The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2680 Innate Gods (unblocked and updated)

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.mianhuatang. Volume 1, Chapter 127

Xue Baimei regarded Zhao Fu as an innate god, and Zhao Fu didn't explain it. He smiled and said, "Go and prepare! I will also create a god statue."

Xue Baimei said with a smile, "Well, I will repay you well for the teacher at night."

Afterwards, Zhao Fu stayed in the room to condense his idol with fresh blood, and Xue Baimei ordered people to build a huge blood pool and capture all kinds of beast-like insects.

The news came.

A gentle-looking young man said with a look of surprise, "What? Can Lord Gorefiend solve the flaws of the Blood Demon Gate? This is too powerful!"

A tall and slender woman said with a happy smile, "I really like this Gorefiend so much. Not only is he so good-looking, but his abilities are so outstanding. If he can become the Lord of Blood Nagato, I will definitely support him."

A middle-aged man said calmly, "This Gorefiend is too surprising. Not only does he solve the problems of the Blood Poison Sect and the Blood Martial Sect, but now he has to solve the problem of the Blood Charm Sect. I admire him a little."

A beautiful woman said with a smile, "We Xue Nagato did not accept a disciple, but a lucky star. I also support him as the master of Xue Nagato."

A young man exclaimed excitedly, "I am a member of the Blood Demon Sect, and now I have obtained the Gorefiend spirit body. Lord Gorefiend is so kind to me. I am willing to follow Lord Gorefiend and will never betray. I love Gorefiend so much. Adults can win."

The other sect masters also found Xue Baimei.

Xue Shumen Sect Master Xue Shura asked, "Does he really have a way to solve the defects of Xue Mei Sect?"

Xue Baimei smiled and nodded, "He said this method can work, I believe it should."

The blood ghost gate owner said enviously, "Your blood charm gate has really picked up a treasure. When he solves the matter of your blood charm gate, also go to our blood gate gate to see."

Xue Xiao, the sect master of Xuezhongmen, said with a smile, "Everyone belongs to Xuechangmen and should help each other. My Xuezhongmen also welcomes him to come to my place."

Blood Shura nodded, "I also want to invite him to go there. We, as you know, Blood Brac Sect, also have a big flaw. It would be great if we could solve it."

Xue Qianyue, the most powerful Blood Immortal Sect Master, also put down his arrogant attitude, "I also want him to visit my Blood Immortal Sect."

Xue Baimei said with a smile, "No problem!"

Xue Baimei thought of something again, and said proudly, "Forgot to mention, he is still a congenital god."

Everyone was surprised.

Xue Qianyue asked with some uncertainty, "Is this true or false? I haven't heard about the innate gods for so many years, and I thought the innate gods had already disappeared into the chaotic world."

Xue Baimei chuckled and said, "This is of course true, he told me personally."

Xue Shura said in a deep voice, "If he is really a congenital god, then his identity is far more amazing than we imagined. You'd better find out his true identity as soon as possible."

Xue Baimei sighed, "I've tried several times, he doesn't want to tell me his true identity, we don't want to force him, he has helped us so much, we should be grateful to him, he doesn't want to say Never mind!"

Xue Qianyue said, "The key is that he has such a terrible identity, why did he come back to our Xue Nagato, what is his purpose?"

Everyone heard the words and became a little serious.

The blood poisonous woman said, "I think it's better not to continue to speculate. He also said that it will not endanger our blood Nagato. If he really offends him, it will be detrimental to the blood Nagato."

Xue Baimei also nodded, "We don't need to offend him in any way!"

After another day, the huge blood pool has been built, several kilometers wide and 100 meters deep. The ground is covered with a layer of blood jade, and there are four huge blood demon statues around the blood pool. , distributed in four directions.

Zhao Fu came to the medium at the bottom of the blood pool, squatted down and pressed one hand on the ground, a huge blood force spread out, and a huge blood-colored magic circle emerged, emitting countless blood-colored rays of light.

Then, Zhao Fu took out a statue. This statue was a man in a cloak, and it did not look like Zhao Fu.

After taking out the statue, Zhao Fu pressed the statue to the ground. The statue slowly merged into the blood-colored magic circle, and the blood-colored magic circle exuded a more powerful aura.


A loud bang sounded, and a blood-colored light beam with huge power went from the sky to the sky, and a huge cloaked figure slowly emerged from the sky, exuding a monstrous power, and countless people felt it in their hearts. Powerless, the soul wants to bow down reverently.

The blood ghost said in shock, "Is this the divine power of the Innate God Race? This kind of power makes me feel a little bit of fear."

Xue Qianyue said solemnly, "This kind of divine power does not want to be the innate chaotic divine power!"

Everyone looked at Xue Qianyue in surprise.

Xue Qianyue said solemnly, "When I was young, I followed the master to see the innate gods once, and I knew the divine power of the innate gods. I don't think this kind of divine power is the innate chaotic divine power."

Xue Wuzun asked, "Then doesn't he want to innate God Race?"

Xue Qianyue shook his head, "He may be dozens of times more terrifying than the Innate God Race, this divine power is dozens of times stronger than the Innate Chaos divine power, this kind of divine power is in the chaotic world.

The supreme divine power in the world. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this,

Xue Xiao swallowed, "Then who the hell is he, how can he possess such a power that none of us can touch?"

Zhao Fu's power of all gods is a combination of two levels of supreme divine power, which is stronger than ordinary supreme power. It is Zhao Fu's highest and strongest power.

Xue Baimei said, "Isn't he the son of Chaos in the legend?"

Blood Shura shook his head, "The Son of Chaos is the source family, and he should possess the pure power of the source of chaos. These are two different powers of the Supreme Divine Power. He should not be the son of Chaos, but I think his identity is no weaker than the source family. ."

Xue Qianyue said, "Well, I think so too. In the future, we Xue Nagato will try our best to please him and satisfy everything he wants, and we must not offend him."

The blood poisonous woman said, "If his identity is so terrible, this also explains why things we can't solve are very simple for him. It turns out that we are not people of the same level."

Xue Baimei said with a smile, "Now that I know some of his identity, I feel more at ease."

At this time, the huge figure dissipated, the surroundings began to recover, and everyone recovered from the shock.

Zhao Fu came to the front of many sect masters, and the eyes of many sect masters looking at Zhao Fu also became different.


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