wall, but the city wall immediately emitted a light, and a huge gravity pressed on these insect beasts, and countless insect beasts were forced from the city wall. up and down.

Gravity didn't hurt the insect beast, so it didn't cause the insect beast's panic and excitement, and continued to charge forward.

The tide-like worms followed the passage into a large hole, and the hole exuded an aura of the apocalypse world, which made the worms even more excited and poured into it, wanting to destroy everything.

But before they could react, their bodies were pulled in another direction by a huge force, and then many insects and beasts came to a huge space and felt the countless apocalypse worlds around them. Destroy everything with wanton madness.

But they were pulled away by a huge force, and they appeared on the grass again, sensing that there were countless creatures in the world of apocalypse ahead, and countless insects and beasts rushed towards those people without any hesitation or fear.

Da Qin had prepared for this kind of method to control countless insects and beasts in the chaotic world for a long time, and only started to use it today.

Seeing countless insects and beasts rushing towards them fiercely, the soldiers of all kingdoms immediately formed a shield wall. Because they were too close, they couldn't show their abilities in time, so they could only defend in a hurry.

bang bang bang...

Countless insects and beasts slammed into the shield wall with powerful and ferocious power, and the soldiers of various countries pressed against the shield. .

The spearmen and swordsmen in the rear waved their weapons vigorously, bringing out cold lights one after another, killing the rushing insects and beasts. The blood also dyed the ground in various colors.

This did not frighten the worm beast, but made the worm beast even more mad, rushing towards the soldiers of various countries even more frantically, some jumped hard, jumped over the shield wall, and fell into the pile of soldiers to attack the soldiers of various countries wantonly.

A worm like a praying mantis swung its giant worm clamp, and cut open the bodies of three or four soldiers, and countless blood spurted out. , the soldier screamed in pain.

A scorpion-like worm, the tail thorn on the back slammed forward once, piercing a soldier's chest, the scorpion's tail slammed the soldier's body out, and an earthworm-like worm spurted a stream of acid. , sprayed onto several soldiers, and the severe corrosion caused several soldiers to die in screams.

The countries hurriedly began to step back, widening the distance from the insects and beasts. The soldiers exuded strength, and the defensive shields emerged one by one, wrapping a large army, and resisting the insects and beasts outside the defensive shields.


Sharp arrows were shot from the rear of the army, falling like raindrops, shooting through the bodies of countless insects and beasts, and countless painful hisses sounded. corpse.

Countless insects and beasts fiercely attacked the defensive cover, and many imprint gaps gradually appeared in the defensive cover.

The soldiers in the defensive cover attacked the insect beasts in an orderly manner, and many arrows and cold light shot at the insect beasts, killing a large number of insect beasts.

Jianyin's faces became serious, and they didn't dare to underestimate Daqin. They didn't expect that Daqin had so many insects and beasts, and they lost a lot of troops just now.

Everyone also understands that the magic circles are teleportation circles, and naturally they know why Li Baiqing told them to use the power of confinement. As long as the power of confinement is displayed, these teleportation circles cannot be used.

The various kingdoms brought a large number of troops and also brought many strong men. Everyone immediately flew into the sky, and a powerful force spread out, imprisoning the surrounding space.

The surrounding space was imprisoned, the teleportation array lost its power, and the countless worms and beasts gushing out of the teleportation array also disappeared. Without the gushing worms and beasts to fill the number, the remaining worms and beasts were destroyed by all parties in a very short time. The army was killed.

Meng Tian also quickly evacuated the place with his people.

Li Baiqing looked at the countless corpses and said seriously, "Now you understand! Da Qin is not as simple as you think. If you want to destroy Da Qin, you must be careful."

The Jianyin people fell silent. They laughed at the fact that the alliance was too weak and the Demon Horn Empire was useless. Now they fought Da Qin in person to understand that it wasn't that the alliance was too weak and the Demon Horn Empire was useless, but that Da Qin was really terrible.

Jianyin also shouted, "Go ahead and be careful everyone."

Subsequently, the armies of all parties continued to advance with a huge momentum.

If nothing happens, they will soon be able to rush to the Fengshen Empire and confront Daqin directly.

But they didn't go far, and a larger group of insects and beasts were already waiting for them.

Meng Tian just teleported some of the insects to this side, first holding the army of all parties for some time, and then teleporting a large number of insects together.

Jianyin's faces were a little shocked, looking at the worm and beast in front of him that could not see the edge like the ocean, how could this Daqin have such a terrifying ability, and there are too many worms and beasts!


The tide of insects and beasts like the sea, with the momentum of destroying the world, rushed towards the army of all parties, as if nothing could resist.

This force makes the world begin to change color, the wind is surging, the sun and the moon are dull.

The armies of all parties have already formed a defensive formation, and the huge energy shields exude a powerful force, wrapping the armies.

Two extremely terrifying auras filled this place, making the temperature here seem to drop rapidly, and the countless creatures living here feel like ice and snow, their bodies are shaking uncontrollably, and their minds are greatly impacted.

bang bang bang...

There was a loud sound, and countless insects and beasts slammed into the defensive covers, and attacked the defensive covers frantically.

The parties also launched a counterattack.

Now they don't plan to keep their hands and attack this huge insect beast with all their strength, otherwise they may die under these insect beasts.

In the ancient sword sect, many disciples pointed their fingers at many insects and beasts, and countless sword qi emerged from their bodies. The sword qi of countless disciples condensed into a lake of sword qi, exuding an extremely fierce momentum, as if it could cut a stone. generally.


Countless sword qi shot out from the terrifying sword qi lake. The speed was very fast and it was extremely sharp. It cut open the body of each insect and beast, and blood spurted out.

Eight Yang Dragons. Many disciples exuded orange auras, and these auras gathered above them, forming light spheres one by one, exuding a huge masculine force that spread out.


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