The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2652 Ascension to the Moon

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Volume 1 Chapter 99

"And the method of fusing the twelve kinds of moon blood is our secret. I have no way to tell you, and it is extremely difficult to integrate the twelve kinds of moon blood. In history, only two people have done it, and those two people have now become moon immortals. Fly into the fairyland."

Zhao Fu had heard that Moon Blood was very special and powerful. Now listening to Yue Wuchan's words, he wanted to know that if he was integrated into the bloodline of the first evil immortal, it would definitely increase the power of the first evil immortal.

Of course, Zhao Fu didn't say this outright, and said with a smile, "I'm just curious about your moon blood. Are there other things about moon blood? For example, breaking through to a holy bloodline on the moon."

Yue Wuchan said, "After the Moon Lord breaks through to the Saint-level bloodline, his body will undergo qualitative changes, and he will obtain the body of the moon. He will use the body of the moon to cultivate on the moon. If there is no accident, he will basically become a moon immortal. History The moon masters who ascended the moon became moon immortals."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Isn't the power of the December business group very terrifying? More than 30 immortals went to the Immortal Realm, but Zhao Fu heard that the December Merchant Group was not the strongest force besides the Alliance, ranking third among the major business groups, and fourth was the Yaoming Merchant Group.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu asked, "Your December business group has so many immortal-level existences, so it should be very powerful. Why is it like this now?"

Yue Wuchan sighed, "That was a long time ago. After the ascension of Yuexian, there was no contact with the business group. Now our twelve business groups have declined a lot compared to before, and none of the moon masters can fly to the moon, otherwise Our business group became much stronger in December."

Zhao Fu said, "I wonder if I can join your December business group?"

At this time, Zhao Fu had a plan to use the December business group to help him collect all kinds of blood, and by the way, get the twelve kinds of lunar blood.

Yue Wuchan couldn't help but said with a smile, "Giggle, did I hear it right?"

Zhao Fu said, "I'm serious, I want to join your December business group, I want to work for the twelve business group, can you introduce me?"

Yue Wuchan said, "No, firstly I don't know your identity, secondly we only met once, thirdly I don't believe you want to work for our December business group, I feel that you are fighting for the blood of the moon You must be very interested in moon blood by collecting so much blood essence.”

Zhao Fu couldn't refute her words. After thinking about it, he said, "Well, I want moon blood, but I can guarantee that I will not hurt the people of your business group, and I can give you a great opportunity afterward."

Yue Wuchan said, "What do you want to get Moon Blood? If you want to integrate into your body, then I advise you, Moon Blood is lethal poison when integrated into a man's body, and it is impossible for ordinary women to obtain the power of Moon Source through Moon Blood. "

She didn't know that Zhao Fu had the blood of the first evil immortal. He could use the blood of the first evil immortal to fuse the moon blood. The blood of the first evil immortal could be fused with the blood of the holy rank. There must be no problem with the peak emperor blood.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You don't need to worry about it, you just need to introduce me to the business group and I will give you a huge opportunity. Is this a fair deal?"

Yue Wuchan said with a smile, "I may be a little sorry, but I don't trust you very much right now. I don't even know who you are."

Zhao Fu was not surprised by what Yue Wuchan said, and said, "Tell you my identity, in fact, I am a holy son."

Saying that, Zhao Fu exudes a holy-level power from all over his body, and this power can subdue all things and surpass the heaven and earth.

This is the power changed through the blood of the first evil immortal. It was originally the power of Apocalypse Saint-level, but now it has become the power of Chaos Saint-level.

Feeling the holy-level power emanating from Zhao Fu's body, Yue Wuchan was shocked. She didn't expect that Zhao Fu's back was so terrifying. It was the first time she saw the Holy Son with her own eyes.

She didn't know that behind Zhao Fu was actually more terrifying. It was the son of Chaos who caused huge fluctuations outside.

Zhao Fu looked at Yue Wuchan and asked, "How is it? Will you agree to me?"

Yue Wuchan thought for a moment, "Sorry no, although you are a saint, I am worried that you will endanger the December business group. I can't betray the business group because of some benefits. If you are an ordinary person, I might be able to introduce you. , I didn't expect your identity to be so terrible."

Zhao Fu asked with certainty, "Is it really not possible?"

Yue Wuchan nodded affirmatively, "Holy Son, I'm really sorry, but although I can't recommend you, you can go to the headquarters of the December Merchant Group as you, and the Lord of December will welcome you very much. Obtaining Moon Blood directly in your hands is much simpler than joining a business group."

What she said was right, this method is indeed much easier, but Zhao Fu is not a real holy son, and there is no holy force behind him, so he has no confidence in his heart, even if the December Lord wants to kill him, he has no strength to resist.

It would be much safer to join through the referral method, and you can quietly obtain Moon Blood, which is more troublesome and takes a lot of time.

Which method to choose?

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Fu decided to take a risk and choose the method of dancing by the moon. If there is any accident, he can use the identity of the son of chaos. Although it can scare the other party, it is also extremely dangerous. .

There is another reason, the way of joining the business group is too time-consuming, Zhao Fu can't do other things because of this powerful moon blood.

Zhao Fu said, "Well, do as you say!"

Yue Wuchan also breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to offend Zhao Fu, so she just

It was a steward, Zhao Fu wanted to kill her, because of the status of the Holy Son, the Twelve Business Group would not say anything, and it was impossible to host a holy-level force for her.

Now it is also a very good thing. She introduced a holy son to their forces as a guest. The twelve business groups may make friends with the holy-level forces. This will be of great help to the twelve business groups, and he will also have great rewards. .

Yue Wuchan smiled, "Holy Son, please wait for a while, I will report this matter immediately."

Zhao Fu nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Yue Wuchan left the room with a smile, took out a jade token and was about to report the matter to the upper floors.

At this moment, a maid hurried in, "Steward! We just got the news, that person's identity may be terrible."

Yue Wuchan said with a happy smile, "I know his identity, and I will report him as a holy son right away. This time we have made a great contribution. If we find a holy son, we will have a great reward."

The servant goddess said anxiously, "He is not a holy son. He may be the son of chaos. The news we got is that everything the Yaoming business group does is for the son of chaos."

"What?" Yue Wuchan looked shocked.

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