The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2639 blood hair

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Volume 1 Chapter 86

More than an hour later, Bing Qing, Zi Yue, and Hong Qian came back. In addition to the three of them, there were three middle-aged men walking beside them, one tall and thin named Bai Lang, the other wearing purple clothes named Zi Xiao. Nong, a strong man named Red Core. .

Bing Qing said before that they all had men. This did not lie to Zhao Fu. The three men were their respective husbands.

Bai Lang walked into the room, looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Who are you?"

In order to avoid trouble, Zhao Fu said, "We are Hongyan's friends!"

Bai Lang said with a smile, "It's Hongyan's friend, so spend a few days in Duogu to see the customs of Duogu."

Zhao Fu responded with a smile.

Bing glared at Zhao Fu lightly and resentfully.

Honghe glanced at the girls with painted bone eyebrows, showing a smile of interest, but didn't say anything, because Hong Qian was still by his side.

Hongyan turned her face away, not daring to look at Zhao Fu.

They just regarded Zhao Fu and the others as Hongyan's ordinary friends, and they didn't care too much about Zhao Fu's departure.

Zhao Fu and the others stayed there temporarily.

At night, the twelfth moon radiated bright moonlight, and there were a few clouds in the dark blue sky.

The three beautiful women were lying in Zhao Fu's arms, their faces were ruddy, and they looked beautiful and moving, while the other women were on the other side. .

Zhao Fu looked at them and asked, "Why are you holding a parliament?"

Bing said softly, "The opening of the treasure this time is a major event in our harvest, so we need to prepare for a few days and gather all the younger generation to let them open the treasure."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, "Is that treasure so difficult to open?"

Bing replied softly, "Of course, that's the treasure left by the No. 1 powerhouse in Seokgu back then, and there is also his inheritance in it, and most geniuses can't open it."

Zhao Fu frowned, "The treasure may not be opened? How can I get things from the treasure with so many people gathered?"

Now things are developing beyond Zhao Fu's expectations. Not only the treasure may not be opened, but it may also be opened. So many people Zhao Fu can't get in, and it's impossible to break in directly. This place is someone else's place. Doing is courting death.

Hong Yan said softly, "Xiang Gong! If I open the treasure, I will bring out what you need."

Zi Yan also said, "Don't underestimate us. Although we can't compare with you, we are also famous geniuses in the nearby area."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I'll leave it to you then!"

There seems to be no other way now. They can only let Zi Yan and Hongyan see if there is anything Zhao Fu needs. If not, it will waste so much time. .

Hong Qian said softly, "You haven't said what will happen to our relationship next? It's not good to continue like this."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Why is it bad to continue like this?"

Bing said angrily, "You are a bastard!"

Zi Yuejiao said angrily, "We are all yours, this bastard. You still know how to bully us. If you don't solve this matter, you won't want to see our mother and daughter in the future."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "What can I do? After this matter is over, leave here with me!"

Bing Qing said with some reluctance, "We have been used to this place for so many years in Duogu, and our relatives and friends are also here."

Hongyan said, "Would we be sorry for our husband if we left like this? They used to treat us very well. We were their wives, but you were harmed by you, and I want to scold you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I will try my best to make up for them, and I promise that you won't be sad after leaving with me."

Hearing Zhao Fu's promise, the three beautiful women also felt relieved.

Day three.

Now Duogu is in a lot of fun. Everyone in Duogu knows about the opening of the treasure, and some people from other forces also come to join in the fun. I have also heard that whoever opens the treasure to get the inheritance may become the next generation of Duogu. host.

This made countless people in the Tuogu faction excited, and they all wanted to unlock that treasure and become the next generation of Dominators.

And this time, there are not too many restrictions on opening the treasure. As long as you have certain qualifications and certain strength, you can participate. It seems that the upper management of Duogu is worried that no one can open it, so the conditions are so relaxed.

Zhao Fu and Hongyan Ziyan walked towards the platform.

"Hongyan! I heard that you brought back the sword, but unfortunately you can't unlock the treasure. You have helped me a lot, thank you!" A woman with long black hair and a proud temperament appeared in front of everyone, smiling with a hint of sarcasm. said.

Hong Yan frowned, "Hei Lan'er! I don't want to talk to you, just walk away."

Zhao Fu looked at the woman in front of him with some doubts, "Who is she?"

Zi Yan explained angrily, "She is also an elder's daughter, she has some grievances with us, and goes against us everywhere, she hates it to death."

Hei Lan'er heard this, and snorted coldly, "If I become the next generation leader, I will let you know how powerful I am."

Zi Yan said without showing weakness, "Then when we become the next generation champion, you will be miserable!"


! If you still want to be the master, don't be delusional. "A man with short blood-colored hair and a muscular body walked over from the side with a manly arrogance.

The complexion of Zi Yan and the three changed.

The man with short blond hair was named Xue Changkong. He was the strongest among the Victory Valleys, the most talented, and his status was extremely noble.

Zi Yan snorted coldly, "Don't think Xue Changkong is yours, just try it later."

Xue Changkong smiled domineeringly and said, "Who else is there besides me to be the leader? When I become the leader, I want you all to come and serve me."

The three women were in a hurry, staring at Xue Changkong with angry faces.

At this time, Zhao Fu said lightly, "You may be disappointed, the two of them are now my women!"

Originally, Zhao Fu didn't want to cause any trouble, but when he heard Xue Changkong's words, he couldn't help it, because Hongyan and Ziyan were now his women, and this person dared to bully them in front of him.

The people present looked surprised, Hongyan and Ziyan were noble in Duogu, why did they become his women again?

Zi Yan hugged Zhao Fu with a smug smile and provocatively said, "Xue Changkong, let me tell you, although your talent is very good in Seizing the Valley, you are nothing compared to my husband!"

After hearing this, Xue Changkong was furious, "Then tell me who he is!"

Others also looked at Zhao Fu curiously, knowing that Zhao Fu's identity should be scary from Zi Yan's tone.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You don't have the right to know that!"

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that Zhao Fu was more arrogant than Xue Changkong, and he dared to say such a thing to Xue Changkong. l0ns3v3

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