The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2651 Moon Immortal

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Volume 1 Chapter 98

The person who received Zhao Fu was a woman wearing a silver dress with a holy temperament. She smiled and said, "What do the guests need?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I need a lot of blood essence, both from the worms and the Chaos tribe."

The woman was stunned for a moment. She had already heard the news of the Yaoming Merchant Group. She should pay attention to everyone who buys a large amount of blood essence. Even the Yaoming Merchant Group even monopolized the blood essence of some cities at any cost, which made them in December. Very unexpected, I don't understand the reason why the Yaoming Business Group did this.

Now facing a person who wants to buy a lot of blood essence, she also cares about Zhao Fu's identity, and said with a smile, "I don't know how many guests want?"

Zhao Fu replied, "As many as you want!"

The woman was surprised and asked tentatively, "I don't know what the guests want so much blood essence for?"

Zhao Fu frowned, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that Zhao Fu was a little unhappy, the woman quickly said with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just curious, now there are more than 5,000 kinds of worm blood in our store, 200 kinds of Chaos blood, and three kinds of king-level blood. Fourteen kinds, a total of 570 million gold coins."

Zhao Fu didn't want to stay in this place too long, so he threw a storage ring with gold coins to the woman, "I want it all!"

The woman took a look at the ring and said with a smile, "Guest, wait a moment, I'll prepare it for you right away."

Zhao Fu nodded and sat on the chair beside him and waited.

After the woman left the room, while collecting all kinds of blood essence, she passed on Zhao Fu's information. She was also a little curious about Zhao Fu's identity.

Ten minutes passed.

All kinds of blood essence have been collected, but the woman has not received any information about Zhao Fu's identity, which makes the woman even more curious about Zhao Fu. Logically speaking, they should be able to learn some information about Zhao Fu based on their abilities.

After thinking about it, the woman vaguely felt that the matter of the Yaoming Business Group was related to this person, but she was not sure, she took the collected blood essence back to the room, and handed the storage ring containing the blood essence to Zhao Fu, " This is what you need!"

Zhao Fu took the ring for a brief look, sighed, put the ring away and planned to leave.

The woman suddenly stopped Zhao Fu, "The little girl's name is Yue Wuchan, the person in charge of the December Merchant Group here, I want to get to know you."

Zhao Fu was stunned. He didn't expect Yue Wuchan to suddenly say this. He just passed by here to buy something and would leave immediately. He didn't intend to have anything to do with Yue Wuchan, and he felt that Yue Wuchan seemed to have some purpose.

Yue Wuchan saw Zhao Fu's thoughts and said with a smile, "Your Excellency should need a lot of blood essence, I can help you get more blood essence."

Zhao Fu was more moved by this point, and now he was worried about how to collect a large amount of blood essence. Zhao Fu did not rush to agree, but thought for a while, "Then what is your purpose?"

Yue Wuchan said with a smile, "There's no purpose, I'm just curious about you."

Zhao Fu thought about it and said, "We can be friends. I still need a lot of different types of blood essence. If you can help me get it, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Hearing this, Yue Wuchan chuckled and said, "I don't know what your name is? Your identity should be very noble, right?"

Zhao Fu said, "My name is Mo Ye, I can't tell you my identity."

Yue Wuchan understood that Zhao Fu's identity must be very honorable, and she would not suffer from a relationship with such a distinguished person, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter!"

Zhao Fu suddenly thought of the legend about December, and couldn't help but ask, "What level of blood is your December blood?"

Yue Wuchan said with a chuckle, "It's the emperor-level peak bloodline. If the twelve bloodlines are fused, it may reach the holy-level bloodline."

Holy bloodline?

Hearing this, Zhao Fu's face became serious. Saint-level bloodlines are generally in the semi-immortal world. It seems that there are hardly any saint-level bloodlines in this big world. Zhao Fu asked curiously, "Can you tell me about it? What about your moon blood?"

Yue Wuchan said with a smile, "Yes, our December Merchant Group is inherited from the ancient twelve Moon Immortals. The twelve Moon Lords who manage the business group have different bloodlines of the December Immortals, and this kind of bloodline contains the source of the moon. The power, extremely powerful, is the top power in the chaotic world."

"A woman with this kind of bloodline can fly to the moon if the power of the moon source in her body reaches the limit."

Zhao Fu was shocked when he heard these words, can he still fly to the moon? Zhao Fu had never thought about it, nor had he heard of anyone doing it, so he couldn't help asking, "Is this true? Can the power of Moon Origin reach the limit to ascend to the moon?"

Yue Wuchan said with a smile, "This must be true, isn't it strange to fly to the moon? Thirty-four of our December Merchants Group recorded people who flew to the moon."

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "Do you know what the moon looks like?"

Yue Wuchan replied, "You need a very high level of authority to view this information, but I heard it's a beautiful place."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu also wanted to have a chance to visit the moon in the future.

Yue Wuchan looked at Zhao Fu's thoughtful expression and asked, "Do you still want to know more information?"

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "Speak, I'll listen."

Yue Wuchan continued, "Flying up to the moon is not the end, the moon master needs to continue to practice on the moon and use the power of the moon to break his own limits, this is the source of the moon's power will flow in

In the body of the Moon Lord, the bloodline of the Moon Lord may be promoted to the holy level. "

Zhao Fu remembered Yue Wuchan's words, "Didn't you say before that it is possible to reach the holy level even if the twelve bloodlines are fused together?"

Yue Wuchan explained, "This is related to the December fairy that year, the relationship between the December fairy was extremely good, although they are not biological sisters, they are better than ordinary biological sisters. Live and practice together.

"There is a special relationship between the last twelve bloodlines, which can be fused together to form a bloodline with the power of the source of the twelve moons."

Zhao Fu interrupted Yue Wuchan at this time, "How did you get the power of Yueyuan?"

Hearing that the power of Yueyuan is so powerful, Zhao Fu is very interested in it and wants to get this kind of power.

Yue Wuchan thought for a moment, "Because the time is long, the records are not very clear. It seems that it was obtained from an aboriginal living on the moon."

"And there are people who live on the moon?" Zhao Fu asked unexpectedly.

Yue Wuchan nodded, "I heard that the moon was inhabited in ancient times, but I haven't heard of it now."

Zhao Fu asked, "How do the twelve types of moon blood fuse?"

Yue Wuchan said with a chuckle, "You won't pay attention to our Moon Lord's bloodline, will you? I told you that this is impossible, and the only person with this kind of bloodline can be a woman."

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