The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2598 Forbidden Ball

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Volume 1 Chapter 45

bang bang bang...

The orange ball of light floating above quickly shot into the insects and beasts, causing a huge explosion, blasting many insects and beasts out, some bodies were blown open, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

In the Yinyou Dynasty, countless gray ghosts emerged from countless soldiers. These ghosts gathered in front of them, constantly condensed and changed, and an extremely large and cold force spread.

ah ah ah...

Countless howls emanated from the ghostly energy, and terrifying ghosts rushed out, quickly rushing towards the worms and numerous worms to fight, killing the worms one by one.

Ice Kingdom. The soldiers wearing ice-colored armor were constantly braving the cold air. These cold air condensed around them, and an icy force spread out, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the ground began to freeze.


That terrifying cold air surged toward the many insects and beasts like a tide, and instantly drowned them all. The insects and beasts were quickly frozen to death, and their bodies were covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

The power of all parties is also very terrifying, and they have used various powerful means to kill a large number of insects and beasts in less than a while, making the huge and ferocious aura emitted by the insects and beasts also rapidly declining.

Numerous insects and beasts are attacking those defensive covers frantically, and there have been some cracks in those defensive covers, but it will take some time to break them.

ooh ooh...

A loud dragon roar sounded, and the flying insect nest dragons flapped their wings and appeared in the sky, emitting a huge force.

boom boom boom...

In the next second, a huge beam of light was ejected from the mouths of countless flying insect nest dragons, with a force of destruction, and the speed was extremely fast as if it were shooting through everything. It shot at the defense covers of the countries, and the air shook.

bang bang bang...

The beams of light hit the shields, making a loud noise, and the light emitted by the shields also dimmed.

Countless insects and beasts also attacked the defensive cover more fiercely.


A shattering sound came out, the first defensive cover was broken, and countless insects and beasts rushed into it frantically. The brutal anger fought with those people, and powerful waves spread, blood splashed, and the sound of killing continued to sound.

bang bang bang...

Other defensive covers were also broken, and the armies of all parties officially fought against those insects and beasts, and the scene was also in chaos, with dead soldiers and insects covering the ground.

boom boom boom...

The parties did not hesitate, and released large creatures that they had cultivated, and the terrifying momentum spread like a tide.

The large creature of the ancient sword sect is a cow, the color is white, and a sword is inserted into the head. It's a giant monster, and the Icefield Kingdom is a white fox...

All kinds of huge creatures joined the battlefield to fiercely attack countless insects and beasts.

The sword bulls slammed into those insects and beasts with powerful strength, and they knocked out many insects and beasts at once, like sweeping away the gravel.

The huge monster of the Yinyou Dynasty stepped on the ground with one foot, and a huge force fell, and many insects and beasts were directly trampled to death with one foot. The foxes of the Icefield Kingdom also spit out countless cold air, and many insects and beasts were frozen in a large area. .

Countless insects and beasts still did not have any fear, attacking those large creatures like a tide, biting on those creatures one by one, tearing off a large piece of flesh, and many large creatures screamed.

Numerous flying insect nest dragons also attacked these large creatures in the sky, and one after another terrifying beams shot at them with terrifying power.

Because of such a huge number of insects and beasts, Zhao Fu has no way to control it. If there are people from Daqin here, they will also be attacked madly.

The flying insect nest dragon also possesses the power of insect beasts, and its identity is recognized by countless insect beasts, so it will not be attacked by insect beasts.

Daqin also sent 90% of the flying insects and dragons to this side to help the insects and beasts attack the armies of various countries.

However, the advantages of countless insect beasts and flying insect nest dragons are not very big. The soldiers and large creatures of all kingdoms are very powerful. Countless insect beasts have been killed, and the flying insect nest dragons have not been hurt much when they stay behind.

In the chaotic world, Alasna and many gods continued to attract a large number of insects and beasts, and many insects and beasts were continuously introduced into the channel.

This time, the teleportation array uses top-level space stones. There is no way to imprison the general confinement power. It takes a stronger confinement power to imprison the space and make the array invalid. The constant addition of insects and beasts can make up for the loss of the sea of ​​insects and beasts. quantity.

The two sides continued to fight continuously, and the number of dead and insects and beasts also continued to increase. The blood dyed the earth in various colors. At a glance, almost all of them were corpses.

At this time, the number of insects and beasts is slowly weakening, because Alasna has led all the insects and beasts in the vicinity into the passage, allowing them to enter the world of apocalypse and fight against various kingdoms.

There are almost no insects nearby. If you want to continue to attract insects, you have to go to a farther place, but this is very time-consuming. Even if you attract insects, the war may be over, so Alasna can only stop attracting insects. .

Many insects and beasts are not pouring in, and the number of the sea of ​​insects and beasts will naturally decrease, but they also help Daqin to severely damage the armies of various countries.

The battle is continuing, without the addition of other insects and beasts, the sea of ​​insects and beasts is getting smaller and smaller, and the advantages of the armies of all parties are getting bigger and bigger, and the armies of all parties are slightly relieved.

At this time, dozens of insect beasts quietly mixed into the insect beast crowd, and followed the insect beasts to the front of the army of all parties.

Metal balls three meters in size emerged from their bodies, emitting strong rays of light, and alchemy runes also emerged, giving people a feeling of extreme danger.

bang bang bang...

A loud bang erupted, and countless dazzling white rays of light spread out, and a force that destroyed the world spread out in an instant. The earth, stones, and vegetation collapsed in an instant, and countless soldiers and insects were also covered by the rays of light.

The earth trembled violently, a wave of air spread fiercely, the aura of destruction drowned everything like a tide, and countless sand and dust were brought into the sky, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

When all the fluctuations dissipated, more than forty huge pits appeared on the ground, surrounded by many rubble and wood, as well as the corpses of countless soldiers and insects.

The dozens of insect beasts were cultivated by Da Qin, and the reason for the explosion was that Zhao Fu used the forbidden ball from the alchemist.

This time, all the forbidden balls made by the Huo family are used here.

The effect is also extremely astonishing, mainly by surprise, causing nearly two billion casualties to the army of the kingdoms of all parties.

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