The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2613 Flower Order

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Volume One Chapter Sixty

Shui Mu nodded affirmatively.

Zhao Fu turned his head and said to the old man, "Thank you very much this time, we have to leave beforehand."

The old man smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, if you need anything in the future, just find me."

Because it is obvious that Zhao Fu's identity is not simple, the old man also wants to befriend Zhao Fu, and maybe Zhao Fu will be of great help in the future.

Afterwards, the three of Zhao Fu left the store and walked on the street. Zhao Fu asked, "Do you have that token?"

Shui Mu said with a smile, "Master, do you still remember the lake I was in? I got that token at the bottom of the lake. I didn't know what it was at the time. It looked like a treasure, so I followed the rules."

Zhao Fu showed a smile on his face, "Is that token still on you?"

Shui Mu smiled and replied, "Well, I'll give it to you now." Shui Mu took out the token and handed it to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took the token, which was exactly as the old man said, put it away first, and came to the wasteland far away from the Alliance City.

Although this piece of token is the same as what the old man said, it cannot be guaranteed to be 100%, so we need to try this piece of token to see if the treasure can be found.

Zhao Fu injected a powerful force into it, and the token floated in the palm of his hand, spinning quickly, emitting numerous white rays of light, and a map appeared in the air.

This map is the topographic map of this area, but the location of the treasure is not marked. Is there anything else needed?

When he was in doubt, a force in Zhao Fu poured into the token. It was the power of flowers in Zhao Fu's body. After the power of flowers poured into the map, a small flower bloomed somewhere. That should be where the treasure is.

This made Zhao Fu a little curious, how can the power of flowers make the treasure show its location? At first thought, this spiritual powerhouse may be related to flowers, so his treasure also needs to be found by people related to flowers.

Zhao Fu put away the token and quickly flew to that place with the three of them. It was in a secluded valley. Zhao Fu took out the token and injected a force into it at a time. The token shot a ray of light into the void. Among them, an exquisitely carved wooden door appeared.

Shui Mu said curiously, "Is this the treasure of the spiritual powerhouse?"

Zhao Fu looked at the wooden door above and replied, "Well, I don't know what treasures will be inside, and whether you choose to stay outside or go in with me?"

Shui Mu said worriedly, "Will it be very dangerous in the master? That is a treasure left by a strong spiritual realm."

Fengshensha chuckled and said, "You underestimate this guy too much. Even if he has obtained the inheritance of the immortals, the treasure left by such a spiritual powerhouse is nothing."

Shui Mu looked at Zhao Fu with wide eyes, the man in front of her had given her too much impact.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, he walked towards the wooden door, the other three followed behind.

Walking to the door, Zhao Fu gently pushed it, and countless rays of light shot out from behind the door, accompanied by a strong fragrance of flowers.

Several people from Zhao Fu walked into it, and came to a flower valley. There were various flowers growing everywhere. The sky was blue, the sun was warm, the breeze was gentle, and the birds and butterflies were dancing.

That spiritual powerhouse really has something to do with flowers. Looking at the flowers planted in the valley, that powerhouse should be a flower-loving person.

Everyone looked around and continued to walk forward.


A huge roar sounded, countless flowers radiated light, petals floated up, and then quickly gathered and changed, forming warriors condensed from flowers, exuding a powerful momentum.

Facing the appearance of so many flower warriors, Zhao Fu was not surprised, as these treasures and secret realms would definitely be protected by power.

Numerous flower warriors looked at Zhao Fu and the others, dragging the long knives formed by flowers, rushing towards Zhao Fu and the others, with many petals flying behind them.

The strength of these flower warriors is not weak, and their strength is extremely heavenly.

Facing the crowd of flower warriors rushing in, Zhao Fu did not panic at all. He stretched out a hand, and a huge force of flowers poured out, spreading out like a colorful light wave.

Countless flower warriors who rushed over were hit by light waves, and their bodies just turned into countless petals and spread out at that moment, without a trace of stagnation.

It wasn't that Zhao Fu was so powerful that he destroyed many flower warriors in an instant. The light wave didn't do any harm. It was because he felt that the power of the flower dissipated automatically.

Zhao Fu thought to himself, this treasure is the power of a flower, and the token needs to be used by someone who has the power of flowers. If the power of flowers is used, it will have a great effect, and Zhao Fu did not think of these flower warriors. When you meet the power of flowers, you will collapse.

Shui Mu said with a happy smile, "Master, you are amazing!"

Zhao Fu also showed a smile and continued to lead the crowd.

After walking for a while, everyone finally came to a loft. This loft has three floors and covers a large area. The main body is made of wood, and there are also some exquisite carvings. The loft looks exquisite and classical, and is now protected by a powerful enchantment. .

A flower two meters high grows in front of the attic door. This flower looks a bit like a sunflower, and the color of the flower is also golden. The center of the flower is a golden flower bud, with slender branches and relatively small leaves.

flowers emit

The golden light, the powerful barrier protecting the attic, was released by this flower.

Zhao Fu came to the flower, stretched out a hand, and injected a huge power into it. The flower absorbed Zhao Fu's power and emitted a stronger golden light, but the enchantment was stronger, and there was no disappear.

This made Zhao Fu's expression stunned, and he continued to inject the power of huge flowers into it. The enchantment did not continue to change, but this flower took the initiative to swallow the power of flowers in Zhao Fu's body.

Zhao Fu's expression changed, and he immediately wanted to withdraw his hand.

But the flower exuded a strong suction, grabbed Zhao Fu's hand, and devoured the power of the flower in Zhao Fu's body even more fiercely.

Zhao Fu's eyes exuded a coldness, and a powerful aura erupted directly, trying to forcibly break free.

"Wait, I need your strength to heal the injury." A woman's voice sounded in the attic.

Zhao Fu's face is surprised, does he need strength to heal his injuries? That spiritual powerhouse is not dead yet? Then she left this treasure to find someone with the power of flowers to heal her injuries?

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fu did not stop injecting power, but increased the power to inject into the flowers, and quietly injected some six desires and demonic energy into it.

That flower constantly absorbs Zhao Fu's power, and the people in the attic are also very surprised. The power of the flowers in Zhao Fu's body is too huge, and the power is extremely high.


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