The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2637 three strong

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Volume 1 Chapter 84

The visitors are three beautiful women, one with long silver hair, looks somewhat similar to Zi Yan, tall and tall, one is dressed in a red dress, looks somewhat similar to Hong Yan, one has long ice-colored hair, a graceful figure, and a cold face. . .

The first time they came, they looked at Zi Yan and Hongyan.

Zi Yan and Hongyan looked at the three beautiful women and shouted happily, "Mother!"

Zhao Fu was not surprised by their identities, because it seemed that they knew their identities.

The beautiful woman in the red dress was called Hong Qian, and she said with a smile, "So you are all right! It made us worry for nothing."

Hongyan and Ziyan looked at the three beautiful women suspiciously.

The beautiful woman with long silver hair, named Twilight, smiled and said, "We heard that a great event has happened in this area. We were worried that you would be in danger, so we rushed to find you."

Hong Yan's beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fu, the shocking event in Zi Yue's mouth was the appearance of the son of chaos, and Zhao Fu was that son of chaos.

The ice-colored long-haired beautiful woman named Bing Qingqing asked, "Have you got that sword?"

The eyes of Hong Qian and Zi Yue also looked at Hong Yan Zi Yue.

Hongyan nodded and took out the sword, "This is that sword!"

Hong Qian took the sword and took a closer look, "Yes, this is the saber of the No. 1 powerhouse back then. With it, we can practice the last level of practice and open that treasure."

Zi Yue said with a smile, "Since we have the sword, let's go back!"

At this time, Bing looked at Zhao Fu and everyone and said, "Who are they?"

Hong Qian and Zi Yue realized that there were other people. Just now, they focused all their attention on their daughter and didn't care about Zhao Fu and everyone else.

Hongyan said shyly, "That is our man, the other few are his women, and the remaining two men are his followers."

Hong Qian looked stunned, "Is he your man?"

Hongyan nodded shyly.

Twilight looked at her daughter.

Zi Yan said, "He is also my man, and now we all belong to his women!"

Zi Yue frowned, "What's going on here, why did you go out and find a man?"

Hongyan and Ziyan looked at Zhao Fu, they couldn't say that Zhao Fu forcibly took them, and they didn't dare to say Zhao Fu's identity.

The three beautiful women looked at Zhao Fu coldly, and intuitively they thought that Zhao Fu had done something to their daughter, otherwise their daughter would not find a man.

Facing the gazes of the three beautiful women, Zhao Fu was not at all afraid. The main three beautiful women were only at the Emperor Heaven Realm. He smiled and said, "Your two daughters like me, so they are my women."

Zhao Fu was really brazen, he forcibly took Hong Yan and Zi Yan, but instead said that they fell in love with him, although the two women are now willing to be his women.

Zi Yue looked at Hongyan and the two, "Is what he said true? Tell me, if he dares to bully you, I will take care of him for you now."

Hongyan didn't want to fight with her mother and Zhao Fu, so she hurriedly said, "He treated us very well and didn't do anything to us."

Zi Yue was relieved, and then looked at Zhao Fu, "Who are you? Do you know the identity of my daughter?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I am! A small person, I also know your daughter's identity."

Zi Yue snorted coldly, "You are not only unworthy of my daughter, but you have so many women. I hope you will give a result."

Zhao Fu said, "What's the result?"

Zi Yue said coldly, "First, you give up other women to join our family, and we will give you glory and wealth. Second, leave here honestly now, and don't disturb our daughter in the future."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "What if I don't choose?"

Zi Yue said coldly, "Then don't blame us for being rude to you, and don't think that you are my daughter's man and I won't do anything to you. People like you are not worthy of my daughter's man."

Zi Yan knew Zhao Fu's identity and hurriedly said, "Mother, don't say that, I'm not worthy of him."

Hearing her daughter's rude words made Zi Yue a little angry, "Do you still know who you are? To say such a thing?"

Hongyan said, "We clearly know our identity, but our identity is really not worthy of him."

Although Hongyan and Ziyan are emperor-level forces, how can the emperor-level forces be?

These words made Hongyan's three beautiful women's expressions stunned. They looked at Zhao Fu, and Bing said softly, "Who the hell are you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You guys want to know? I'll tell you when you become my woman."

Bing said softly and angrily, "Presumptuous!"


The ice was released with a light palm, and a strong force mixed with the wind and snow slammed towards Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu smiled and waved his sword finger, bringing out a black sword light, severing the force and turning it into two cold currents.

Bing Qing's three beautiful women's expressions changed, and they shouted, "You are also in the Emperor Heaven Realm!"

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, with a hint of domineering and strong, "Well, didn't think of it?

Now I also give you two choices, the first is to become a woman who is willing to be me and serve me, and the second is to be a woman who is passive and serve me. "

Bing's face was slightly angry, "Don't think that you are also in the Emperor Tianjing and we will be afraid of you. The three of us will take action together and teach this arrogant guy a lesson!"

Hong Qian and Zi Yue were also angry, they didn't expect that Zhao Fu would dare to say such a thing to them.

Zi Yan and Hongyan hurriedly opened their mouths to stop him, but the three beautiful women had already attacked Zhao Fu, attacking Zhao Fu from three directions.

Alasna rolled her eyes at Zhao Fu, she knew Zhao Fu's hobby, and the others stepped aside.

With a faint smile, Zhao Fu stood where he was, without moving a step.

Bing gently slapped Zhao Fu from the front with a cold air. Zhao Fu turned his body to the side, easily dodging the blow, Hong Qian grabbed Zhao Fu from the left, and Zhao Fu grabbed her wrist. With one pull, he pulled her into his arms, and hugged Hongqian with one hand, causing Hongqian's face to blush.

Seeing this, Zi Yue was furious, she shot with all her strength, and punched Zhao Fu with a strong wind, as if it could shatter a mountain.


A dull voice came out, and that terrifying punch was easily caught by Zhao Fu with one hand, which made Zi Yue look stunned.


The surrounding temperature plummeted, and Bing gently hit Zhao Fu from behind Zhao Fu. Originally, she just wanted to teach Zhao Fu a lesson, but now she used all her strength to bring out a huge cold wind and hit Zhao Fu with one palm. past.

Zhao Fu did not dodge, but exuded a powerful force, forming a black dragon-patterned hood, which resisted the cold wind. l0ns3v3

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