The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2614 Apocalypse (unblocked and updated)

Remember-remember\\[end-ben-shen-station\\] input-input-address-address: w-w-w.w-a-n-b-e-n-t-x-t.c-o-m

Volume 1 Chapter 61

The time lasted for more than an hour, and the flower was not absorbing Zhao Fu's power, but kept shrinking, and then submerged into the ground. The powerful barrier protecting the attic also disappeared.

The door opened, and a mature woman with a beautiful face and long dark blue hair came out with a smile, "Thank you for your help, please come in!"

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu said, "You're welcome!" Several people walked into the attic.

The mature woman named Thrush eyebrows, sitting in the upper position, said with a smile, "Since you helped me, do you have anything you want? I can try my best to satisfy you and repay your kindness."

Zhao Fu sat on the chair next to him, but said rudely, "Then hand over all your things!"

Painting Gumei frowned, "Although you are helpful to me, Your Excellency, you are going too far, aren't you?"

Originally, Thrush Mei recovered a lot from her injuries in this secret area, and the absorption of Zhao Fu's huge flower power has made her half of her injury recovered. She intends to send some precious treasures to Zhao Fu to repay Zhao Fu for helping her. .

But Zhao Fu asked her to hand over everything, which she couldn't accept at all. Before she was grateful to Zhao Fu, now Zhao Fu is so greedy, which makes her a little disgusted.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "What's too much? If I help you, then you are mine, and your things are naturally mine. Am I taking my things too much?"


Thrush eyebrows glared at Zhao Fu angrily, exuding a huge aura from his body.

Zhao Fu was not afraid at all, instead he said with a smile, "Although you used to be a strong person in the spiritual realm, but now you are only an emperor in the heaven realm, what do you want to do to me?"

Thrush eyebrows said coldly, "I don't want to do anything to you, I can give you a few treasures in return, please leave after you get the things, you are not welcome here."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "I said it all, you are my person, and this place is my thing, why are you driving me away?"

Hua Gumei glared at Zhao Fu angrily. He had never seen such a shameless and domineering person before, and said, "Don't blame me for doing this."

Shui Mu looked at Thrush Mei's angry look and thought that Zhao Fu was not only doing this to her, but also to other people. He always liked to bully women.

Alasna looked at Thrush eyebrow, although she didn't know what Zhao Fu did, but with her understanding of Zhao Fu, Thrush eyebrow was going to suffer.

Fengshensha didn't have any fear, and looked at Thrush eyebrows with interest.

Zhao Fu stood up with a smile on his face and walked towards Thrush eyebrows.

Thrush eyebrows couldn't bear it anymore, raised a hand, countless petals formed an air current, and hit Zhao Fu with terrifying power.

Zhao Fu didn't have the slightest sense of defense and avoidance, and walked directly to Thrush eyebrows.

When he saw that the air current was about to attack Zhao Fu, his face turned crimson, his body was unable to lie down on the ground, and the air current also dissipated without harming Zhao Fu at all.

Thrush eyebrows said with an ugly face, "What have you done to me?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I said you were mine, do you think I would be so kind to help you?"

Thrush eyebrow said angrily, "You are so despicable."

Zhao Fu chuckled, ignoring the thrush, and stretched out a hand to take off the storage ring on her finger. Now Zhao Fu is more interested in her storage ring, because this time the purpose is for money.

Use the power to erase the power of the Thrush eyebrow left on the storage ring, and the consciousness enters the storage ring.

Thrush eyebrows could only watch there, extremely angry in his heart, and now he hated Zhao Fu, this despicable and shameless guy.

Zhao Fu entered the storage ring consciously, with a smile on his face. In addition to a large number of alliance gold coins, there are also many materials and treasures. The value is very amazing, enough for Zhao Fu to use it for a while.

You are welcome to put this storage ring belonging to Thrush eyebrows into his cloak, Zhao Fu looked at Thrush eyebrows with a smile, "Apart from the things in the storage ring, you don't have any other treasures? Give them all to me. come out."

Thrush Mei said angrily, "Don't dream!"

Zhao Fu looked at the thrush eyebrows. Zhao Fu didn't speak, and looked towards the stairs to the second floor. There are three floors in this attic. Zhao Fu was a little curious about the treasures on the other two floors. So he walked straight forward.

Thrush eyebrow immediately panicked, "Bastard! I can give you everything in the storage ring, you don't want to go up."

Hearing her words, Zhao Fu became more interested, and when he walked to the stairs, there was an enchantment to protect him.


Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and slapped the barrier with astonishing power. The barrier was directly smashed by Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu walked up the stairs on the second floor.

Came to the second floor and found a lot of things inside.

There is a magic circle on the ground, exuding a powerful force, and there are seeds in the air wrapped by the mask formed by the power of the magic circle. The number is very large, about 10,000 kinds. Aura, all are not ordinary seeds.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed a mask, checked the seeds inside the mask, and found that it was a kind of spiritual flower seed, so these seeds should be the seeds of flowers.

Originally thought there were some good things, but it turned out to be these flower seeds, Zhao Fu was a little disappointed, because these were of no use to Zhao Fu at all.

At this time, draw bone eyebrows

The color was red, and he strenuously walked up to the second floor. Seeing that Zhao Fu did not destroy those seeds, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at Thrush Brow, "Why are all these flower seeds on the second floor? Are there any other treasures?"

Thrush Mei snorted softly, "I spent my whole life collecting these seeds, they are my most precious treasure, and you bastard doesn't love flowers, how can you have such a huge power of flowers?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'll tell you later, what's on the third floor? Isn't it also the seeds of flowers?"

Thrush eyebrows said coldly, "That's right, the third layer is also the seeds of flowers, or seeds from the world of Apocalypse, and it's of no use to you."

"The flower seeds of the Apocalypse World?" Hearing this sentence, Zhao Fu remembered the rumors about her again. She escaped from the Apocalypse World with serious injuries and left behind such a treasure.

Zhao Fu smiled in surprise and said, "You are really brave, and you dare to go to the world of Apocalypse to collect flowers?"

Thrush Mei said angrily, "Don't worry about it!"

Zhao Fu smiled and walked towards the stairs to the third floor.

Thrush Mei said, "I've said it all, the third floor is also a flower seed, or a seed of the Apocalypse World. It's of no use to you at all. What are you doing up there?"

Zhao Fu said, "Just take a look!"

Zhao Fu went up to the third floor to see if it was as Huagumei said. If it was a flower seed, then Zhao Fu had no interest at all.

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