The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2638 Treasure (unblocked and updated)

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Volume 1 Chapter 85

Zhao Fu grabbed Zi Yue's fist and pulled her body into his arms again. He hugged her with one hand, and she couldn't break free even if she struggled hard. .

At the same time, the golden pupil of the left eye turned, and many iron chains shot out from the void, gently binding the ice.

In just a moment, the three beautiful women were caught by Zhao Fu, and the strength gap between the two sides was so huge.

Zi Yue struggled angrily and said, "Bastard! Let me go."

Zhao Fu ignored her, and a stream of six desires and demonic energy poured into the bodies of the three beautiful women.

Hongyan and Ziyue begged, "Don't hurt their mother."

But Zhao Fu didn't hurt them either, and after staying here for a long time, Zhao Fu prepared to leave with a relaxed expression on his face.

Bing Qing, three beautiful women with ruddy faces, stared at Zhao Fu hatefully on the ground.

Hongyan and Ziyan were a little shy, they didn't expect such a thing to happen, the other women's expressions didn't change, as for Brother Lan Qingyuan watching the wind from a distance.

Zhao Fu looked at the three beautiful women and said with a smile, "Clean up, let's go to grab the grain from you!"

Bing said softly and coldly, "Why are you going to us to capture the valley?"

Hongyan said softly on the side, "Xianggong wants to go to seize the treasure in the valley to see if there is anything you need, and there is no other purpose."

Zi Yue said angrily, "He did the same to the two of you, right? How could he really treat this scum as his own man?"

Hongyan said embarrassedly, "Aunt Zi! Xianggong is so perfect, his status is even more noble, and we are very happy to be by his side, you can't resist, it's better to surrender to him, even if you insist, it's useless, Think about how you looked just now. ."

Zi Yue blushed and glared at Zhao Fu.

Hong Qian stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes, "Can you tell us who you are now?"

Zi Yan said with a smile, "He is the son of chaos!"

Hearing this, Zi Yue and the three looked shocked. Is this bastard in front of him the son of chaos who shocked the world of chaos?

Bing said gently and seriously, "Are you sure?"

Zi Yan said with a smile, "We were by his side when he caused the fluctuations, and the others arrived later, so of course we can be sure of his identity."

Bing said softly and coldly, "I also heard that this son of chaos is the savior of the chaos world, and he has to lead the chaos world to prosperity. I didn't expect such a person to be called the son of a bastard."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Whatever your name is, I like the three of you very much, just follow me in the future!"

Bing said softly, "Don't dream, we are all relatives, don't think that you are the son of chaos and we will surrender to you to please you."

Zhao Fu said with a nonchalant smile, "It's up to you, it's getting late, we'd better hurry up earlier, I still need to collect bronze fragments and insect blood?"

Bing gently but couldn't help but ask, "Why do you collect so many things?"

Zi Yan said with a smile, "He is not only the son of Chaos! He is also the inheritor of the first evil immortal, and the bronze fragments collected are the original artifact."

Bing Qing and the three of them showed shocked expressions at one time. They also knew the legend of the first evil immortal, but how terrifying would the first evil immortal and the Yuanyuan family be? The result is simply unimaginable.

Afterwards, after the girls packed up, Zhao Fu also called Brother Lan Qingyuan back and continued to fly in the direction of Duogu.

After traveling for more than a day, everyone from Zhao Fu also arrived at Duogu. As an emperor-level force, this Duogu is indeed very powerful. Its area is the size of more than 30 worlds, and its basic strength has reached the fourth level. Insect, there are several people at the peak of the Taoist realm.

Zhao Fu also learned about the identities of Bing Qing and several elders of Duo Gu. They had a high status in Duo Gu, but they were not the ones who controlled Duo Gu.

After entering the territory of Duogu, Zhao Fu asked, "Where is that treasure?"

The purpose of Zhao Fu coming here is that treasure, and he has no interest in other things.

Zi Yue glared at Zhao Fu, "Why are you in such a hurry? That treasure is not as easy to open as you think."

Zhao Fu asked, "You can tell me the specific information about that treasure."

Zi Yue said, "This is the treasure left by the number one powerhouse back then. It is located in the center of Duogu. To open this treasure, someone must break the three enchantments with a grabbing sword, and finally the treasure can be opened."

Zhao Fu frowned, "So complicated? What's in the treasure? If there isn't anything too precious, I can go!"

Now that Zhao Fu looks very complicated, he doesn't want to continue wasting time here, and after opening the treasure, there may not be what Zhao Fu wants, and Zhao Fu has a lot of things to do.

Bing snorted softly, "You hurry up, I also told you that the person holding the leadership sword must be a younger generation, and the strength must be very strong, otherwise the three enchantments cannot be broken, and the first one cannot be opened. The treasure of the strong."

Zhao Fu was a little unhappy, and gently pulled Bing into his arms and bullied him.

Bing gently blushed and said softly, "We don't know what's in it, but there should be an inheritance left by the first powerhouse, but it's of no use to you."

Zhao Fu has no interest at all, "Then go back and pack up and leave with me!"

Hongyan said, "Xianggong, you really don't want to open the treasure? Back then, the No. 1 powerhouse in Seizure collected a lot of treasures, among which there might be the Origin Artifact you were looking for. In addition to the Origin Artifact, you might get other useful ones. thing."

Having said this, Zhao Fu thought about it and finally made a decision, "Okay, I'll stay here for a while to see if your treasure can be opened."

Zi Yan said with a smile, "Then you have to watch our performance!"

Afterwards, everyone continued to advance all the way to a half-mountain, where a platform was built, surrounded by many stone pillars engraved with fighting patterns, and a stone gate three meters high and more than two meters wide stood on the platform. Treasure door.

In addition to these things, there are many soldiers who exude a powerful atmosphere standing guard around, all of them look serious and resolute.

When Zhao Fu and the others came to the platform, they were also stopped by these soldiers.

A leading soldier asked Bing Qingqing several people, "I don't know what the elders are doing here? Everyone is forbidden to enter here."

Bing said softly, "We got the sword, and now we have to open the treasure of the first powerhouse."

The soldier opened his mouth and said, "Please wait here, elders. This is a major matter that we cannot decide, and we need to report it to the upper level."

Ice nodded slightly.

The soldier left the place immediately, and after a while, the soldier said, "Several elders and other elders want you to come and hold a meeting."

The three of them thought about it gently and replied, "We know!"

Afterwards, Bingqing and the three of them went to the council, and Hongyan took Zhao Fu and the others to where they lived. l0ns3v3

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