The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2653 Holy Son

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Volume 1 Chapter 100

Yue Wuchan was extremely shocked. Originally, she thought that Zhao Fu was a holy son, but she did not expect that Zhao Fu might be the son of Chaos. This identity is a hundred times more terrifying than the holy son.

Is he really the son of chaos? This matter is too important, Yue Wuchan said, "You wait at the door first, I will report this matter immediately."

The maid nodded nervously.

The upper management of the twelve months business group received the news and was extremely shocked, and immediately reported the news to the twelve month master. turn up.

They also rushed to the alliance city at this time. This is the son of chaos who holds the power of the source of chaos. They really want to get the method of enhancing the power of the source from Zhao Fu. As a source family, it should be easy to improve,

The Lord of December doesn't have anything to want right now. His only pursuit is to ascend to the moon and stars.

Zhao Fu was originally waiting in the room, but he sensed that someone was guarding the door, and that person was still very nervous. Zhao Fu faintly felt that something was not right, and without much hesitation, Zhao Fu's body turned into countless tiny insects. Drilled into the ground and disappeared, leaving the place of the December Merchant Group first.

Although it is not clear what happened, what is certain is that Zhao Fu does not want to stay here and leave immediately.

Yue Wuchan was shocked when she learned that the December Lord would come here in person. She immediately returned to her room and tried to hold Zhao Fu back, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's that person?" Yue Wuchan asked hurriedly.

The maid who followed in was stunned, "I've been standing outside the door, and I haven't seen him leave here."

Yue Wuchan said in a hurry, "Send someone to look for him immediately, it is really possible that he is the son of chaos."

The maid left the room in a hurry.

A few days later, Zhao Fu returned to the place he had agreed with the girls, but Zhao Fu was surprised that only one group came back. Before, Zhao Fu had divided them into five groups, led by five emperors from the Heavenly Realm. Now Eight or nine days have passed, and something must have happened if they didn't come back.

The two people who came back were Bing Qing and Xue Feiyu.

Zhao Fu asked solemnly, "Why are you the only ones who came back, what happened to the others?"

Xue Feiyu said worriedly, "We don't know, you haven't come back for so long, we thought you had an accident too."

Zhao Fu remembered what happened when he bought blood in Alliance City, and asked, "Did anything happen when you bought blood? Does anyone pay special attention to you?"

Blood Flying Fish said, "We went to a big business group to buy blood and essence, and it did attract some people's attention, but we just bought a small amount to be careful, and then bought some in some small shops, about four Thousands of kinds!"

Zhao Fu said solemnly, "There must be something wrong with them. The news of my purchase of blood essence has been leaked, and many people want to use this method to find me."

Bing said softly and anxiously, "Let's find them quickly!"

Zhao Fu nodded, "I'll go alone, just wait here."

Bing gently hummed with the blood flying fish.

Zhao Fu turned into a streamer and flew in one direction. This team was the direction Zi Yue, Zi Yan, and Hei Lan'er left.

In a private room, the three daughters of Zi Yue are sitting in it, their faces are not good-looking.

Zi Yue said solemnly, "We have to find a way to get out of here. It's been so long now, and the others have already returned to their original places."

Zi Yan frowned, "Mother! This is the City Lord's Mansion, how can we get out of here now?"

Hei Lan'er snorted softly, "It's not your fault, I'm looking for trouble!"

Zi Yan shouted angrily, "I'm not looking for trouble? It's that bastard who molested me, shouldn't I resist? Oh! I see, you must be a woman who likes to be molested by others!"

Hei Lan'er also said angrily, "I'm not that kind of woman, only my husband has touched me now, and I'm telling the truth, didn't you cause this?"

The matter went back to two days ago. Zi Yue took the two of them to buy blood and was about to leave the Alliance City. A man who looked frivolous stopped them and said that Zi Yan should be his woman. He gets out.

This angered the man, and he suddenly jumped up and wanted to insult Zi Yan, but Zi Yan kicked him and flew out.

The man was the son of the city steward of the alliance, and he called his father directly. Seeing that his son was beaten, his father did not hesitate to teach Zi Yan a lesson. As Zi Yan's mother, she would definitely not watch her daughter get hurt. The two sides fought.

Afterwards, several other alliance city stewards came, and Zi Yue did not have Zhao Fu's strength and was suppressed by several stewards.

At a dangerous moment, Zi Yan shouted, "Don't hurt my mother, or you will die!"

This made several stewards stop and asked about the identities of Ziyue's three daughters. Ziyue said that she was from Duogu, and briefly explained what had just happened.

Originally, the few managers were unreasonable, and they were also a little afraid of Duogu's strength. On the one hand, in order to confirm their identities, let them pass the news to Duogu and let them come over to lead people. On the other hand, they also suppressed Duogu's arrogance, otherwise they would act as The stewards of Alliance City were humiliated and thought they were afraid of taking the grain.

Twilight didn't want this matter to spread to Duogu, so when she left Duogu, she planned to cut off contact with Duogu.

He didn't tell anyone else about his departure.

As a result, he was left in the City Lord's Mansion by several stewards.

The frivolous young man was begging in the room at this time, "Dad! I really like that woman, you can give her to me! It's been two days, I don't think they are the ones who grab the grain, they dare to do it in the alliance city. Breaking the rules should be punished."

The long-faced middle-aged man said, "Even if they are not the ones who grab the grain, but that beautiful woman's cultivation base has reached the Emperor Heaven Realm, people who can have this cultivation base are not ordinary people."

The frivolous man said, "What's the matter, there are so many Emperor Heaven Realms, Dad, you are a member of the Alliance, the one who dared to go against the Alliance, Dad, I see that the face has been dead for so long, it is better to accept that beautiful woman as your woman, I took the other two women."

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man was also a little moved when he thought of Zi Yue's beautiful appearance.

The frivolous man said with a smile, "Father! You are the steward of the seventh-level alliance city. It should be easy to get that beautiful woman. Trust me, she will surrender to you soon."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment, "Okay! I can give it a try, but son, after you get those two women, you have to be honest and don't make trouble everywhere."

The flirtatious man said with a smile, "I know dad!"

The middle-aged man and the frivolous man came to that room, and the frivolous man said with a smile, "It's been two days, you don't want to be locked here forever, right?"

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