The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2681 Blood Sword

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Volume One Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eighth

Zhao Fu came to the front of many sect masters and said, "Now you throw all kinds of insects and beasts you caught, and this blood pool will automatically give birth to blood spirits."

Xue Baimei smiled and nodded, ordering people to throw different insects and beasts into it.

These worms are in the shape of animals, such as cows, pigs, horses, tigers, lions and these worms, because it is best for blood spirits to use animal-shaped worms.

Countless worms and beasts were thrown into the blood pool and they were wrapped in countless blood-colored rays of light.

The huge god statue in the sky radiated countless divine lights, shining in the blood pool, the blood pool was constantly changing, rolling, boiling, and a roar was heard from the bottom, as if there were countless creatures howling at the bottom of the blood pool. .

A little time passed, the blood pool slowly calmed down, the howls disappeared, the idol disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Zhao Fu said, "Who was the first to step forward and drop his blood into the blood pool to sign a blood contract with the blood spirit?"

Xue Baimei said with a smile in anticipation, "As the head of Xuemei Sect, I'll give it a try."

Xue Baimei came to the blood pool, opened her fingers, and let a drop of blood drop into the blood pool. The bottom of the blood pool emitted a bloody light, and a fist-sized blood group slowly flew up and merged into the blood pool. in the beautiful body. .

Afterwards, Xue Baimei came to Zhao Fu and asked strangely, "Is this the blood spirit? It feels a little weird to have an extra thing in the body, and the strength is too weak."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You are powerful, the blood spirits you have cultivated are of course very weak. Originally, blood spirits were not very powerful when they were just born. They will grow with your growth and protect you and others. Strengthen your power."

Xue Baimei snorted, and then asked others to step forward and drop his own blood into the blood pool to obtain his own blood spirit.

Everyone got their own blood spirit, and their expressions were excited and excited, and they were not as disappointed as Xue Baimei.

The blood repair Roman said, "Can you go to my blood brake door and see?"

Zhao Fu's expression froze, "What's wrong?"

Xue Shura explained, "Our blood brake gate also has a disadvantage, because relying on killing to grow, it is easy to immerse in killing and change into a monster that can only kill. I wonder if you can solve this problem?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "Take me to see it!"

Blood Shura said with a smile, "Well, thank you."

The other sect masters also came to Xueshamen with curiosity, wanting to see if Zhao Fu could solve the problem of Xueshamen.

The people of Xueshamen gathered on the platform, many of them were black and pressed, all of them were bald, their faces were cold, and they exuded a murderous aura.

Zhao Fu felt a strong murderous aura, and said for a moment, "I think of a way!"

Xue Shura was overjoyed and said, "What can I do?"

The other sect masters also smiled. The problem of the blood brake sect was no problem for Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu said, "I will give you a blood sword from Xueshamen. This blood sword can suppress the killing intent in your body."

Xue Shura said, "The method of suppressing killing intent has been used by Xuesha Sect before, the first blood vessel's killing intent is too strong to be suppressed, and secondly, even if it is suppressed, it will suppress the growth rate of Xuesha Sect, which is not good for Xuesha Sect. development of the door."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I've already thought of this, and this method of mine will also help your bloody door grow.

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